
Showing posts from April, 2024

Kanonenfieber - Der Füsilier I - Critiquing Black and Death Metal In General

  Der Füsilier I is one of my favorite songs by them, and I can't get it out of my head either, granted, I still love every song of theirs, and the others are also stuck in my head too! I can't decide! But this one I am listening to a lot. What's super cool with this band too, is they seem to have everything done so well! Even down to their Band's Logo and the Album Artwork which is phenomenal. The way their music videos are done are also astonishing, I mean look at how this is done with such perfection and even seamlessly integrating WWI history into it! Another thing too, is that I almost never find a Black Metal or Death Metal band of where I can find one album of theirs in which I actually like EVERY song on the album. Usually there will only be 1 or 2, I'm lucky if there are at least 5 songs I'll like. When I find albums by an artist that I instantly like every song on their album, it becomes a special treasure to me and holds a special place in my life and

Rants / Updates Of the last few days.

\So, the last few days, I was really in a bad state from the lingering shock factor and upset from the event getting canceled, and also that I lost some money from it, but I did recoup some of the amounts. But this was an event I've been wanting to do in my life more than anything and it only comes around sporadically and soon may not again, with the way things are going especially, so I had become really bummed out on, and it even affected me as much as bringing back the trauma experiences of Exes who had "change of heart" or wasted my time and especially from booking trips and other nonsense they created for me. It triggered all the same symptoms and problems, and I realize how much less tolerant I've become of anything that can even remotely disappoint. I lost a lot of sleep and went on an eating binge from the event getting canceled, just as I had with the exes, but my sleep is getting back to normal now and I'm mostly over it but still won't be fulfilled

The Scots-Irish "Ulster Scots" Are Pathological Liars, Keira Lhotan as a pure example.

  It is amazing because she tries to claim she is 25% Italian, and somehow equates that to "Mostly Italian", which it's not! This is how pathological liars think and justify things, and so they don't even see how they contradict themselves even in light of the facts or even a statistic! She is coping so hard, and DESPERATELY wishes she were Italian. There is no Italian DNA in her, and if anything, it's more likely her own ancestors if they do have any Ancestral Test that was traced to Italy, that it belongs to the former "Celtic Europe" from Celtic settlements in the Italian Peninsula, whom are not actually of Roman Ancestry, but are of Celtic extraction. The Ulster-Scots are perpetual liars, and even the English know this about them. They are known for claiming they are of all kinds of ethnicities that they are not, but they love to gravitate to Italians, because they copy-cat Italian styles from sometimes intermarrying within those families, but she do

Negativity Bias Explained

Image I came across this Poll earlier today, and what I found fascinating but also disappointing, yet not surprising, is the level of Coping and Denial in so many of the Comments by people, however, there were a sizable amount of others who recognize the fact that Public Trust is nearly gone in our Modern world. The thing is that, proclivity towards Negativity, is actually the wisest thing and of the most primal tendency someone can have, especially because we are born into a reality where the Negative always outweighs the Positive, and it has always been that way. In Times or Eras where more Positive things existed, they only existed because Forces and Efforts had been upheld in a way that they were be able to be exalted to a greater degree, for a greater length of time. But eventually, nothing will permanently hold up in this existence. So Negativity runs this realm. People are largely programmed to see only the good, but ig

Women In Their Predatory Nature At The Gym

  Listen to how absolutely aggressive, masculine and deviant these girls are. Alas, this is where we are at in 2024, with gym culture. I wish the gym thing hasn't exploded to the level it has, because it has completely transformed in the battleground for the gender war. What's worst about their interest in using the gym as their "sanctuary", is the fact that Women not only get to show off their goods to try to lure Men, that's obvious enough, but Women, as a predator, are ALWAYS on top of their game in finding "prey" to manipulate and use for loosh feeding, resource retrieval and destruction. Women know that Most Men go to the gym after a bad breakup or divorce, or when they are weak and vulnerable or in a bad place in their life, trying to "better themselves", so they instantly know that this means the "gym" is pure "hunting grounds" for them. I mean, think about it!  A Coffee shop would even be FAR, FAR more ideal to meet

The Meaning Of This Holographic Universe

  If you are someone who is involved in any form of Metaphysical or Spiritual work, you may have heard from time to time, about the Holographic Universe, or the fact that everything you see is a "Hologram", the only problem is that most sources which discuss this topic, due so from a New Age perspective, and often apply Egalitarian Nonsense, such as "We Are All One" or a false message of unification, and these are actually applied to create and continue the cycling of traps used to keep Mankind enslaved, and to actually prevent the Real evolution that is supposed to occur. Part of that of course, also means the traps set when one dies and is tricked into choosing to reincarnate here. As I have stated before, the vessel you are born into, determined by Species, Race and Gender, serve as a container. For example, if you become really weakened from this incarnation and lose immense energy, you could end up reincarnating in your next lifetime as an animal. While animals

Natalists Are Only Lying To Themselves

It sure is interesting to see how much Natalists will defend and are so attached to this world. The world is eternally broken. It's also irreversibly depleted and damaged. Despite the regeneration that Earth has done in.the past, it is beyond the point of being able to do it anymore. When Natalists ever talk about how their kids and going to be this and that, and how they see their children as the possibility to fix negative things in this world is just such a major cope and they don't realize how naive and childish they sound! Even if they do have children in this world who do solve problems, it will only be a drop in the bucket compared to the full laundry list of problems that the children solve and eventually nature and the entropic conditions of this world will eventually destroy anything they created anyways. What I have consistently noticed across the board with natalists is that there is a consistency of fear inherent inside of them based on the fact of not existing. Al

Women These Days Are Just Running Their Mouth

It's absolutely incredible just how worthless and empty nearly all Women really are. I see so many countless videos of them online with new strategies they try to use with their propaganda techniques to try to "Lure Men back", all of which are failing. I really get a kick of watching videos where Women try to talk about having accountability. What's really happening is Women are just getting desperate because Men are totally cutting them out of the picture and from access to their Wealth. But Women are relentless, meaning that they refuse to change or be humble, or even admit they are the problem, and they have no intention to ever do anything or to please or satisfy Men. I love watching them cry. Wait until 2025 comes, and you will see even more how hysterical they will become as they really begin to face poverty and total destitution, and starvation. They are an annoying species, really, when it comes down to things. Thankfully, more Men are realizing that you canno

No, It's Actually Not A "Positive" Trait If Women Only Like You Genetically For Her Offspring's Sake

Human NPC's always love to justify their existence and behavior exclusively by their most lowest vibrational activities and instincts, and the desire to reproduce, to procreate or continue one's lineage on the biological level over a rational or external level, is also of very low vibration. It serves no other purpose than fulfilling one's end-game in this world, by which they will not be around to see it anyway. It's often said about how attraction to the opposite sex is based on their desire to carry on the traits to their children, but what good is this if the whole process of engaging in sexual passion is only based on that, but not about enjoying the sake of the other person? The fact that Procreation is tied in with Sex, is actually the curse of our Species, not a Positive thing, and Not a benefit. And the proof of this, is that if Baby-making were a choice and not tied to sex, nobody would ever really choose to have children or least not for a reason outside of a

Americans are 100% The Biggest Scum Population On Earth

It just isn't yet realized, and when judging or assessing other population, other Metrics such as IQ rates, corruption or crime are measured. Money also hides corruption. Soon though, the world will recognize how pathetic and immoral and absolutely putrid scum that Americans are and they will wish for them to be dead. I cannot wait for it. It won't be just the Arabs or Chinese either. Americans are a people that need to be wiped out and paved over. Once their currency collapses, rest assured you will see the hatred of Americans rage around the world. By every metric, Americans are wholesome garbage. Americans are the most conditioned and socially retarded and complacent lusers as a population in the world, and they even deserve to be publicly flogged for humiliation and torture for their hypocritical ways and complacency, especially as a people who claim to love and defend freedom but yet do the opposite, instead. Americans promote tyranny and destruction for all, in everything

The Twisted Irony Of Women Calling Men "Broke Boys / Brokies / Dusties"

For starters, it is important to know that these terms and trends, come from the Black American Community, and then had been co-opted by White Women in America. But it is yet another admission and self-projection of Women telling on themselves, every time they claim a Man is "broke". For one thing, a recent survey was conducted on the Financial Status of Americans, and these statistics are true and verified, and the findings show that over 50% of American Women are in debt and have major financial problems, and have Massive Student Loans they are still paying off. But it was determined that even as bad as conditions are for Men, that generally Men have more disposable income across the gamut of the population, even as bad as things are right now, compared to the Women. But who the hell do Women think they are when a Man does not want to pay for them or chooses to spend on himself or complain about being a Provider, that they think the Man is "broke"? Yes, if the Man


Booking Trips in this stupid "COVID" Era has been nothing but a nightmare. After a late night dinner last night and having nearly all of my things packed and ready for some special event I have been wanting to go to, I found out last minute from a "Third Party" Manager that the event was canceled, also thanks in part to the way the Venue "books" events, and it turns out they are known for scamming people and also randomly canceling if not enough tickets are sold. Yet all the other parties and event managers said nothing about this in the days leading up to it. Even planning for this trip was the most difficult in my life, especially with how much hassle it was on websites to get them to function properly since some of the ordering systems and itineraries, because of the stupid FUCKING Millenials / Gen Z programmers and web developers who now promote "Minimalism", love to Hide Pricing Details until the last minute with surprises, and even stops an

And This Is EXACTLY Why Women Are A Bad Investment - One Last Post Before I Leave Until May

  This tells you all you need to know about Women. Certainly not the first time I've heard these Words spoken by a Woman. What Man would ever want to deal with this? Clearly, Women always want their cake and to eat it too. Then they want their neighbor's cake as well. They are bottomless pits, and no sane Man would want to entertain or put his own life at Mercy trying to finance, please, impress and pamper some kind of burden like this. What I can tell about this girl as well, I am not sure who else knows it or can see it, but I can tell she wakes up late every day and is a regular marijuana smoker. Imagine dealing with that!? And her moody personality upon waking up every morning. One thing I am grateful for as the world economy is collapsing, is that Men are in for a rude awakening at just how much of annoying burden and liability Women become even more on top of how bad they already are to begin with. Don't let this girl fool you either, she is not "above" ever

Brief Hiatus Until May / Dog Mom Cults

Just a brief note that you are likely not to see any new posts until at least about May 2nd or so, as I am going to be on a journey for a little bit for something I have been needing to do. Keep in mind, at times my schedule may be bombarded with other activities especially as things begin to worsen in the West, and I am overwhelmingly becoming very discouraged with using the Internet lately because of how increasingly annoying I find it to have become. My interests in the Cyberworld have nearly whittled down to almost nothing in this year of 2024, and I find almost everything with Online to be a bother. On another note, I want to stress something serious about "Dog Cults" after watching Sv3rige/Goatis who did a review today about some "Dog Mom". Dog Cults are a REAL THING, much more real than you can even imagine. Dog Cults, however do not just exist among Women only, but its Women who direct and guide these Cults. Many Men are also involved. But the thing is, thes

A Video Which Shows Why All Non-Germans Are Barbarians

  I really do like the fact that some cultural differences were illustrated in this video, because it really does provide a contrast to show just how bad Americans really do have things and how they do not realize how suffocating and toxic their business-oriented, career chasing money obsession culture really is. When people make their entire identity to revolve around what they do to earn a living and their career, they cease to become interesting or relevant in how they can relate to people in any other way outside of this, even if related to others by blood! This is also why the Dating Scene in America is all that much more broken than even the rest of the West by a large factor, because the people have no way to know how to navigate anything, establish rapport or boundaries, and to communicate on a common level. When one's identity is entirely engulfed in something that is dedicated towards servicing others rather than servicing a personal hobby or part of your own personal lif