Brief Hiatus Until May / Dog Mom Cults

Just a brief note that you are likely not to see any new posts until at least about May 2nd or so, as I am going to be on a journey for a little bit for something I have been needing to do.

Keep in mind, at times my schedule may be bombarded with other activities especially as things begin to worsen in the West, and I am overwhelmingly becoming very discouraged with using the Internet lately because of how increasingly annoying I find it to have become.

My interests in the Cyberworld have nearly whittled down to almost nothing in this year of 2024, and I find almost everything with Online to be a bother.

On another note, I want to stress something serious about "Dog Cults" after watching Sv3rige/Goatis who did a review today about some "Dog Mom".

Dog Cults are a REAL THING, much more real than you can even imagine.

Dog Cults, however do not just exist among Women only, but its Women who direct and guide these Cults. Many Men are also involved.

But the thing is, these "Dog Mom Cults" would love to have you think that there is nothing unusual or suspect about them outside of them simply owning Dogs, but if you look into it further, you will notice a whole society that has been formed, even between Businesses virtue signaling to be "Dog Friendly".

There are many businesses which have outdoor signs that say "Dogs Welcome" and even have Doggie water bowls, doggie snacks, and I have even seen Ice Cream Parlors willing to make "Doggie Icecream Treats" and so forth.

The creation of these businesses fostering this Dog Culture, is a way for others who are part of the Dog Cult, to "meet and greet" and know who is one of them, when they meet, and it's a secret way by which they all network and know each other.

People use dogs to scout out neighborhoods and to spy on others while coming across as innocent because of the need of "walking their dog". In addition, the dog serves as a perfect example to pause now and then for it to do its business, and they can stop and land wherever they want while the owner can look around or watch.

It also gives the Dog owner / walker an excuse to walk repeatedly over and over in a given neighborhood without being handed much in suspicious activity.

Where I live specifically, not owning a Dog whatsoever, ESPECIALLY as a Man, and even worse, as a White Heterosexual Male, you are automatically looked at as "suspicious" and as a "Toxic Male" by the Women and Society here at large.

People, even Men dog owners judge you here "negatively" for not owning a Dog or some kind of pet, when they see you are out and about or on your property and never notice you with a dog. They will ask you about it and have no qualms about it, and have no qualms about asking you if you don't like animals if you refuse to ask to pet their dogs and show it love. It's bad enough that I'm already judged because I do not own a Volvo or some kind of "Family Car", since that is seen as the new status symbol, particularly by the Uber Liberal types, even over a BMW or Mercedes, even though in Europe, there is nothing special about driving a BMW or Mercedes.

It took me a long time to recognize this, but driving a Volvo Station Wagon "says something about you" to others who are "in the know", and I wasn't "in the know" until recently about it until I realized how this is the choice for the limp-writed leftist types who are often Real Estage Agents, or Teachers / University Professors, Lawyers, and what not.

That is Massachusetts for you.

I very much live a life of my own which is only focused upon my own interests and specifically that of German interests, and they have nothing to do even in the slightest with American ideas, ideals or trends, or ways that people go about living here.

I really am fucking sick of everything with these Dog Cults to Car Cults, and the interview processes I get from Women about whether or not I own a dog or any pets, or if I would if I wanted to, always sick of of this pet obsession and how Dogs are now being allowed in any establishments even when it violates Policies and Law.

I am sick of hearing dogs barking constantly, and being introduced to other stranger dogs who they then get into a barking fight session with. I am sick of seeing sidewalks constantly stained with dog shit all over the place every day.

This obsession is getting WAY, WAY out of control in the States, and from what I've seen in countries in Europe, it doesn't look too great over there either especially in countries like France or Italy with this obsession.

Interestingly enough, most people I know aside from myself who are against having an animal in the house, almost exclusively seem to come more often from Eastern Europe.

I even have some sort of creepy situation right now with some Male Dog owner, and I am contemplating how I will handle and fix this situation in my life, because it's getting on my nerves, and these people use walking their dogs as any excuse to randomly "bump into you" or try to become curious / invasive into your life.

Most Women who own dogs have all kinds of Mental Issues and keep the dogs around to lick their pussies by putting tasty treats or lathering up their pussies with peanut butter and other things to get their dogs to perform cunnilingus on them, and for those of you in disbelief of this, you need to really check this out, and how Women are trying to normalize and perpetuate this sick cult and all the other social norms that are being built up and camouflaged in society by other fellow Dog owners.

There's a reason why Women show so much love and enthusiasm for smelly ugly dogs, while not anywhere near as enthusiastic anywhere to the same level when it comes to their boyfriends or husbands, if they ever have one. You need to ponder in some deep thought as to why that is the case and what's going on here...

Once I return from my trip, I will tackle a few pending articles I have been working on.

A few of the topics will include the worsening food supply, issues with Feminism / Workplace Culture, More Failures with "Gen Z", The Gender War and also secrets about Coca-Cola, Soda and Sugar effects on the body and how it compared to Alcohol.


  1. Massachusetts is it up there is it very liberal? Florida is very bad it’s full of drug addicts and lesbians.I heard 2 lesbian women ages 34-35 talk about how they love their dogs so much and they especially love gay men! People are so sick I cant stand to be around them and the smell of weed is everywhere in Florida.

    1. Everything, just everything here Man. Marijuana smoking, almost not a day that goes by that I don't smell a few people who are smoking it. We have a lot of Drug Addicts and Lesbians here too, but I think Florida might have a higher drug rate and crime rate per capita, at least in the big city areas compared to MA, but that can all be maybe obsolete.

    2. The crime in Florida is very high but the amount of lesbians is insane it’s really creepy to me because they always have dogs and some type of tattoo and piercing’s..they even have kids sometimes..

  2. So many people were defending this woman in the comments. This world, man! 🤦

    1. @Rey's World, isn't it disgusting!? Just so you know, that is exactly how Cults operate. They work in a hive-mindset with their own hierarchy, and defending the cult at all costs is imperative to them. They send out their "Armies" to defend them, and they have no qualms or shame what type of illegal or degenerate behaviors are involved, in particular when it comes to bestiality or other activities. These are the type of people that rule over us!


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