
Showing posts from December, 2023

RPG's 2024 Outlook For Germany [VIDEO]

Something That Humans Do Not Understand About Why "Things Are Different This Time"

Since most Humans are programmed as I said, to think in patterns and certain sequences, this naturally also gives them tendency to view things, especially "cyclically", and therefore they naturally believe that things will just eventually go back to the way things were once before, and thus they feel something eventually has to "give" or they bank on the idea that eventually some group of Humans, in the case of "Feminism", that Women will somehow awaken to what they've done. But, I can assure you that this "event" you are hoping for is not going to happen, not only not with the Feminists, but also that there will be no Global Awakening among Mankind, or any sort of scenario play out where eventually Mankind will "get it together", so-to-speak. There are many reasons for this, but since we Germans are very far ahead in many things we know about that Much of Mankind has been kept in the dark about, you all also have no idea what kind

What Proves You Are One Of Us, Versus Not One Of Us, Even If You Are Not A Prussian!?

No other Race on Earth except us Germans are as forward and frank about Matters in Life, down to the most intimate or trivial matters, and we even speak about the elimination of others as if it were just simply about choosing the next meal, or what we'd like to listen to for today's music. For Barbarians, this is a "big deal" and they will at least present an element of finding it humorous, if not utterly outright horrifying and scary in our approach to such matters of life and death. For us Germans, every single activity that we do, no matter how miniscule or grand, is always done with some sort of methodology applied, with numerous other facets that are put into consideration behind it, even if it means how and when we should shower for today or how something ought to be put together or made best use of. Barbarians despise this about us, but the French and Russians historically have largely tried to take opportunistic measures to emulate our measures in this regard.

The Lie About Only 40-60% Of Men Ever Having Reproduced

It's quite amazing that this talking point still circulates and is believed, without any true evidence for it, since the whole notion of it is designed to make Men believe that they are not entitled to a female partner. When one looks at the facts, the phenomenon of Men having lesser and lesser access or opportunity to reproduce, is something that is extremely new and only increases statistically, the younger the generation is. If you actually did your own research, which includes actual Concrete Research and also even asking around, you will find out that: 90% of Baby Booomer Men had Reproduced. 68% of Gen X Men had Reproduced. 40% (Approximate Figure) Millenial Men so far have Reproduced. So as you can see, this delusional notion that only 40% of Men have ever reproduced, was conveniently just tacked on mostly from the fact that the Millenial Generation is largely where that statistic lines up and holds absolutely true. What IS true however more than ever, is that a large set of

Helping Men To Understand The Female NPC's

I do believe that Many Men are coming to recognize how real and true the existence of NPC's are, and that this is not just some metaphoric reference. Human NPC's are basically cyborgs or robots. They have no original thoughts or thought processes, no imagination, no ability to self-reflect or to use autonomous thought processes like a Pure Human. Their thoughts are genetically programmed and also electro-magnetically induced into their brains through magnetic an frequency waves that issue thought implants that control them. Technology devices including Satellites are capable to broadcast signals or instructions that will be "received" by NPC's to respond in the way they do. This is why for example you are even seeing that Women NPC's (98%+) are absolutely not capable to adjust their behavior whatsoever or recognize how they are wrong or entitled but think they are in the right but that Men are in the wrong. The looks in their eyes, their cognitive response or

To Be Quite Honest, It Is Even Surprising Men Are Still Working & As Competent & Giving As They Are

Most Men have absolutely no idea that they are Slaves, or at least, because their value has been diminished by perspectives and indoctrination granted by Religions and Society at large, they have no understanding about how their life is basically a pile of dog shit, especially in comparison to Women, and this has even been true long before Feminism to some degree or another, since Men put their lives at risk constantly and take on the brunt of labors. But Men are absolutely foolish too, to not see it. It's not hard to see, if you pay attention, and also notice how you feel from struggle and stress, and also when you recognize how your life passes you by. The problem is, Men are conditioned to ignore these things and even their own senses, and to believe that they are simply never working hard enough, and that a Man is not a "Real Man" until he is worked to the bone and with broken hips and failing knees and a bad back once he hits his 30's or 40's at latest. But,

More Evidence Is Coming Out About The Lunacy Of Semen Retention And the article truly speaks for itself. Only Men who are utter fools and losers would fall for it, thinking they are somehow. Even dormant water in a pipe spigot that does not have the plumbing shifted on from time to time, will begin to develop rust sediment and affect the piping, if the faucet is not turned on enough to let the water flow freely. This is just common sense! You don't use it, you lose it. The Men who follow this stupid Semen Retention nonsense, and I honestly hate discussing it, but they will definitely have Enlarged Prostates, will also lose the malleability of the prostate in the process and suffer from all kinds of functional problems with the region along with ED. Risks for both Prostate and Testicular Cancer increase with it as well, and the Quality of Sperm Development will go down. Not changing one's semen out, is almost like not changing your oil regularly in your car

Another Warning About Women

It is going to become more glaringly obvious into the New Year, I strongly believe, just how over things are between Men and Women especially in the West, and I cannot stress enough how much you must watch out for your involvement or activities with Women. Women are going to go absolutely apeshit, even more than they already are, because the thing is there is still a part in their mind where they are anticipating a "turnaround" or that eventually they will be able to manipulate Men back into slavery and destruction, as if they haven't committed enough decimation and destruction of Men. But they are beginning to realize that something bigger is happening and that Men are not behaving or responding as they expected. I even see this out in public. I've stated many times before, that the Public Trust and Contract even for civilized behavior between Men and Women is longer over and done with, and an inevitable Gender Civil War, is imminent. The more this Civil War is put o

A "Freeloader" Accusing Everyone Else Of Being A Freeloader - Absolutely Priceless! Yes, Men... This is what it has come down too. Everything with Women is always about the Pot calling the Kettle "Black", even when the Kettle is Silver, and the Pot is Black. You see, Women do not like the fact that Men are coming to a serious awakening about Women, including the fact that the only thing that separates Men's understanding about Women being Bums or Mooches, or yes, even "Freeloaders" is this perception that Women are weak, vulnerable and need to protected and provided for. When you remove those Lens Filters, a Man inevitably sees them for what they are. A Total Bum and a Mooch, and they don't like this fact whatsoever. Here is a desperate old lady who is even seeing she cannot get her way and is going "broke", but recognizes that no amount of manipulation is working on Men anymore like it used to, and in fact, barely at all. It's funny how she claims how Men are "Entitled", w

How The Drive To Promote Men To Wear Baggy & Unflattering Clothing Is Used To Lower His Standing In Society And Amongst Women

Too Many Men are very busy with work and other matters these days to give much thought to it, and then there are the Religious, especially Christianity specifically, however, along with other Social Taboos that revolve around Shaming Men for how they dress, and making improper associations. The fact of the matter though, as I have discussed in the past, is that most of Men's Clothing or what is deemed "socially acceptable" for a Man to wear, correlates with his level of being a Conformist and a Slave, and also to make his look unflattering so that Women are less "enticed", even though in Nature, Women actually approach Men since they are the selectors. A Man becomes more powerful based on being properly dressed and how he presents himself, rather than becoming some CEO or Top Official, whereby you have to prove yourself but actually have no control over your tenure or future. There are Men even as Leaders, however, who are so powerful based on their appearance,

Don't Envy The Victors Who Will Replace The West

The Fall of the West will be an unprecedented event in the course of world history. We are watching it right now before our very eyes, but most people are still in disbelief and horror enough for it to yet register. They have lived such comfortable, relatively stable lives since World War II. What the biggest shock and inability to grasp with this reality will be is the day that Western people discover that there will be no Renaissance, nor a Revolution and not even a Revolt or any possible exit from their coming fall and plight. They will lose absolutely everything. The West is a total joke, everything about it, even down its Food and Women, some of the most very essential aspects to Life. The West will never, ever rise again, it is finished. This is the will of the Western People, who decided this, not just its leaders. The West is so far gone at this point, that you could have a group or nation of Western people who all agree to somehow attempt to rescue it or agree to keep it alive

Don't Give Women Any Money. Starve Them.

The Gender War Marches on, and this War is far from over. It will not just go away or go unresolved. You should well know that by now. Men Must Vote with their wallets, and that means entirely shunning Women out of the money world 100% and doing absolutely nothing for them. They do nothing for you, and aren't having an scruples about that all day long. Women have what's coming to them, and I assure you that it's coming for them very soon, and when it does arrive, it will come at breakneck speed, all at once for them. There is no reason to feel any guilt or remorse for having disgust and loathe toward them, remember at all times that they deserve it, and that they are actually sore, miserable losers deep down inside, who only appear otherwise because Money, Governments, Institutions and Simps constantly prop them up so as to not appear that way. Soon you will see them how they really are, and you will see a day when they walk around like the bums they are. Women are Mastermi

Most of the Damage To The West had been completed between the period of the 1940's and the 1970's-1980's.

Something many of you will come to understand, if not read about in future years of existence if you are still alive, if you will find yourself astonished and disturbed with how just how far gone the West has been in truth, for a very long time. 1945 really finished off the West entirely, even though by the time of 1918 with the loss of World War I, it ultimately disrupted the course of Europe and made it become terminally ill. Both World Wars, are German Holy Wars, while these Wars are not Holy Wars to Barbarians, but merely just "World Wars" to the rest of the world, you will understand the nature of what a Holy War really is. In the future, you will understand more about this as the West ultimately collapses. But what you must understand is that the combination of destroying the West Politically, Economically and otherwise, and also along with the Kalergi Plan, had largely been fully in place and executed by that time, and it is why I also tell you that the majority of the

My Own Regrets With Women

I would like to even confess some of my own Personal Regrets with Women, especially since over time, you may feel that as a Man that you will have more regret over not being as pursuant over Women, but... If anything, I find over time, that I regret most of the time, energies and money I had spent in my life, that had anything to do involving them. Keep in mind, I have always been very cheap with Women too, unlike Most Men. But to be honest, you do not realize until later just how much of a drag and waste of time they really are in life. Out of 100% of the time I dedicated, only about 10% of the time was ever involved in anything worthwhile, but even still, when it's over, it's done and gone, and it's like it never happened. When Women attempt to ruin your life, and they will do it to you sooner or later, they can keep a Man wallowing in misery for Months and Months, even Years, because of the damage they inflict. Women, as a rule, generally do not fall in Love with Men, an