Natalists Are Only Lying To Themselves

It sure is interesting to see how much Natalists will defend and are so attached to this world.

The world is eternally broken. It's also irreversibly depleted and damaged.

Despite the regeneration that Earth has done in.the past, it is beyond the point of being able to do it anymore.

When Natalists ever talk about how their kids and going to be this and that, and how they see their children as the possibility to fix negative things in this world is just such a major cope and they don't realize how naive and childish they sound!

Even if they do have children in this world who do solve problems, it will only be a drop in the bucket compared to the full laundry list of problems that the children solve and eventually nature and the entropic conditions of this world will eventually destroy anything they created anyways.

What I have consistently noticed across the board with natalists is that there is a consistency of fear inherent inside of them based on the fact of not existing.

All natalists inherently find value in suffering and they view suffering as something that's Elemental towards growth and do not see it as a negative thing, even though as one ages they lose their faculties including any growth they have achieved in this existence.

All natalists see weak things as strong and strong things as weak.

Natalists  are not concerned in the least about how much public trust is gone and in general with how much most of the human public is actual scum in this world and so they have no concern about the quality of life that the child will have or what kind of conditions and implications they will have to endure in living in such a toxic world of people now.


  1. People having kids discust me. I've never met a single person who actually cares about their kids. They send them off to daycare to be raised by someone else...they send them off to school to be raised by someone else. They put a screen in front of them to be raised by the internet.

    They basically spend all their time figuring out how to not associate with their kids.

    People having kids are truly doing it to satisfy their narcissistic ego.

    1. And that is exactly a topic I plan to expand on, with a particular entry I am working on, especially as it relates to the fact that much of so-called Human "Compassion" or "Emotion" is not actually anything from within, but just from hormones and chemicals. This is especially the case with childbirth too. Ever notice how much the Mothers and Family / People seem to adore the child in youth and welcoming them into this world?

      Once they are an adult, do they have as much passion, care and obsession / interest in them the same way they did when they were a child? Clearly not.

      Much of it is an act, and a lot of it influences from hormones and chemicals.

      This is not to say there are no exceptions to that, but such exceptions of it that exist now are extremely rare.

      Everyone is all welcoming to children once they enter this world, but once they become an Adult, they are left in the cold (especially Men) and if they ever voice distress, discomfort or problems with this world, they are told to "Toughen Up" or "Deal with it" and pretty much disowned. If a Man gets hurt from a girl who broke him in a relationship, he will be both mistreated, abused and laughed / scoffed at / humiliated by all Women and other Men, even by the ones who may have welcomed him into this world.

      This is why Humans make me sick!

    2. Once the child is able to walk, talk and develops their own personality they become rapidly ignored and the love fades.

      The mother of the man who is screwed over by a woman will usually side with the woman over her own child. It's sick and I personally experienced this.

    3. @Here for the apocalypse, Yup, exactly. The other thing that's telling also, is that when someone is a child, a crime or something that happens to them is treated and taken far more seriously than once they become an adult. Even though their "adult" version may actually have some sort of skill or trait that actually is highly valuable or beneficial to society at large. It shows even more so how much of a joke this world is, along with the Human creation.

      This whole creation is basically sick and distorted to the core, and Humans have spent thousands of years through religions, philosophies and twisted justifications to try to make "moral sense" or "logic" of it, when no such thing exists, it's just a form of slavery that we are condemned too, and most people are gleeful to be slaves and too cowardly or afraid to stand up for themselves, even it means creating a jarring effect when you do so.


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