Negativity Bias Explained

I came across this Poll earlier today, and what I found fascinating but also disappointing, yet not surprising, is the level of Coping and Denial in so many of the Comments by people, however, there were a sizable amount of others who recognize the fact that Public Trust is nearly gone in our Modern world.

The thing is that, proclivity towards Negativity, is actually the wisest thing and of the most primal tendency someone can have, especially because we are born into a reality where the Negative always outweighs the Positive, and it has always been that way.

In Times or Eras where more Positive things existed, they only existed because Forces and Efforts had been upheld in a way that they were be able to be exalted to a greater degree, for a greater length of time.

But eventually, nothing will permanently hold up in this existence.

So Negativity runs this realm.

People are largely programmed to see only the good, but ignore the negative, even though their instinct tells them to believe the negative.

Not all programming comes from Education, Religion, Books, Society, Culture and Family, however a good portion of it does.

As Most Humans are not aware of how their existence is formed, even before they are born or reincarnated into this world, Energy Signatures are applied to their existence in other dimensions, along with preliminary programming that orients them to be conditioned to be a certain way, almost like a leather clothing garment that has a permanent "bad wrinkle" or "crease", that no matter how many times you try to correct it, it prefers to fold in its favored position with the crease, rather than to lay flat.

Humans are born with programming that predisposes them to ignore or overlook Negativity in light of the Positive, as a form of coping, but it is also a form of cowardice, in actuality.

Humans rarely ever like to face themselves for who they really are, let alone to face the realities of this universe, including uncomfortable topics like Death.

Throughout my life, I cannot count how many times I have been told by others that if they thought the way I did or focus on the things I did, that they would totally lose their will to live and be in a permanently depressed state and could not function, and would want to end their life.

In the mix of all the personality types of NPC variants around us, will always be the "Relativists" who always feel the need to chime in to manipulate you by their script, to gaslight you about this reality, by claiming that "Every era has it's pluses and negatives" or that things were always bad in the past, or to make you think that things used to be far far worse from the times of the Middle Ages, before the New World which we live in today.

But all of that is disinformation, because it ignores different trends and catalysts by which Humans conduct themselves today to function as part of a civilization.

Humans also have the tendency to have a very short memory when it comes to things, especially change, and hence they underestimate the level or degree to how much has changed, especially in such drastic short time windows today where Technology and the way we do things, has rapidly transformed.

Agriculture, for example, has transformed FAR more in the last 50 years alone, than in the last 10,000+ years, and that is a very scary and disturbing thought.

Even despite Agriculture being a mistake to begin with, the transformations done today, which include bio-engineering, are extremely experimental in their course, and turbulent, and that almost no Humans lived this way for the majority of Human history.

Sexual Freedom, also is a relatively new concept, as even throughout history, Men usually only had one lifetime partner, but in some rare cases maybe 2 or 3, and whereby most Women remained virgins, and it was a disgrace if she lost her virginity to the wrong Man.

In 1971, for the first time in history, Debt became classified in the Monetary System as "Wealth" or "Credit", an unprecedented move and system that has never been tried before in the history of Economic and Monetary Systems.

Even the Bread you consume, almost all the world over, is not of the same Wheat Substance that Humans ate for thousands of years. It a cross-bred species, designed for adaptation to expand and feed the exploding population that exists today, and this was introduced in the 20th century.

Race Mixing, Women replacing the Role of Men, so on and so forth.

People just do not realize how usurping the way things have always been done, comes with grave consequences.

Another factor which played a large role in preventing Humans from questioning the existence we live in, or even challenging it, including working conditions, is perpetually keeping people busy at "work", because they are far less likely to revolt and have no time to contemplate things about life.

That is why they push the "Idle Hand's is the Devil's workshop" to instill fear and guilt into Men who may make use of idle time or have ambition after it.

What a lot of people in this world do not understand, for example, is that it is FAR better to live with an average salary, or even a below average salary, if it means you have to work far less hours and not live the life of a total slave under endless stress, because the thing is, you will just burn your candle too quickly and lose your health and good looks if you have them, etc.

Most people who work 60-80 hours a week for example, even if they are a Millionaire, are living a hellish existence! They are always answering calls, eating trash food, not listening to music, not getting enough sunlight or enjoying the majority of their life. Because it's spend in servitude, to maintain their extravagant lifestyle.

Interestingly enough, I had read a few comments on that Poll of people from poorer countries, who tried to "exalt" the virtues of being poor, and that is not something I advocate!

My attitude is this, is that if someone does have wealth that they have obtained honestly in this world, that is a great thing, not a negative thing!

There is no honor in being poor, and it's only Christians and religious people which try to tout such nonsense. Nevertheless, I do not believe in disrespecting the poor, because it is not a reflection on them as a person, however Capitalists will always want to argue that point differently.

But, what I would like to say is that it is interesting how these people from the poor countries believe that suffering or only having access to something as a "treat" somehow makes you appreciate life more, even though it's a form of suffering and slavery.

The thing is that what people do not understand about Human behavior in the course of greed and the ever-increasing pursuit of pleasure or even hedonism, is the fact that this exists, points to an even greater revelation about our existence, and the fact that suffering and pain are much more enduring than pleasure and happiness is.

The elite and governments, particularly people who run the Secret Societies, WANT people to have eternally warped views where they feel like they might not deserve something, or that something is more special and sacred if it's denied to them on the basis of restraint or lack of affordability in this case.

The perfect example of how that was done, was absolutely demonstrated under the Communist Era!

And sadly, they are bringing all of that back, and COVID was just the test-run for it, because as you can see, COVID even made people lower their own standards about everything including fine dining, and be willing to "over-tip" just to be able to even go out to a restaurant!

The Elite / Secret Societies sit back and laugh because their plans to program or re-program a people are successful, and even after the COVID lockdowns, they were able to manipulate people into paying extravagant prices for Food and Dining Out or other things, which they would have probably sooner taken to revolt or outright refused to pay prior to 2019!

From my earliest of days in my youth, I always despised the notion that I saw fellow people in my existence, from every area of my life, embrace suffering almost as if it were second nature to them.

Suffering was always promoted as Strength, and that you were pathetic if you chose to avoid or minimize Suffering.

What I have always noticed about Suffering, is that it becomes so unbearable in many cases, whether Physical or Emotional, that it can devastate you to a point of not being able to function on any level, not being able to think clearly or even make sound decisions, it can totally impair your life and disrupt your hormones and regulatory systems in the body, and Suffering also has a negative effect on the Microbiome, permanently as well, by which it can never be fully restored to its former quality, even from results of high anxiety or chronic depression.

Suffering can put you in situations where you become completely vulnerable or exposed, or even placed in a circumstance to be taken advantage of by others, even humiliated or otherwise entirely led to ruin, sometimes even for a lifetime.

All forms of suffering, create chronic damage to the body and spirit.

Suffering can become so intense, that it can cause your consciousness to even temporarily disengage with the connection it has to the body at times, and this leaves someone in a very dangerous state.

Even cold weather is enough to create that kind of danger!

In addition, after you come out of a bout of any kind of suffering, your instincts naturally begin to wander to avoid any kind of reminder or possibility of reliving that suffering in any way.

And yet, we have many people around us today swearing that you need to just suffer and learn to love it!

ESPECIALLY in a time when there is not even a crumb of reward for the suffering, no, instead, you are gaslighted into being told that you just need to keep trying and trying again, HARDER and HARDER!

Suffering is not a good thing, and as I have said, it is essential to recognize that it is an unfortunate and necessary circumstance to some degree in this reality, but that does not mean that one should endorse it, or not go about ways to minimize it.

I further believe that, establishing any types of connections or even friendships or any relations whatsoever with anyone who finds value in Suffering, Trauma, and who also does not wish to reflect or recognize the Negative aspects about this existence, are totally worthless Human Beings, and that you should not have anything to do with them, because how can anything good ever come with relations with such people who believe that? Such people like them are fake. They are not real, and they are in a state of total denial. I see that as a fruitless endeavor to have anything to do with them.

It is amazing to see today what kinds of things people believe are a "privilege" just because it's something new.

What I can also tell you, is that the archaic Baby Boomer beliefs, are absolutely going to ensure the coming starvation and communism, since they are so stuck in their ways and what they grew up with, that they even scoff at the notion of somehow a more developed world having access to Free Food or Water, or at least minimally priced.

But these truthfully are some of the biggest challenges that should have been striven for, even over the advancement of technologies and building, if Humanity were on the right course of development.

For example, even things like most utilities, Electricity or Cellular Phone should also be free of charge. In an ideal society. One who wonders why these things are not either dirt cheap or actually free, is an intelligent thinker.

A Communist thinks its a "privilege" to even eat a steak, and mark my words, in the future you will be looked at as an ungrateful bastard if you expect to have more than one steak per week to survive, even though it should just be a commonplace meal.

The reason why Humans have such tendency to allow this programming to overcome their senses, is because they ignore their instincts or what their own body or perceptions tell them, be it through an experience or even anecdote.

The fact is that, not EVERYTHING is relative, and the times we live in are much worse than ever.

Our Skies are polluted with Chem-trails, and they use Metallic particles to block out the Sun and create more cloudy days for many parts of the Earth, especially populations they are targeting.

Most food people consume today lacks the necessary nutrition for a healthy diet, and is in many cases very poor quality and highly processed.

People are more fake, materialistic and superficial than ever.

The Baby Boomers surely have a lot to answer for in this era we live in, because they were the ones who are largely responsible for the formation of what we have today, and at the same time, they had gaslighted 3 generations below them to believe they can achieve anything and told them non-stop lies about how if they just did, this, this and that, that they would "make it", but the younger generations know that they had been sold a false bill of goods. Only Gen X had been able to reap "some" of the benefits of that wisdom, but the Boomers largely had children who were of the Millennial generation.

The fact of this world today, is that most people ARE NEGATIVE beings, and they are only out for their own interests and will stop at nothing to destroy you and take what you have.

This is not Paranoia, it's the truth! These days, you cannot even trust someone to take a photo of you, because you never know where that photo will end up, or if they doctor it!

The endless gaslighting we deal with in this world, is astounding.

And the truth is that even sometimes, many Old people do not ever wake up to their programming.

A Man I once knew who was well over 90 years old, had subscribed to the Notion that "The reason you don't often get what you want in this world, is because sometimes we will not appreciate it until we have gone through hell for it."

I would certainly hate to live by his wisdom! Because that's exactly how a fool thinks.

And like I said, I am always thinking to myself what the Elite Controllers in this universe are thinking when they see how Humans behave and accepting these lines of thinking, because they are definitely laughing with glee and satisfaction over it!

We now have overlords who want us to believe that having a "burger" should be a treat, something you don't always get to indulge in, but that you should instead subsist and be happy off of eating only lentils and in the future, bug slop at best.

Another failure of the Human Species, which also had been addressed in the comments, is how Humans assess "solving problems" as a good thing from a standpoint of issuing it total value.

As in, being bored with a world that "doesn't" have problems.

This can only come from a place of Masochism and Self-hatred! And most Humans are indeed Masochistic and full of Self-Hatred.

Considering everything with the reality we live in today, and the Specimens that walk among us, I am 100% finished with this existence, and I have no desire for anything here any longer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You remind me of Nero Wolfe, in the books by Rex Stout. He was an arrogant, gourmandizing genius who didn't leave his home on business. I doubt you've heard of him, but on the chance you have you would see the utter similarities.

    They are some of my favorite books to read, and your articles remind me of him.

    1. @Plumpsquash, interesting, I had checked into him a bit but as you'd suspected rightly, I had never heard of him before until you mentioned him.

  3. Boomers/conservatives are just horrible people. They make fun of, and laugh at people wanting to make a livable wage for their labor.

    I've been going rounds with these people in YouTube comments. They actually believe "unskilled" labor shouldn't make a livable wage. What a sociopathic behavior. Most unskilled labor is more important then the skilled labor.

    Then they are outraged when people refuse to work. I will definitely get a guilty pleasure out of seeing these people self destruct when the financial collapse happens and they are left with nothing.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, they sure are.

      You know, as much as this world is doomed and hopeless, the one thing I really do try to stress to younger generations, which they should fear, is just how much of a STRANGLEHOLD boomers have monopolized for their place under the sun in this world, even as they are becoming retired and are unhealthy wastes of garbage!

      They have cemented themselves to eternally profit from their retirement accounts, not even just their general retirement funds from taxation, and the thing is, younger generations need to recognize that they must be ruthless about this, because it doesn't matter whether or not the fucking Boomers believe it's fair or not that they get scraped of their retirement, since they paid into the fund their entire lives. The thing is they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth, never questioned the system, and never fought against it.

      Retirement is a Ponzi Scheme and Usury, doesn't matter how once slices or dices it, and just because the Boomers were ignorant or born into lucky times, doesn't mean that you or nature should be "sympathetic" to their cause of having their retirement.

      Someone or Something needs to pull the plug on them, because if they are not stopped, they will suffocate anything and everyone else at the expense of their ever-increasing entitlement, many Boomers own 2 or more houses, sometimes even 5 houses! They have endless income coming from all kinds of accounts and schemes, and their Health care bills are enormous!

      I implore younger generations to do something, this is a war we are all in, and the Boomers royally fucked this world over! If they had even a stripe of decency left in them, they would show a sense of mercy and humiliation for what they did, because they really fucked this world, and also enabled Corporatism and Corporate Culture to dominate our lives and never stopped any of it!

      The Conservatives will like to make you think that they are suddenly the "Hero of the Day" in light of the Left, but the truth is they are just another faction of the Left.

      They will be quick to make everyone forget the wars that they got us involved in, back in the 90's and after 9/11, and also Reaganomics, they love to claim how Ronald Reagan was the last great president, only because he was a Republican! The truth is Ronald Reagan was the one who encouraged greed, debt and over-spending as a "good thing", eliminated all kinds of Car and Industry Safety Specifications which also led to the de-tooling of the Auto industry, and he created a lot of Inflation and other things, and also supported and financed / promoted GMO food production and putting farmers out of business.

    2. What even sickens me more, is I even know Boomers who own "2 Houses" and yet even crying of their "hardships" in life and how hard they have things and are not a lucky person... They have the nerve to say this, even while most people below the Gen X generations have never had the opportunity to buy a home, and never will, at least in many Western countries. In other countries, it may be different, but even still, younger generations have so little share of overall wealth. Gen X got to ride the tail-coats slightly of the successes of the Baby Boomer Economy / Times, and the older ones were more able to lock in getting affordable houses and lifestyles for themselves, but less so the younger Gen X and Millenials.

  4. I am not sure how far back you have read my writings on the Generational Warfare and Struggle, but it is a very complex issue, because this is also the next most important and definitive war that will erupt second to the Gender War. And it's even more complicated, because it is extremely difficult to sort out, and at the same time, the younger of generation someone belongs to, the more likely they are to be an NPC and utter degenerate / piece of trash. So that it something to be said for itself. But the only feasible thing would be the smallest of decent remnants left among Boomers / Gen X / Millenials, and the very tiny amount of Gen Z, would have to agree to some sort of recognized identity among themselves and be ruthless about exterminating everyone else. Obviously, that is a completely unrealistic probability for multiple reasons, and also owing to the fact that People who grow up in their own time / era and reality, only certain things they were born into and grew up into will have any sense to them, including their people, businesses and surroundings, and so it would be hard to have other generations on the same page in a mutual manner like that. That's why the situation is even all that much more doomed.

    But what's worst for younger generations, is not only will Boomers and Gen X not defend their claims for the ones who are righteous, but most Millenials and Gen Z will find their own peers completely intolerable and are alienated by them and totally isolated for not living and marinating in their degeneracy and anti-social / retarded behavior.

    I'm already enraged quite enough, it's amazing how much younger generations have been sitting pacifying themselves, because they should want to burn down the houses of these Parasitic Boomers!

  5. @Here for the apocalypse, Also remember too that the Boomers are such a sketchy generation too, that they have their own definitions as to what they deem "Skilled" vs. "Non-Skilled" Labor. They even view someone who makes their morning coffees, and the gas station attendant who may even pump their gas in the morning as the "Scum of the Earth". They view anyone who may even have their own type of work or who doesn't work a 9-5, or who works in a low paying to be not a real job or as "scum" and do not know or care about anyone's life story why they are in the jobs they are, and do not see workers as Human Beings even in such jobs which are essential somewhere.

    Part of the National Socialist Programme, actually all was about establishing a sense of cultural pride and respect for any type of worker in a position that served towards the needs of the Nation, so this could mean a service worker, a blue-collar worker, or an Administrator / Professional.

    The whole notion of "Class" as we know it was eliminated, even though people may earn different salaries, there was a general consensus and culture of seeing everyone as a "German Brother / Sister" first.

    Sadly, we are far from any of that reality anywhere in the West, and a country like America, if that's where you are from (refresh my memory) but this is the most Classist and Class-conscious country on Earth, in its own unique way. Maybe India could be compared, but that's a more complex situation!

    1. @PSA Yeah, I'm from the good ol amerika. In a staunch red state and they LOVE their police and the government oppression. God forbid your grass is a half inch too long it they'll send the state after you. So much for b"capitalism, private property and self determination. And they scream "freedom"...HA!

      I'm gen x and was fortunate enough to buy a house thirty years ago. It's in the bad part of town but at least I don't have to deal with these selfish boomers who think they have the right to dictate what you do with your property.

      When I go out with my Boomer family all they do is complain about the young people not doing what they should to make they're lives easier. Selfish assholes. I try explaining why young people don't want to work and they just scoff. They will not even attempt to have compassion and empathy.

      I don't see different generations coming together. Even if you found real, decent human beings of a different generation you wouldn't trust it to be real.

      The boomers really believe they are God's gift to the world. Zoomers is the perfect name for gen z as they are basically the same as the boomers... thinking everyone should break their backs to support them just sitting on their asses.

    2. @PSA Oh, and let's not forget. The entire world was shut down with the justification that no Boomer should get sick and die. They, of course, consider themselves infinitely more important the the young people who have even had a chance to live their lives yet. Pure narcissism.

    3. @Here for the apocalypse, You gotta love how Americans are, in their hypocrisy and all, talking about how much of "Freedom" they love! Since COVID started, I've never seen so many Inspectional Officers who roam neighborhoods to look for any property violations and people who may be trying to build "in-law dwellings" for family or friends, who may be in violation of the law, since you are "not allowed to build anything" on your own "property" which you "allegedly own" at least in theory. It's really ridiculous, honestly.

      And this is a country where neighbors will report you on anything, so your whole notion about the grass being too tall, that is "definitely" a thing. We live around sue-friendly cretins who are always sniffing around in other people's business to see how they can report them for something foolish and to pilfer any potential wealth in the process.

      It's ironic how the Boomers are, truly, because it's like, they took everything and stole the future from the younger generations, it's almost like cutting off someone's limbs and then complaining why they can't even walk!

      They know what they had done collectively as a generation to the youth, it's not like it just happened by accident or from "poor planning" or "unexpected growth" or because of wars or something, not at all! But they sure would love you to believe that noise.

      What they did, was actually totally deliberate, because as a generation, they decided to create a conspiracy for themselves to protect themselves thoroughly with the systems and privilege they were given, and found ways to craft all kinds of schemes, laws and policies to exclusively benefit them, at the expense of younger generations who are expected to endlessly pay taxes and other expenses so they can live and retire in luxury while you never can.

      And yes, correct about the Boomers with shutting the world down. I remember it all very specifically, with how they believed that even the youth and everyone else must suffer, even ABLE-BODIED, HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE must suffer, all because these fat blob boomers who have triple chins and are shaped like a pair and can barely walk, are "in fear of their lives". They were even demanding more regulations and strict procedures than the CDC.

      I saw one disgusting boomer lady in public insisting that it's not right that wearing masks is optional, especially in close environments and how she "doesn't feel safe" and "feels her life is potentially at-risk", and she wouldn't stop ranting about it, I actually told her she needs to shut her mouth and it's none of her fucking business!

    4. @PSA- Yeah, I will never forget what was done during covid, nor will I forgive. They now want everyone to just move on as if nothing happened and the absolute tyranny on people who just wanted to live.

      As for the conservatives being the "savior's of the day". Yeah, I'm not falling for that. Hell, they've proven with the Israel, Palestinian thing that they are even MORE anti free speech then the democrats. Even passing laws to "protect" the poor "oppressed" Jews.


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