Don't Envy The Victors Who Will Replace The West

The Fall of the West will be an unprecedented event in the course of world history.

We are watching it right now before our very eyes, but most people are still in disbelief and horror enough for it to yet register.

They have lived such comfortable, relatively stable lives since World War II.

What the biggest shock and inability to grasp with this reality will be is the day that Western people discover that there will be no Renaissance, nor a Revolution and not even a Revolt or any possible exit from their coming fall and plight.

They will lose absolutely everything. The West is a total joke, everything about it, even down its Food and Women, some of the most very essential aspects to Life.

The West will never, ever rise again, it is finished. This is the will of the Western People, who decided this, not just its leaders.

The West is so far gone at this point, that you could have a group or nation of Western people who all agree to somehow attempt to rescue it or agree to keep it alive, and it will still fall flat on its face.

The thing is, at this point, all people of the West have even lost the plot. They lost everything, and tomorrow they are going to lose all their money.

But, it is important to also recognize and not believe that high and mighty Nations who may seem all too proud in replacing and taking out the West, as to be envied.

The world order has past its point of usefulness, so there will really be no point or desire to envy the living and those who thrive once they have it, plus the end goal of this system is to also have them taken down and enslaved a few years later.

You need to recognize that there is a far greater goal and outcome being obtained in all this, rather than just some simple change in the balance of power.

By the year 2030, if you manage to stay alive, you will probably regret what this world will look like by that time, and most absolutely by 2035 if you live in a country or part of the world that was unaffected by the soon to come catastrophes.

People who cling so heavily to their lives and survival are cowards, remember that.

This world is done for.

I certainly wouldn't want to be alive among all the coming AI and Automation and ridiculous new system that comes out, and the problem is this is what the plan is for, and nobody has resisted it.

Also, never forget that once the West falls, the racism, exclusion and hatred for Caucasian people all around the world, will become relentless and unforgiving, especially since the Standard for thousands of years has always been to look up to the Caucasians for leadership and enlightenment.

This will make it even more unbearable of an existence. There will be no Mercy shown.

Quite frankly, you will also not be able to blame the Barbarians for how they will shame you either, because the Caucasian Peoples, even though mostly NPC's, have chosen to do nothing at all and have welcomed their own demise.

In fact, the reason you always hear think tanks, or even random comments or journalists who talk about the American Empire collapsing some 75 or more years from now, is because they want to settle your fears or understanding that this is actually taking place MUCH sooner than that, and that the entire West will also collapse with America.

Just imagine all the people with children, especially if they are Caucasian, how their children will regard their parents for bringing them into this world!?

You won't want to be there to see what happens. But it's here, and the next 2 years will be of the most critical changing years for the West and its Fall.


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