
Even Pearl Davis Admits That The Source Of Evil, Comes From Women

By all means, Pearl Davis is no "Unicorn" and she is a lip-licking reptilian grifter like the rest of Most Women, nevertheless, she does illustrate the points about Women in how Women are absolutely doing nothing. Even when it comes to them containing Power, whereas of course, Men using power for some actual benefit, not just living for themselves like Women do. Her statement does serve, however, as a stepping stone towards the arrival that people will one day have to come to recognize, that Women are Evil because they serve as Vessel Containers for Demonic Entities. Naturally as such, even the actual being that developed the slave system we live under, is also of Female Origin.

Your Hatred Of Women Will Eventually Eclipse Your Desire To Have Sex With Them

Sooner or later, a Man's contempt for Women will eventually entirely surpass his desire for her along with Sex, because eventually you arrive at disgust, especially once you've had enough experiences with them, to have nothing but total repulsion of them. You'll know you've reached this point, because even the sound of a particular Woman's voice or her mannerisms, make you want to punch their face in. Especially once you realize that Women are a 100% waste of time. When those like myself and others say that Women are a waste of time, it's not that we are just saying it as a matter of speech or from a certain experience. We mean in every sense of the words, that she is a waste of time and will waste your time, and you end up realizing how nothing comes of it. When dealing with Women, everything about them is hollow and fake, you are dealing with a synthetic personality and everything about them. If you even hire a Woman on the job, you will also come to realize w

What Happens When You Become Possessed by Wim Hof and his Cult... These videos surely explain all!

Our "Semen Retention Queen" Is Having A Change Of Tone...

MagicMaya, is really so cringey, because it's so obvious how much of an actress she is, especially in how much she loves to pretend to enjoy the "Masculine". I also really hate her voice, it's so nagging and authoritative, nevertheless, you can tell from her voice that she herself is getting "nervous" because she is seeing her own future evaporate. It seems in recent weeks, she has changed her "Look" for the videos and has gotten rid of some of the obnoxious video distractions, and is getting quite bored with the Semen Retention subject. After all, how long can you keep talking about "Semen Retention"!? The subject matter is already cringey enough, but it also is one that suggests abstinence or not doing something. Imagine if I were to open a channel that I talked ALL and only about Saving Money and Not Spending it, it would not hold up after a while because not doing something, actually has a negative or null effect. But the thing is, ev

Even a Swedish Guy Admits Here That Women Ruin Everything!

 Truly amazed seeing something like this come out of Sweden these days! This guy gets it, outside of just having a little too much faith in Women, because Women don't care as much about Men in the way that he believes, and that cannot be changed, you cannot inspire them either.

Keira Lhotan's Latest Video Shows Exactly How Women Have Zero Empathy or Concern For Men

  You can also hear how much of a cope video it also is from her voice. But at the same time, she, like all Women, want Men to be concerned about their problems and the way they feel, and expect "you" to be the problem solver for them, even while solving your own problems. It just shows all that much more how Women do not care about technicalities and don't want to have to worry about a single thing or put in any effort. The fact that Women cannot even be bothered to entertain a problem, is actually a sign of Negative-orientation because it means they do not want to have to deal with something. Men are often more Positive-oriented, since when a Man is confronted with a problem, his first instinct is to fix it. But Women do not even have interest to even discuss things involved to fix anything either, because they are parasites and they just completely couldn't care less. I would argue, that a Man cannot even begin to find a way to make Women Happy, since first of all,

The Real Reason Why Women Are So Obsessed with Safety & Security In Our Times

Make no mistake ever, that Women know exactly what they are doing, and why they are doing it. It is not as if Women are realistically "unsafe" by any means these days, especially to the comparison of a Man, because Women have all the safety they could ever have and then some, and there is a ridiculous amount of redundant safety and protection that Women have in society these days. If anything, it is Men who need safety and protection, and systems that support them, because they have nothing anymore, and Women have destroyed anything that belongs to Men in his path. Women infiltrated even Men's gym spaces, All Men's clubs, and Women even discreetly throw items that Men own away that they hope for him to not notice until it's too late, out of spite. All Women ever do is Take and Destroy. The reason Women are trying to make Clarion calls for all the Safety and Protection they can get, is because they even can see that their own downfall is coming, and they have an in

Grizzle Grizzle - The Most Pathetic Cope Video / Internet Meme I've Ever Seen

  The whole "Grizzle Grizzle" Meme, just shows you to what whole new level Women have stooped too, as a species, and how out of touch with reality they are. In this video, under the comments, there are even girls who found it as an opportunity to speak about how they use their pets to feel out Men or how Men are now "competing" with all sorts of "animals", and Women are now pushing this trend lately which you may have heard about where they claim they would feel safer or prefer the presence of a "Grizzly Bear" in the woods over a Man. This is how childish Women really are. Women are truly disgusting, delusional creatures. And Manifestelle is one of the worst specimens, ever. I have run both Genetic Tests and Social Experiments on Asians, and I can tell you that Asians of all types, actually have one of the lowest forms of empathy, and also do not respond to stimuli of any kind, whether positive or negative, in the same that every other Race does

Men Don't Actually Like Being Providers / Why It Is Routinely Important To Remind Women That We Are Not Their Providers and Protectors.

Repetition is extremely powerful in its lasting effects, and it is always by Repetition that a thought becomes hammered into someone's mind, and leaves a marked presence that is enduring. It is important, more than ever, that Men go out of their way to remind Women, in a whole host of ways, that you are "NOT" The Money Tree, and to even explicitly explain it to them that the only reason they feel entitled to your Money or for you to pay for things, is because they grew up in this world being told that or only seeing that in their reality. But that doesn't mean it's the truth, or that somehow Women are completely free from responsibilities, including doing things for Men, and whereby Men end up on the receiving in. Also, looking to other animals for what they do. Animals also don't use Money and don't understand such concepts. Men who claim that they enjoy being Providers, are liars, or simply just do not have enough self-respect for themselves, or both. Th


It's about FUCKING time what has been needed to be said, is said! This song is so satisfying, to perfection! Down with the Christcels!