The Scots-Irish "Ulster Scots" Are Pathological Liars, Keira Lhotan as a pure example.


It is amazing because she tries to claim she is 25% Italian, and somehow equates that to "Mostly Italian", which it's not!

This is how pathological liars think and justify things, and so they don't even see how they contradict themselves even in light of the facts or even a statistic!

She is coping so hard, and DESPERATELY wishes she were Italian. There is no Italian DNA in her, and if anything, it's more likely her own ancestors if they do have any Ancestral Test that was traced to Italy, that it belongs to the former "Celtic Europe" from Celtic settlements in the Italian Peninsula, whom are not actually of Roman Ancestry, but are of Celtic extraction.

The Ulster-Scots are perpetual liars, and even the English know this about them.

They are known for claiming they are of all kinds of ethnicities that they are not, but they love to gravitate to Italians, because they copy-cat Italian styles from sometimes intermarrying within those families, but she does not even look like one of the intermarried ones, plus her Name is a dead giveaway.

The Ulster-Scots, commonly known as Scots-Irish routinely love to claim the ancestry of people they envy, and it's often Italians and Native Americans they claim to be.

Elizabeth Warren [Pocahontas], who claimed to have "Native American" Ancestry is a perfect example of one of them.

I also knew a German girl once who had Ulster-Scots Ancestry mixed in with her German, although predominantly German, she even tried to claim she was part "Native-American", blonde hair and blue eyes and all...

Ancestry Tests typically only group people by DNA and Haplo-groups based on identifiable communities around the world where such genetics are found, but they could be of any kind of ancestry, even Jewish!

For example, I have known people, even a Chinese person who had 1% Portuguese in him, even though he has no ancestors who recall any Portuguese in them, and I know someone who is Italian who has 1% Japanese registered in them.

But the truth is, these actually only had to do with the fact that they had blood relations with the Royalty of those countries, which often come from different genetic lineages, so that is the only reason why those Ancestries were "picked up" in their DNA.

In the case of Portugal, for example, if someone has no close connection to Portugal, a lot of times they are either a Sephardic Jew or a Viking or maybe even have Celtic Ancestors who either were prominent explorers in Portugal, or they had direct ties to Royal Families or the Jews of Portugal, but it does not mean that they are de facto "Portuguese".

I love how Keira just considers herself being on "YouTube" and "Talking" as a legitimate job!

She thinks she is building a "community" and as if this is some sort of a novel concept or that she is somehow unique in light of all the other YouTube Influencers, when she really just has an army of Simps who follow and slobber all over her channel.

She yet even wonders why no females really take interest to her channel, for one she is completely Masculine and Aggressive, along with extreme Toxicity and it's so obvious why no females would be attracted to her channel!

This girl is so fucking cringey, it's totally unreal, to me she is like this rotting package of chicken in a dumpster that makes you so grossed out and unable to bear!

There are other reasons about her character why I would definitely see other Women would not gravitate to her or support her at all, but I will keep those a secret!

It's awfully funny how she now tried to "come around" and claim about her allegedly close relationship with her Father where she would talk for 4 hours at a time with him, and go outside the watch the stars.

While this might have been true and all, it's probably from her "past" and it's likely she did something to highly offend him and her mother which is the reason she is not close with her parents whatsoever, and they probably had disowned her. Her attitude is clearly evident of someone who does not have a good relationship with her father.

Most likely, her father is an Alcoholic type, I know these types very well, and he probably was very chatty and all lovey-dovey with his daughter while on Alcohol, but then she would come home dressed in a way or doing something to disappoint him and he yelled at her or wanted her out of the house.

Women have a knack of trying to paint their lifestyles as if certain things are in their "past", while even trying to make something come across in the present as if it exists, even if it were only a part of their "past" by the adjectives and context they use to describe stories they tell.

And that's just it. Women are GREAT storytellers, they are Mastermind Manipulators!


  1. Your psychic, it seems like you can break people down from their soul, which is fun to read, much better than looking at the comment section of her video and seeing all the simps praising her. Btw also, how do you identify the traits of groups/ethnicities? Like when you said don't trust the dutch, where do you get this info from?

    1. The simps who praise her are absolutely disgusting. To be fair, if she were actually a decent human being by any stretch of the imagination and were just dealt a really bad misfortune in life, I wouldn't be the way I am, but I have no respect for disgusting Narcissists and Lying freaks and opportunistic bums and mooching leeches like she is. She is really a horrible fucking person!

      As far as the Dutch go, well quite a different topic, but the large majority of Dutch have part-Jewish ancestry.

      Maybe a lot of Germans today don't mind the Dutch, but historically, Germany, and especially us Prussians have detested the Dutch scum, and they have almost always sided with our enemies and adversaries in their history as a people, not at least remaining Neutral as traditionally would be more often the case such as with the Swedes or Norwegians, or even the Swiss.

    2. Yea if she didn't have 16K subs and was actually trying to find the truth I'd be more forgiving, because Ik some people are just ignorant or were dealt bad cards, and I've also acted stupid and attention-seeking in my life. But you gotta be kind of immature, stupid, or selfish if your giving people advice when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. The way she's masquerading as helping people or saying something profound, and almost pretending that she's this deep person is like this character she wants to associate with so she gets a certain type of praise. Ironically, I feel like people who tell actual truths or 'profound' things often tend to be much more controversial- but I bet if she got criticized she would immediately change what she was saying to fit something that would get her praise because this isn't about truth this is about feeding her ego and maybe filling a void in her life since she seems lost and doesn't know what she's talking about. Definitely not someone who should be 'telling people what to think' though. But let these people rot in their own arrogance and stupidity- they'll reap what they sow one day.

      And I bet if you criticize her, she will warp it in her head to make herself feel special, and probably say something like people are jealous of her or negative people are attacking her pure spirit or some bllcrap. Lots of people do this actually, take criticism as a form of attention and not actual truth finding even that is what their whole image is built around, and say people who criticize them are just jealous, name call them, or have this delusional cope about it and don't listen or change. The truth is to these people it's not about the truth it's about feeding their ego and praise farming, the truth doesn't matter to them as long as enough people feed their ego and they benefit off of it. If the social norms changed, they would change too. This is why I often hate talking to people, they don't even really support anything or have a cause- they just stand by anything that makes them look good or has some sort of benefit, without even agreeing or disagreeing with it. And anything not in the worldview is either completely off their radar or swept under the rug. Or they might attack you & put you in a box and tell themselves something is wrong with you for believing something that goes against their worldview.

      I've also known similar narc attention seekers, and I HATE how everyone so easily gives them the attention they want, when I usually won't after I notice it, and these people seem to target me. I always feel like how do people not see this???
      I was at summer camp with a very narc girl, found out she considered herself a satanic witch(her words not mine) at the end which made a lot of sense. She played games with me for no reason?? When I tried to talk with her, she would outright ignore me and side eye me. I literally would talk straight to her face and she would not answer me. I would try to sit down next to her at lunch, bcz we were forced to sit at a certain table and there were only 2 seats, and she wouldn't let me bcz she saved it for her crush (who didn't ever sit down next to her & he seemed to notice me more lol), I would often look at her to gage what she was doing and I was trying to socialize with her. I finally stopped trying, I would ignore her actually, and I noticed she would constantly be looking at me checking if I was looking back at her, and she even seemed dissapointed, like she liked the attention I was giving her even though she always shunned me when I tried. The other girls there always hyper her up but I didn't, so it's like she was punishing me for not doing that- or inflating her ego because I 'wanted' to be her friend but she wouldn't talk to me yet I still kept trying. I was also not really friends with anyone there so it was easy for her to target me and there was no 'benefit' in maintaining a good relationship with me. She wasn't this popular girl either

    3. Anyway,
      Are you completely Prussian? I was wondering what type of ancestors/family background ur from because I really like the way you say things and what you pick up. I'm also part East German so wonder if this is why I find you relatable. Have you done an ancestry test?
      The only thing I think about the Dutch is I've always thought the Dutch looked a lil weird, maybe it's because of their lack of eyebrows and bug eyes, I don't know many Dutch but I've seen some and online, and I don't find them so attractive even though they are northern European, which is a group I've often found attractive. Don't know if that has to do with anything lmao.

    4. Well to answer that is Yes in any turn of the question, because I have German and Lithuanian Ancestry, even though the Lithuanians or Baltic "Prussians" are originally a different people. My ancestry traces to Colonizers of that region from the times when Germany had influence in the Baltic region. It is also probably why I have always harbored a hatred for Christianity and yet retain my Pagan roots and appreciation, because of this combination, even though the Crusades were carried out against the will of the Baltic Pagans. I very much have also an Eastern European view in general, so this may also help out, but East Germans I also very much still like. The Accent also runs thicker the way it normally was, unlike Western Germany today.

      If you look close at the Dutch, many of them look autistic / nerdy or have odd asymmetrical features in their limbs or face and horrific balding in the Men, and it's often from their Hebrew DNA. Not to say all Dutch are inherently Jewish, but a large amount of them are, and even the ones who are not, will side with the Jewish agenda every time.

      It's not to say other Germanics who are not with Jewish ancestry will somehow naturally "like" Prussians, because many don't, such as the Bavarians, sometimes Austrians (more so now than the past) and other German States / Tribes, dating back centuries.

      So, I have very much a mindset that is very specific of its own and identifies very closely with how my ancestors were, and I come from a very intolerant, ruthless family, it just runs in our blood.

  2. I made it about 15 seconds and had to bow out. I don't know how anyone can listen to this thing.


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