The Twisted Irony Of Women Calling Men "Broke Boys / Brokies / Dusties"

For starters, it is important to know that these terms and trends, come from the Black American Community, and then had been co-opted by White Women in America.

But it is yet another admission and self-projection of Women telling on themselves, every time they claim a Man is "broke".

For one thing, a recent survey was conducted on the Financial Status of Americans, and these statistics are true and verified, and the findings show that over 50% of American Women are in debt and have major financial problems, and have Massive Student Loans they are still paying off.

But it was determined that even as bad as conditions are for Men, that generally Men have more disposable income across the gamut of the population, even as bad as things are right now, compared to the Women.

But who the hell do Women think they are when a Man does not want to pay for them or chooses to spend on himself or complain about being a Provider, that they think the Man is "broke"?

Yes, if the Man does commit to the expenses these Women demand, then he indeed will be broke, it doesn't matter how high his salary is!

But if he pays for himself only, he is not broke!

Women approach a Man on the basis of him being broke, like the pot calling the kettle black, but yet a Man rarely ever enters a relationship or any involvement with a Woman expecting her to pay for him and asking / demanding it of her, or yet shaming her as "Broke" for not doing it!

If you mention this to Women, they see nothing wrong with this sort of course, because to them, they only see Men as Human Doings or more actually like a Walking ATM and so, stuck in their Solipsistic Entitled world of their own making, they don't see or feel any shame for being "broke themselves" as a Woman and needing to cling to a Man's resources, and yet call him off as "broke" if he doesn't want to spend money on her or complains about her expensive lifestyle.

This is even more the case with Millenials and Gen Z, since at every turn with these creatures, if you ever try to be frugal about anything at any time, for any reason, you are viewed as "Broke", even though no generation in history even during the most prosperous eras of history have ever lived with the mindset they do in that regard, and that historically, people always attempted at frugality even during abundance.

We live in a time where abundance does not exist anywhere, and yet they do not want to attempt frugality at all, and believe in things like "manifesting" and having an artificial mindset of "abundance" even when resources and liquidity are tight.

Liquidity is disappearing everywhere right now, in a very rapid manner, even though you cannot directly see or feel it.

One day, you will all wake up with nothing, and yet these Women somehow think that they have a "birth right" since being born as a Woman that they can be broke, but a Man cannot, and that if a Man cannot or does not want to support her that he is necessarily broke, even if it just means he prefers to spend his own money on himself.

I do not expect this entry to gain much traction or interest unless someone sees the real hypocrisy and irony in it, with such a double-standard that Women possess, but that just goes to show you how deep the mind programming is that Men are to allegedly pay for all this stuff for Women, when that should never be the case.

While it is more usually Women especially Younger Women and sometimes Younger Men who are engaging in this "Broke" accusation trend, these kids are fools because it is a direct admission that they themselves are broke!


  1. Women are absolute parasites. Every woman I've ever dealt with expected me to take care of her in some way.

    Even when I allowed one to stay because they were homeless l. They simply expected me to pay for everything and they didn't even bother to clean up the house or do ANYTHING to earn their keep. In fact I ended up having to clean up after them.

    Then getting them out of my house was a nightmare.


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