The Disgusting Lack Of Loyalty In Modern Men (Rant)

I am addressing this subject yet once again, because of the apparent lack of loyalty there are among Today's Men, particularly younger Men, especially for the sake of other Men, because of simping and caving towards other Women.

For us Germans, Loyalty is something that runs deep in our blood, and betrayal shall be met with nothing but torture and malice.

I find absolute disgust what today's younger generations of Men will do, all to pander towards a Woman, especially a Woman who commits infidelity and other atrocities, and yet still will "wait in line" in hopes to get her, and rarely do most Men ever get them anyways.

This desperation of these Men are absolutely SICK and PATHOLOGICAL.

These same Men will throw desperate wads of cash towards these Women to pay for their food, rent, bills or children.

These Men are absolutely irrational bastards! Nothing but FILTHY BELLY BUTTON LINT that needs to be tossed in the garbage.

In older times, Men would follow principles and codes of ethics, no matter how extreme something became, to always "stay the course" and to hold to those principles, no matter how gruesome things may seem or become.

This has always, in fact, been a part of our German Tradition as a people so long as we held onto the former German Reich.

After the Reich fell, Democratic Ideals, Flabby Personalities and "Dynamism" began to take root in the character of the German people.

But up until more recent years, this character has held up a lot more than some other Nations.

Being a True German, we never betray our word and loyalties, and it really makes me bitter and full with a sense of seeking vengeance towards our betrayers, whether or not they are "German" of course.

When people betray, we used to burn them alive on the public square, taunt and humiliate them and allow them to have the most brutal exit from this world without even a shred of mercy. This has long been how we did things in Medieval Europe. This needs to come back.

You people in Europe today are chickenshit cowards and doormats.

Instead, whenever something scares you, you demand the Governments to step up their presence with more security and restriction of rights, something which people many centuries ago would spit upon.

Many of you do not take seriously how much of an offense it has historically been for a Woman to commit infidelity or to displease her Man.

It's no wonder why you rely on Entertainment, such as through Movies and Video Games to show you the real, raw world out there when Humans can do what they want and act in ways they had previously throughout much of Human history to take care of business.

There are so many suckers in this world, and they cannot stomach reality or grim truths or realities that must manifest, and when they are confronted with it, they cower and become a turncoat, and cannot have a stomach that could drink motor oil like coffee.

I despise these types of Men, they aren't even real Men, they are puny little pathetic punk bitches, and many of them today come from Single Mother households.

Most of them are all deranged and messed up from video games and marijuana that their single mothers let them do.

I am ashamed of you, and if you are one of them reading this, you know who you are, and you know who this message is meant for, along with me calling you out for your filthy SIMP behavior for Women.

Men need to stop throwing their power and wealth on the alter of Women, you are fucking up and ruining everything in this world for the devil's daughters.

It needs to put an end too, and I believe that financial transactions made by Men like this towards Women, need to be monitored by government authorities and that such Men need to face severe pentalties for what they do.


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