
Showing posts from February, 2024

Jesus Christ's "Return", God, Evolution, Heaven and Hell... Traps To Keep You Believing In Hope, Faith, Here and Now

If you really understood the truth about the Creation of the Human Beings, and this Universe, you would understand very well why these very Hypnotic religions like Christianity and a story line about someone named "Jesus" and how he would one day "return", and all kinds of stories, including Evolutionary Beliefs, are designed to perpetually keep Humans under a spell. This religion also constantly makes claims that when Bad or Inconvenient things happen in your life, that "God is testing you / Wants to know your level of faith in him." What they do not want Humans to know, is how and why they have a symbiotic relationship with us, and also the fact that they depend on Humans for their own ability to "thrive", but particularly the Humans with Divine Spark. The rest they just use as slaves and for harvesting. This "spell" they keep Humans under, is by design a method of programming and hypnosis, because without this, Humans would probably

Proof which Courtney Ryan even demonstrates that what they like in a Man's Leadership, is not based on True Attraction As I've been explaining in many different contexts lately, never trust or judge what a Woman says based on what is considered "Attractive", "Sexy" or makes a Man desirable, particularly when it comes to a Man's ability to Lead or his Strength. They don't admire these things in you because of your talent or skill, it's just because they love the idea that they don't need to think or make efforts and do any work. The same women, will also not do any work in the bedroom either but expect you to do it all, and fake an orgasm for you. Women spend their lives acting like this, to "get by" and "save face" in every social situation and participation in life. CALLOUS / DRY HANDS... Do you honestly think a girl would want to have her body and breasts caressed and to be "fingered" by dry, callous and cracked hands? Think about that one... You're being gaslighted to the highest deg

If You Own Any Kind Of License, Permit or Insurance, You Are Automatically A Slave Of The Matrix - Without Exception

Smart People in this world, despite the sophistication of our modern civilizations, do not own Licenses of any kind in their lives. Whether it be a License for your profession, or to run a business, or to operate certain types of equipment. Most people in this life, without question from the time they are born and go through childhood, simply follow all the songs and dances they were taught in life to obey and abide by, without realizing the slavery they were sold into. If you open a Mortgage ever in your life, you become a slave, at least during the entire years of that Mortgage's length. Even if it was the only way you could ever afford a house. Better yet, a society ought to question why things have established such a point with low affordability in society that they actually need to even take out mortgages and pay interest to even be able to "afford" a house, or even a loan for a car or what have you. You want to open a Business and purchase a Business License!? LOL,

The Disgusting Lack Of Loyalty In Modern Men (Rant)

I am addressing this subject yet once again, because of the apparent lack of loyalty there are among Today's Men, particularly younger Men, especially for the sake of other Men, because of simping and caving towards other Women. For us Germans, Loyalty is something that runs deep in our blood, and betrayal shall be met with nothing but torture and malice. I find absolute disgust what today's younger generations of Men will do, all to pander towards a Woman, especially a Woman who commits infidelity and other atrocities, and yet still will "wait in line" in hopes to get her, and rarely do most Men ever get them anyways. This desperation of these Men are absolutely SICK and PATHOLOGICAL. These same Men will throw desperate wads of cash towards these Women to pay for their food, rent, bills or children. These Men are absolutely irrational bastards! Nothing but FILTHY BELLY BUTTON LINT that needs to be tossed in the garbage. In older times, Men would follow principles and

Don't Ever Expect That You Will See A Day That Women "Wake Up" Or Begin Defending Men Legitimately

That day will never arrive, and for reasons I will get into much more in a future post. But XX chromosomes are a container, not designed to have empathy or concern for container types with one Y chromosome. Look at Women around you, and notice that they never do anything for Men or take Men into consideration ever on any level. Women don't notice or think much about what goes on in a Man's life, and this is part of the genetic alteration of the Human Species, since Humans are a species being used as a Slave Race. There is nothing "good" or "evolutionary" for these traits. Women are nothing more than a Container Vessel for some many Demonic spirits to get their way, all under the guise of being "weak", "disadvantaged" and "vulnerable", even though they exude strength and have all the advantages. Even as bad as things will get, no matter how desperate the situation even gets for Women in coming days, you will not see Women budge e

There Will Be MANY More Waves of Backlashes Against Women Coming

As I've stated, Women have barely even felt 1% of the suffering and decline to come for what they will soon have to endure. Some suggest that these Women may turn to prostitution, but in the Western Capitalist countries, I do not see this being as feasible as is thought typically during the previous fall of former great civilizations. Most Western Women have unbelievable amounts of STD's and smelly genitals, along with the fact that the level of Starvation and Survival Necessities for Men, especially with how much Women have done Damage to Men and Society, Men will rarely even be able to tend to the "moment" with how dire conditions will get, for the most part. In times past, Women were not as involved or powerful in the elemental destruction of society as they are today, and that also de-incentivizes Men from having further involvement for them. I also have explained about a biochemical / physiological change that occurs in Males, in previous entries, by which the Ma

Stop Falling For Ideological Nonsense About Being "Alone" There are so many of these channels around lately promoting being "Alone" or "Without Friends" and even "Without Family" such as in this case, to be a "positive" thing or even absurdly as a "Superpower". The only people I seem to find who believe in this bullshit, are almost always exclusively Millenials and Gen Z. And they will always tout their defense by the standpoint of "Having No Company Is Better Than Bad Company". While that statement is of course true, it does not automatically make or elevate "Having No Company" to a level of suddenly become a positive thing, or seeing the "grass as greener" or maybe the "glass half full, rather than half empty". This is a really twisted mentality, and it's actually nothing more than a major form of "Cope", and these individuals tend to automatically be self-destructive because they are medicating

My Advice To You? Quit Playing The Game Of Life

It used to be that there were enough rewards in this life or something to rejuvenate you to make you resilient enough and motivated to still function through whatever life has handed you. But I'm here to tell you that it's pretty much now gone. It began dying after 1945, but I would say the last fumes of it existed between 2008-2016 by some stretch, but it still hasn't been good for awhile. Somewhere between this time, anything worth living to experience, even a really good concert, has mostly been lost. People also do not talk the same anywhere in the world. Conversations are more shallow than ever, robotic, glib and cut-throat. Most people are living in Auto-Pilot and living in a Meme mindset. Go to see a new music concert somewhere today, the energy is not there like it used to be and the performers are aging. It was only good on a relative basis, because after WW2, Humans become far more materialistic and shallow and the process whereby only the most wretched specimens

It's said that even in Germany, the Seagulls are just as obedient, even during "Corona Times"...


Remarks from Dr. John Koury about Women's Promiscuity and exactly what happens when Women lose their virginity.

 " If a woman has even one premarital sexual partner she will not be able to be happy in any relationship. I have spoken with over 50 older women who have been married for over 30+ years to the same man who are happy and were pure when they were married...They back all these findings.... I am an M.D. PhD and I have been in transplant medicine and endocrine research for more time than not. I have explained this before but I will be happy to do it again. Sperm in a female body (whether from oral, anal or vaginal) finds it way to soft tissue. It seems to have a high affinity for the soft tissue behind the eyes. When it enters the tissue it starts a cascade of events starting with immunological changes so that the female can carry this man's fetus without rejecting it. It also has effects on the girl's personality making her more like this man to make interactions and communication better and stronger. It also makes her more submissive to this man and research has shown that s

Even Ozzy Osbourne doesn't understand Tavistock Language like "Based" A Rock Legend as him, even is not part of this "Modern" society with the high levels of degeneracy that now exists, which makes the degeneracy of Ozzy's era seem like cake. This goes to show you why this slang along with "Ebonics" does not slide or ever become acceptable in mainstream society, and this is concrete proof of what I'm talking about where this type of language is all from the Internet and people who are raised behind "screens" and who are anti-social. Normal people don't use this language, or the Ebonics either with the new word I constantly hear "cap". Makes it sound like it a slang for "limit", how the hell am I or anyone supposed to know what that means? Same thing with all the other terms like Red-pill, Chad, THOTs, and all these other terms. Nobody who uses this language will ever be taken seriously, and likely doesn't get out of the house much but exists as a

My Response to Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen's Video About the Dehumanizing of Russians. Some many know that I find this man Bjorn to not be wholly authentic or earnest in ambitions, as he has a track record of being far behind the times, and quick to fall into stereotypical "Viking" weaknesses, of course that can only expected of him, but nevertheless, he posted a controversial video, and while he is certainly correct in his statements, I question why he posts this now of all times, since it was obvious from the beginning of the War in Ukraine in 2022, that the US/NATO et al had dehumanized Russians. I can answer this from the standpoint of a German, and particularly a "Prussian" response to our relationship and history with Russia. As most may know, Teutonic relations with Russia has for centuries been turbulent and always shifting on both sides between us and the Slavic rival of the East. However, Russia is a very difficult country not only for its leader to manage, but also to be managed by an E

Don't Trust A Lot Of Men Who've Claimed They Were "Lucky" In Landing Their So-Called Perfect Girlfriend / Wives

My response about disingenuous Men, such as the following channel videos: While it would be to their credit in being honest and forthcoming, you must take it with a dose of suspicion when you hear about Happy Men with their girlfriends or wives who claim they had "lucked out" in meeting their significant other, especially if they are particularly under the age of 70 years old or so, around these times we live in. It is important to understand that the Standards of Most Modern Men today is far different and much lower compared to times past of Men who had even greater  requirements  and demands upon Women and what made for a Quality of Wife, and had a more seasoned understanding and experience with such Matters. For example, many Modern Men consider the "p

All The Years Of What Americans and Europeans Have Done In Exalting Women, Will Come Back To Bite Them

Most Races in the world have always been quite content with their Patriarchal Systems and whereby the Men rule everything and own their Women as Property, and never Elevate the Women in society. All of the Experimentations and Ambitions of changing this, absolutely have come out of European Lands, regrettably. Most of it comes from the influences of Chivalry, but also with certain sects of Paganism and Christian and of course the Capitalist Influences who have been largely been behind Female Empowerment, Feminism and Liberation of Women and even to the point of Empowering them over Men, and in the process of Emasculating other Men and leading other Men to ruin. This is a Tradition that comes from these people. We Prussians had always opposed it, and we believe that only Effeminate Men believe in "Liberating" Women or putting them on a pedestal, especially in a most UNNATURAL manner. We are worse than Arabs, in our views and treatment towards Women, admittedly, because we are