My Own Regrets With Women

I would like to even confess some of my own Personal Regrets with Women, especially since over time, you may feel that as a Man that you will have more regret over not being as pursuant over Women, but...

If anything, I find over time, that I regret most of the time, energies and money I had spent in my life, that had anything to do involving them.

Keep in mind, I have always been very cheap with Women too, unlike Most Men.

But to be honest, you do not realize until later just how much of a drag and waste of time they really are in life.

Out of 100% of the time I dedicated, only about 10% of the time was ever involved in anything worthwhile, but even still, when it's over, it's done and gone, and it's like it never happened.

When Women attempt to ruin your life, and they will do it to you sooner or later, they can keep a Man wallowing in misery for Months and Months, even Years, because of the damage they inflict.

Women, as a rule, generally do not fall in Love with Men, and it's the Men who are falling in Love, which is why Women usually move on right away and already have another partner lined up.

I've missed out on a lot of Concerts and Events in life that I had wanted to attend, as the result of Women. Some particular people I have wanted to meet, I lost perfect, golden opportunities that I would've been able to meet them, finding out well later after the fact.

And if it wasn't from time they wasted or problems they caused, such as distractions or poor choices and so forth in relationships that distracted me from such things, it surely has been the recovery period.

Most of what had prevented me was either my current physical location that was inconvenient, or grieving or a combination of the two, or just being out of the loop and not knowing otherwise about these events or other possibilities.

Women waste so much time in your life, that it's absolutely unbelievable when you sit back and think about it and especially as you get older and look at your past, and if you come to discover many things you've missed.

I missed out on some unbelievable events, and I can recall exactly why I was out of the loop doing those periods and missed out on such opportunities, and sometimes it could be due to work obligations, but more often it was the cause of Women.

So, if I were you as a Man and if you really want the serious hard truth about Women, do not take them seriously and do not believe in them, and do not let them distract you from things.

They aren't worth it. What's insane is how much damage and problems they can even inflict on your life even with the most minimal involvement and even if you don't dedicate much money to them.

They just naturally seem to find a way to make bad choices and to have cascading problems that eventually make you fall into their quicksand of these problems, sharing a destiny of their ever-cascading issues, whether it's their Toxic sister or Family, their decision to go to University or some other dumb things they did in life.

Even a short relationship of 2-3 Months with a girl, can destabilize your life for about 1-2 years not just from the train-wreck of the emotional damage if you fall in Love, but also especially if you've made adjustments to your life either by moving or something.

Never fight for a Woman, and only they should be fighting for you.

They really are truly, utterly worthless, I rather sleep in a bed of cockroaches than to risk a life with them.

I despise them more than a lot Men on earth do, or at least should, but maybe in time that too will change.

Everything they do, Everything they think or even say is utterly worthless, because they don't even mean what they say or practice what they preach, and they just waste everyone's time.

Ironically, most of the money that Women had cost me, had less to do of anything with spending money on them specifically, but because they either inconvenienced Me or "us" by poor planning or other circumstances and recklessness, even as far moving plans I had to endure and other lifestyle changes or flights that I had to book which were unnecessary because of their bad and stupid decisions.

Women are inconsiderate creatures, ON ALL LEVELS. This is how they live their own lives too, and is why they constantly waste money away all the time.

A small example I can give is when I had to book an emergency flight to leave somewhere, which otherwise would have only costed me $150-$200 if booked in advance one way, I had to spend over $1000 for doing it in less than 24 hours, otherwise I would be stranded and it was a circumstance also involving my stay / circumstances on a passport. Total miscommunication. This was many many years ago.

Women were super bad years before, and the stories I see and hear of what goes on now with what Men are enduring, did not even exist this bad when I still had involvement with them.

What puzzles me is even to the degree that some Men still have in any dealing with Modern Women on any level!!!

Women will always downplay or hide things from you, it could even be something as simple as her car brakes not being in an order and doesn't tell you until the last minute when you are both booked for a vacation trip.

Women would even drive their car without lug nuts on the wheels if they thought they meant they could get away with it with the chance of "getting something done" either way, and I make no exaggeration of that.

It's awfully funny how Women demand and expect all this "Safety", "Protection" and "Security" but will never ever have the decency to assume the same for the Man in any circumstance, potentially endangering his life because of how inconsiderate they are.

This is how these fucking monsters live. And all of them are like that, it doesn't matter what type of family they come from, or what country, what upbringing. Always downplaying things and overplaying them, and making things seem like they are not as bad as they are, even when it's the worst.

Women are money pits, and this is not even over paying for things "for them", but just a matter of how ridiculous their lifestyles are, or what car they try buying, or their stupid parents, or even decisions by their parents that you also have to deal with that end up somehow funneling down to creating an unnecessary, if even temporary expense for you.

I've spent a LOT of time waiting around (not waiting on) Women because of circumstances they cause, and it can only make you become hateful and vitriolic of them and to eventually resort to getting nasty with them on every level, which means abuse and punishment.

But it's pointless ever conversing with them on anything real.

You'd have a more productive dialogue with a box or a wall or your car.

They always reinterpret things to their own sick and twisted definitions and egos.

Women also do not value material items on any level for the sake of the hard work it took to obtain them. I cannot tell you how many times I have lived with Women who will throw away your clothing, tools, magazines, or things they think you "may no longer need or don't use" or even perfectly fine food items all under the assumption or idea that they were "no good" or "no longer good". They love to throw things away constantly, and it just shows they have no respect for you and your possessions, and have the audacity to even do it without confrontation with you until you find out it's long gone missing.

These are not even American Women either, in case you are wondering. European Women do all this nonsense, you better believe they do, but so do all Women everywhere.

As a Man, I never EVER dreamed about rummaging through a girlfriend's items and even secretly throwing them away behind her back.

I am pretty sure there are Many Men out there can sympathize with me on that, and even that alone proves how much better Men are as people compared to them, since they are so "low".

A Woman can never be content with a belief or idea or truth that is in ANY WAY inconvenient to her, or detrimental to her sake. EVER.

If it were not for Women, I may have secured my life in Europe right about now, but that didn't end up happening, and is not likely to change, despite the fact that I really despise what has become of the West altogether as whole now, regardless of the country.

If you want what's best for you, keep them out of your life at all costs and have no involvement for them outside for what they do for you, including getting you free stuff or otherwise servicing you in some way. Do not involve your life with them. Do not invest in them or ever believe them.

By and large, they are just utterly useless in every way possible and offer nothing besides a fun hole, and many times, they even make that boring too.

What Most Men are not telling you in this life is how much they are willing to endure with Women's torture and abuses, and this is why these stupid pathetic Men will work 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 Plus Hours because they are FINANCING these things and wastage for these Women constantly. Buying them things they will throw away or wasting other senseless money because of their reckless lifestyles.

Many Men, apparently just chalk these things up, because Most Men believe it is Unmanly to complain and to not take on abuses and being used or otherwise taken for granted or thrown the short end of the stick in any life situation. Men who aren't suckers, do not accept this!

I don't work that many hours per week, and I never will work as a slave like that such as the rest of these buggers! I want to have a full head of hair for the rest of my life.

I've learned this disgusting truth about a lot of guys, especially Married Men, and what I have found is how great of lengths they will go to hide about what types of things they endure, all because of their girlfriend or wife. I am dealing with one Man in particular like this who has all kinds of health issues and brokenness, and yet he cannot be honest even about the most silly things, all because he is worried about not being seen as "Masculine" or thought of as "less", and he is also restricted by his wife on all kinds of things, including how long he can be away from the house for. I wish I were making this up.

Make no mistake, Most Married Men are actually very unhappy, broke, poor and desperate, and live miserable lives and they bald early and have nothing left to them. They work like slaves to support their wives but also on senseless crap and her poor decisions with things.

It's considered one of those "shameful things" in existence that Men go through, but are told they must never let their sons or anyone else know about. You learn this as you begin having involvement with Women and see what kind of things you have to go through.

There is nothing more aggravating than wasting senseless money and being put in urgent or ridiculous circumstances especially last-minute, when none of it never had to be done in the first place and could well be avoided, all because of carelessness, poor communication and because of someone's bad choices or life circumstances.

But the point I would like to mostly illustrate in all of this, is that my regrets in this life have far less to do with any "what if" scenarios or ever having felt like I was missing out, but more to do with how much I wish I never had the involvement with them whatsoever.

In my era of growing up, Men never discussed things about Women's behavior openly with any other Men, however Men would always insist to us never to get married and never have children.

And this has been going on really bad for a long time, and it's not just in America.

After these many years of what I have endured, I see exactly why even they were saying this.

I have known Men from Germany who are well older or from the war-time, who have horrific stories about their Wives and what they dealt with. I know of a Man from Austria who has to take a heart medication to survive, and he attributed it to his wife.

I know Men from Greece, even Russia and other places and all of their wives were great burdens in their life, and in many cases led them into early graves or with serious health issues because of the stress they endured.

The fact that for many decades it was Men doing this and keeping Silent and being relegated to such few words to just educate other Men to not get married or have children but not going into it any further, shows just how deep these problems go, and how long Men have been living lives of silent desperation and "chalking it up". It has been very bad for a long time.

Most Men whom I knew in Marriages, particularly Middle Class but also some Upper Class Families as well, became Heavy Drinkers because of the bullshit they dealt with from their wives, and I had seen much of the nonsense myself. Almost All of their Wives automatically think he is potentially "cheating on her" while he is out at the hardware store picking up a part to repair something in cold weather.

This is what you are dealing with when it comes to Women.

Please take that information and keep it in mind at all times.


  1. "I've missed out on a lot of Concerts and Events in life that I had wanted to attend, as the result of Women. Some particular people I have wanted to meet, I lost perfect, golden opportunities that I would've been able to meet them, finding out well later after the fact." Take responsibility of your own actions and stop blaming women for whatever is lacking in your life. You sound like an abuser. This is why I consider American men to be scum compared to Canadian men.

    1. @Fandar Fuck off you pussywhipped boy. Your head is still stuck in your mother's vagina.


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