More Evidence Is Coming Out About The Lunacy Of Semen Retention

And the article truly speaks for itself. Only Men who are utter fools and losers would fall for it, thinking they are somehow.

Even dormant water in a pipe spigot that does not have the plumbing shifted on from time to time, will begin to develop rust sediment and affect the piping, if the faucet is not turned on enough to let the water flow freely.

This is just common sense!

You don't use it, you lose it.

The Men who follow this stupid Semen Retention nonsense, and I honestly hate discussing it, but they will definitely have Enlarged Prostates, will also lose the malleability of the prostate in the process and suffer from all kinds of functional problems with the region along with ED.

Risks for both Prostate and Testicular Cancer increase with it as well, and the Quality of Sperm Development will go down.

Not changing one's semen out, is almost like not changing your oil regularly in your car or lawnmowers and what not, it's disgusting, and it will corrode the internal parts.

There is absolutely no doubt about all this.

Not to mention the severe psychological effects by Making Men more aggressive, compulsive, impulsive and neurotic by this practice. It is also making Men delusional and schizophrenic.

Deprivation of anything, even food, sleep, or other things, can begin to cause someone to emulate schizophrenic traits.

The same thing is true when someone starts "fasting" feeling so-called feelings of "Euphoria" from the fast.

In addition, they have these same Loser Men trying to practice "Stoicism".

What Clowns!

Some level of Science research has been done on the subject, and it's most ideal that Semen is "spilled" at least every other day or so, but that Semen that has not been replaced in a 21-day period will be absolutely rancid and that regularly going that long will have detrimental effects to a Man's health later in life.

All Men who practice Semen Retention Are Absolute Pathetic Losers, and I'm so tired of their nonsense about it.

Many Men in this world are total losers because they are weak in their Masculinity.

This also has to do with Men who fear liking or being obsessed with girls Asses, thinking it might "make them gay" to want to bend a girl over or if he likes ass too much.

Or at least I only see this phenomenon typically with White Men, especially Christian White Men.

Ironically, it's more likely that you are gay if you have no interest and arousal / attraction to a Woman's ass and want nothing to do with it.

Negroes and other races mostly do not have these mental hangups, so again, another stupid practice based on superstitious beliefs, and it is yet another item that can be added to the list of why the Caucasian Race is failing.

If you do not get aroused at the sight of a Woman's ass and have hangups about anything Anal, this means you have Low Testosterone as a Man and something seriously is messed up with your Biochemistry and also due to Brainwashing.

I mean, really think about it. You have to be some REALLY, REALLY SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID to be willing to ignore your bodies urges, or to think these urges are bad.

Such as hunger, or the need to seek warmth, or sexual desires and so forth.

You have to be ultimately out of your mind to think that suppressing them is in any way healthy or beneficial.

There has never been a link with Excessive Masturbation / Watching Porn with ED.

These are all Old Wives Tales.

Men who play Video Games, Particularly Grown Men, also are Absolute Losers.

If you smoke marijuana as well, that also makes you a loser.

Real Men don't do these sorts of things. Real Men also do not hold in their emotions.

They lash out, they reprimand others, get angry and get nasty.

Only a pussy keeps his emotions inside and chalks it all up, "Like A Man" LOL.

What it tells me about a Man for any Men who engage in any of these practices whatsoever, is it means that you are a True Glutton for Punishment, which means you are a Masochist, and already have a tendency to be a Doormat in a relationship with girls.


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