Women In Their Predatory Nature At The Gym


Listen to how absolutely aggressive, masculine and deviant these girls are.

Alas, this is where we are at in 2024, with gym culture. I wish the gym thing hasn't exploded to the level it has, because it has completely transformed in the battleground for the gender war.

What's worst about their interest in using the gym as their "sanctuary", is the fact that Women not only get to show off their goods to try to lure Men, that's obvious enough, but Women, as a predator, are ALWAYS on top of their game in finding "prey" to manipulate and use for loosh feeding, resource retrieval and destruction.

Women know that Most Men go to the gym after a bad breakup or divorce, or when they are weak and vulnerable or in a bad place in their life, trying to "better themselves", so they instantly know that this means the "gym" is pure "hunting grounds" for them.

I mean, think about it! 

A Coffee shop would even be FAR, FAR more ideal to meet someone at, if these girls were really truly interested in a Man, and authentic about their intentions, what is wrong with a Coffee Shop or Public Event, or the Supermarket?

Now you understand...

Interestingly enough, one of the girls in the video even admitted what I had warned about as a predatory activity, which is when someone "conceals" their attraction to you. This might either be by insulting or telling rumors behind a guy's back that they actually like, or when they will take glances of you while you are not looking but never try to show overt interest or attraction to you.

There is NOTHING good that will ever come of it, and it doesn't matter where she is shy or anxious.

Hell, even the fact that it comes straight from the horses mouth in this video series by a girl herself, is telling in and of itself, because Women understand themselves COMPLETELY, and it also goes to show that they are even keenly aware and conscious of their own behavior.

Keep in mind, I am not a fan of the particular Narrator of this channel, and also the "milktoast" approach of suggesting that the girl didn't deserve to have her phone kicked and damaged.

This is the problem... So Many Men have ridiculous "scruples" in trying to minimize or eliminate in retaliation towards Women, because they want to assume Women are some sort of angelic creature, and like I said many times, Women even know themselves that if Men really know what they think, what they talk about with other Women and what goes through their head, that Men would have nothing to do with them AT ALL, not even sex.

If Men really knew the truth about how Demonic (and actually DEMONIC) Women really were, they would have no scruples about breaking their phones, breaking their teeth out or smashing their face in, stealing money from them or whatever they deserve in revenge.

The Smarter Men who have no scruples, including myself, of course have no problems in reprimanding Women, even Women who are strangers in public. I have no sympathy or regards for them.

Did anyone find it creepy with the Woman who had everything "down" in terms of studying what type of Men appear at the gym during what times of the day?

Imagine being that predatory!

The gym is really a horrible place to approach anyone for any reason, because when one is dedicated to some form of exercise, they will not exactly be in their "right mind", they may either be more aggressive than usual or more fatigued and out of it than usual, not thinking straight or rationally and may have difficulty making conversation or even saying or agreeing to things they didn't intend on, because of body chemistry.

I really do fear for Men from the standpoint that, I believe Men should be entitled to a proper understanding about Women and why they are the way they are, including the fact that most Women are being piloted from Demonic realms, in terms of the behavior they demonstrate, and the fact that Most Women are either Demonic or that they are NPC's [Organic Portals].

Men need to become widely aware of this information, along with the fact that the reason Women and also what you think to be as "Human Nature" or "Evolution" are not as such like you think, but that the Human Species is being farmed for loosh energy, and this arrangement means that Men are the primary energy vectors for it.

Our differences are not complimentary or beneficial to the other.

Men must not doubt, that they are being used for Loosh Feeding, for Money and Resources and to be used as a slave.

In hindsight, ask yourself, as a Man, in all honesty.

If Women's attraction and interest towards a Man was equal, wouldn't she have the same impulse as you to approach, and wouldn't she be as open and direct about everything with you, as you like to be as a Man with Women?

Most Men hold back in trying to be direct with Women from bad experiences because of what Women do, yet Gay Men are always direct with one another in their own communities and forms of approaching and courtship.

Ask yourself about that.


  1. I’m kinda tired of seeing women and men with these weird cartoon filters LOL it’s really cringe like wth the girl in the thumbnail looks like a cartoon! Can’t they show their real facial features and skin texture? The girls who go to the gym are big attention seekers or lesbians..the gym is the new hangout for these young people and thats pathetic.

    1. I agree, it's so annoying! It's absolutely ridiculous, especially the one who put dog ears or mickey mouse things and other stupid apps or AI things they use. That's what kind of geeks they are that they have the time to learn and figure out all that shit! Who does that, except for a loser who has no life!?

    2. Exactly these girls who put these ai filters are the biggest narcissist! My mom has a friend who’s step daughter is 12 she looks 17 in the face overall she’s slightly below average I would say 4 and she became a 6 with a filter online! It’s insane because she gets simp comments she’s only 12! If 12 year olds can put ai filters on than anyone can.She also has gotten her ego boosted so many times online that she now thinks she above average in real life LOL it’s comedy.

    3. @JunkieAmerican, The simps are really really out of control now. I mean, they cow-tow to these girls by claiming every little trivial detail of something they do is so inspiring or special, and lavish them day in, day out, someone they will never meet, and someone whom they will never get laid with!

    4. I agree simps are a big threat! I hate them so much.Majority of these simps are very ugly though at least what I’ve seen and when i say a girl is ugly they comment and say I’m an Incel LOL! They say this to any male who calls a girl ugly I’ve noticed.most of these guys are above average that call these women ugly or deformed.Women who simp on these ugly women are also a threat but they never call a girl like Monica Bellucci beautiful these women are so jealous 2 women have told me that Monica Bellucci is a transvestite LOL then they tried to say Leonardo DiCaprio is a girl! jealousy is getting out of hand and people who are beautiful are going to commit suicide now there will be no natural beauty’s left very soon and that’s what these ugly girls want.

    5. The filters are getting out of hand. People need to start posting their real selves online. Even if I didn't use filters, you might think otherwise because of the lighting if you saw pics of me.

      It's crazy how you get called an incel because you said the truth. People get offended over everything nowadays. Technically speaking, I am considered an incel because I'm short and autistic. Even if I had a better face, I'd still be one for those two reasons.

    6. Simps need to be exterminated, and one must never show Mercy or Kindness towards them, because they are the Enablers of these pests. There really is not much to live for in this world, and the thing is because the NPC's have a monopoly or stranglehold over the destiny of Mankind at this point, as they outnumber everyone else, they are the determining factor of the future. The thing is, educating them or even getting to see or agree to points, for example, even the fact that anyone would prefer someone beautiful over someone ugly, will never be enough to ever get them to change course.

      We are headed in a one-way direction straight to hell, and the worst part is that they have so weakened mankind that it will go out with a whimper, because since public trust has been eroded with such perfection, and whereby people have been living in denial of so many things and not anywhere near in recognition of what's going on, the only possibility for these people are to be killed off with Nukes or they will just end their lives upon a sudden exposure shock to reality when it comes to hit them in the face very soon, because this artificial reality is far too played out.

      I believe this ridiculous word, "Incel" is way overused, and someday the people who have used it, will have to pay the price for it.

    7. @psa I 100% agree incel is way overused another word that I can’t stand is “CHAD” its so cringe I said the term chad was cringe on YouTube and some gen z anime boy said I was jealous LOL

    8. @Rey these gen z girls are very narcissistic and would never show their real face online.These girls are very ugly in real life and are very delusional about everything.Soon they will live in a van with their male dogs.

    9. @JunkieAmerican, All of these terms, Incel, Red-Pill, Chad, etc, are only terms that people in these online communities know of. Basically, you can tell that people who use them routinely do not have a real life outside of the Internet, however that being said, out of all the terms, the only one I have heard routinely used in public that is more generally recognized, is the word "Incel". Irrespective of whether or not someone is some "Involuntary Celibate", I can tell you that if a female uses that word to describe a male for any reason, it speaks volumes about who she is as a person.

    10. @psa many women use that term “incel” if a man calls her ugly or just anything about a woman.I noticed it’s mostly gen alpha who say the terms chad,and red pill.Gen alpha is just a mess and I hate to go near them.

    11. @psa yeah, I will agree that the "incel" terminology is overused to death. It goes to show that people have a very limited vocabulary. At least, that's how I see it.

      @JunkieAmerican yeah, those girls will never learn! They would never show their true faces. The same thing can be said about gen alpha and beyond. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up being miserable single mothers or something when they're 35.

    12. These girls use birth control at age 12 they might have a accidents but they are miserable already.12 year old girls today have sex with multiple boys..by the times she’s 17-20 shes have had many sexual encounters probably 9 this 19 year old girl said she already had sex 6 times she said it so proudly and thought it was funny.

    13. @JunkieAmerican, I'm a big fan of the notion that Most Women should be exterminated. For far too long, Men have viewed Women as having value only because they can reproduce, but the more they reproduce, they just create more burdens and lower the quality of life for everyone. Women who have sex with any additional Men besides the one they gave it up to, don't really deserve much in life. They should be left to be homeless and in poverty, I am tired of support systems that finance Women, especially Single Mothers. Unless someone is "widowed", there is no such thing as a Single Mother who is a good person. They should be allowed to suffer and starve with their children.

    14. @Junkie @psa I just published my first post on my blog if you guys want to check it out.

  2. I can't stand the way all these women wave their fingers around. It drives me to distraction. It doesn't even matter how much shit they talk, when they start wagging their fingers it makes me want to smash something up.

    1. @HUMAN PASTE All girls who wave their hands around like that usually have serious attitude issues, and a weak father, and many of them were often "Swirlers" which is how they got into the habit of doing it. When I see them that way, I just want to slap their face.


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