The Lie About Only 40-60% Of Men Ever Having Reproduced

It's quite amazing that this talking point still circulates and is believed, without any true evidence for it, since the whole notion of it is designed to make Men believe that they are not entitled to a female partner.

When one looks at the facts, the phenomenon of Men having lesser and lesser access or opportunity to reproduce, is something that is extremely new and only increases statistically, the younger the generation is.

If you actually did your own research, which includes actual Concrete Research and also even asking around, you will find out that:

90% of Baby Booomer Men had Reproduced.
68% of Gen X Men had Reproduced.
40% (Approximate Figure) Millenial Men so far have Reproduced.

So as you can see, this delusional notion that only 40% of Men have ever reproduced, was conveniently just tacked on mostly from the fact that the Millenial Generation is largely where that statistic lines up and holds absolutely true.

What IS true however more than ever, is that a large set of Men in the gene pools have died off between various wars, suicides and other consequences, including the younger generations that did not pass on certain genes, which is decreasing genetic diversity, hence more Men and Women alive today are actually directly related more to most Women Alive, than Men.

By allowing the forces to make you believe that this 40-60% ratio holds true, you also do the same when you believe for example that it is somehow natural for Women to only want Men who are 6 Feet or Taller, which is actually nothing more than an Online Meme.


But on the level of Men who have Married and/or Reproduced, if you would even inquire about the Baby Boomers, you will find almost none of them who did not Marry or Have Children, unless they specifically chose not too or had exceptionally bad luck say due to bad genetics, appearance or some type of handicap, etc.

One must also question, if only 40% of Men ever historically reproduced, where are all these Homeless Men of older ages and Single Households of them, and all the other excesses they had from living a single life along with all of their excess vehicles? Exactly...

In fact in America even, Single Women currently own more houses than the Men, and it reminds me of the joke in the Barbie Movie where Barbie didn't even know where all the Men slept and lived in her delusional "Barbieland".

Most of the Men did marry and have children and if they die out, the wives most certainly have inherited their houses and pension.

Also, there would be a huge inventory of housing suddenly available as well for younger people trying to buy houses, as Baby Boomers are generally unhealthy and the Men have a lower life expectancy.

The other very notable fact, for Western People at least, is that the Baby Boomer generation is the last generation of people who by and large, were to a great portion, unmixed with other ethnicities who at least were not relatives of theirs.

Make no mistake, the American Gene Pool was pretty bad actually even since the very beginning of its founding, and many Americans had "mixed spirits" because of ridiculous admixtures with other Caucasians, which also flawed them from the very get-go, having often at least several Caucasian ancestries.

But many children who were born from Baby Boomers and Gen X, are overwhelming mixed, so they are only at best, about half or less of some majority identity.

On a note about "Talking Points", if you ever pay attention closely to my words, you will notice that I rarely explain things with "Talking Points" unless I am directly criticizing a Talking Point, or if I am trying to reference it for some particular reason.

This is because, I am not officially a part of the "Online Community", and that I do not identify, nor resonate, nor conform to the trendy manners or interpretations that many people in the Cyberworld have adapted, which are basically a form of their social ineptness.

Most people who use Talking Points or Rhetorical Statements as the only way to get their message across to their viewers, almost always have a hidden agenda, and they adopt these talking points and methods to try to appeal to their audiences to manipulate them.

I couldn't care less whether or not you find my information and revelations to be appealing, and have a more Take it or Leave it approach, because you are worthless if you cannot keep up with it or make use of it anyway.


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