A "Freeloader" Accusing Everyone Else Of Being A Freeloader - Absolutely Priceless!


Yes, Men... This is what it has come down too.

Everything with Women is always about the Pot calling the Kettle "Black", even when the Kettle is Silver, and the Pot is Black.

You see, Women do not like the fact that Men are coming to a serious awakening about Women, including the fact that the only thing that separates Men's understanding about Women being Bums or Mooches, or yes, even "Freeloaders" is this perception that Women are weak, vulnerable and need to protected and provided for.

When you remove those Lens Filters, a Man inevitably sees them for what they are. A Total Bum and a Mooch, and they don't like this fact whatsoever.

Here is a desperate old lady who is even seeing she cannot get her way and is going "broke", but recognizes that no amount of manipulation is working on Men anymore like it used to, and in fact, barely at all.

It's funny how she claims how Men are "Entitled", while she expects you to actually have to pay her some money to see her online content and even have engagement or making comments on her YouTube Page.

At the same time, she doesn't believe that as a Very Old Woman, that she is super "Entitled" for thinking she has desirability or should have access to Young Men, and she has no shame about her confessing to the fact that only wants younger Men in her other videos.

It's not that there is something wrong with having this want as such, but to believe it absolutely is something you deserve and have rights too, that is a whole other story.

Everyone wants someone younger! This is nothing new or special, and doesn't make you "unique", but she thinks she is unique, and also she thinks she should be getting paid for ANY Male who happens to interact with her for any reason even on YouTube, and now Men are not paying out for her, or her escort services either.

It's not only her of course, but Women of all demographics are feeling the pinch in their purses, and recognize Men are checking out and are pretty much done with them.

More so in the West, but eventually this will engulf everywhere else too.

Listen to the way she raises her voice in her videos, especially the most recent videos, reminds me a lot of the Semen Retention Queen "Magic Maya" who is also obviously becoming a broke bitch.

Aww, too bad, so sad... No more walking ATMs who are willing to dispense with their money anymore.

If you haven't heard the latest news, #MeToo 2.0 has now been making its rounds, especially in the Hollywood / Rich & Famous Scene, where countless Actors, Musicians and even Sports Players or other Famous people are now being targeted, because this is becoming a last ditch effort for them to fleece everything they can from Men.

Make no mistake about it, but Women are absolutely more than willing and absolutely determined to drag this world down into a total hell all because they want money and their Narcissistic Needs and Desires, such as endless Attention and Worship, to be catered to them, and if they don't get that, they are willing to turn everything into a total wasteland and to make life horrible not only for all Men, but also other Women as well.

I see a very very bleak future ahead, and this is why I say to you guys that you need to be very careful, and hold onto your wealth, DO NOT GIVE THEM ANYTHING. NOTHING. NOT EVEN A PENNY.

A Woman who is not paying for you in some form or another, is undeserving to keep around or be bothered with. Just stay away from them and let them cope in their misery.


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