My Response About The Prussian Education System

 There actually has been a lot of online interest, documentaries and subjects floating around lately discussing the Prussian Education Model, and also I have received a lot of inquiries on my Modern Opinion on this subject, which I would like to address briefly, but perhaps in the future I can go longer into it.

I view the Prussian Education System from the standpoint of it being in a Grey area.

What we can say is that this system was more or less a product of it's time and also the timing of the Industrial Revolution, but that in the whole course of Human History that it does not necessarily support adaptation or improvement especially as human technologies or needs change over time, and is subject to becoming very redundant and too overly-efficient for its own good.

I believe that to an extent, the Prussian Education Model is obsolete and dated, with a few exceptions, but the actual very foundation of Prussian Spirit and Culture actually depend WHOLLY on the Entire Population being highly educated and informed.

So there has to be some sort of Standardized but always evolving State mandate or requirement to determine how public opinion and education standards are formed and to be able to test and ensure this for every living citizen.

It is extremely important that the State supervises how and why someone believes what they do, whether or not their belief is right or wrong, because the factors that lead up to this entirely will dictate the outcomes of that Individual and their Performance in society, and it can also be a great indicator of any subversive forces that could be influencing the Individual in society.

The Prussian Education Model did have many strengths and efficiencies in thwarting out such subversive threats and to also create a very strong, reliable and well-rounded workforce which was obedient.

The only question becomes, for whom these ambitions and obedience serve and to what degree, and to whether they are in mutual harmony not only with the State but also the People themselves on an Individual Level.

I believe that maintaining some level of the Prussian Spirit from the Prussian Education Model is absolutely essential for the German People, but with some heavy modifications to bring it up to date, and as always, we need to Educate and Cultivate our people in such a way that they do not fall into lockstep rigidity to whereby they become completely closed off to any legitimate interpretations or concerns in life and allow ideology to trump Common Sense and Reason.

We saw the effects of this in Germany during the C19 lockdowns, and even with how taboo it still is in Germany today to be in denial of it or the refusal of mandates.

I would like to give a concrete example of what I mean by this as well, and especially as it relates to Education. Most people who attend Public Education in their youth in most developed countries, would learn the dangers of inhaling your own Carbon Dioxide, and why it is essential that it is exhaled from the body and that this process is not interrupted.

It should be seen as "reasonable", not suspicious or publicly scorned when the C19 Agenda came out, to question the validity or obedience to Mandates to Wear Masks, as this completely goes both against Common Sense and Instinct, as well as what one should have learned if they were properly educated in school about Human Biology.

All rules and common sense about Disease and Human Biology or Immunity had been thrown out the window and discarded forever, even in Germany, a country that has Pioneered Science and Advanced Research.

As bad as the lockdowns were in America, they were far far worse in all over Europe, especially Germany, and Germany extended them a lot longer, and in a very religious manner.

A more blatant example could even be seriously posed, that what if you were Employed by a Company and they told you that it was a "prerequisite" that you Jump off a bridge to show your "loyalty" to the Company.

Would you follow that order blindly just because it is an Order, and because you were expected to do it as a condition of your Employment!?

At some point, we have to have some sort of limit or determining factor as to what is considered Sane and Reasonable versus what is not, and this is where critical thinking comes in, a skill and art that is being long lost.

But in order for Prussian Spirit and Culture to flourish, it is ABSOLUTELY essential that the population is highly and pervasively educated. Prussia is no "De Facto Utopia", so we cannot promise or suggest some notion that the most ideal form of living and culture can be so easily obtained or fought for.

It requires immense social energy from our people to cultivate it and maintain it and also to build and maintain relevance into the future especially among the whole host of other peoples in the world.

The matter of Education for Germans under the Prussian System cannot be negotiated on whatsoever, since the whole foundation of Prussia's existence relies on a having a Highly Educated, Versatile Population which is capable to retool and reorganize, but also able to go to war at basically a Moment's Notice without hesitation or hurdles.

These are merely terms that cannot be negotiated or sacrificed in the process, because the very foundations of Prussia and the German Reich depend on these attributes to keep its engine running.

In fact, it is what led to Prussia's role in coming up with the most superior form of the Scientific Process known in the world, and many other great discoveries and inventions.

Today, Public or State Education is a farce, and not just in the United States, but in many countries around the world, as the Education Systems are only geared towards supporting and defending Corporations and Capitalism, or even more particularly "Corporate Capitalism" along with certain State Officials who benefit from this.

They do not care in the world for the Happiness or Welfare of the Individuals in society, and whether or not there is a harmonious element with the mutual goals between the People and the State that are directly involved with the Needs and Demands of the Era and Challenges of the people.

Group-think can come with many consequences, but the German people are the most advantageous ones to reap the benefits of it if done properly, because Germans have always historically had the tendency to gravitate towards Truth and through a very thorough mechanism of using Reason to extents with few other peoples have the patience for.

However, that strength is nowhere near what it once used to be, within Modern Germany.

It is still higher than many other Nations in the world, but nowhere near good enough if Germany were to survive and prosper.

Germans might in fact also be one of the only people in the world to double-check [even triple-check] themselves even when arriving at the Truth, because we always want to be extra sure before we jump to conclusions or any kind of impulsive thinking or bad form and tendencies to ever be applied to our system of reasoning.

As such, it must be understood that Humans are not infallible, and that this rule applies just as well to Germans as any Barbarian Race, but we must approach things from the standpoint of being very meticulous and prudent in all of our decisions and steps at all times to mitigate errors and poor decisions.

There is a strong tendency in our German Blood to avoid making mistakes and being wrong, because it is a much more shameful thing for us and dishonors us greatly as a people, whereas Barbarians are actually more indifferent and frequently "move on" easily after being wrong or mistaken as if it's just another day. Not the case for Germans.

Even in the Top Leadership Echelons of the German Reich, in order for something to be accepted, it must go through a whole host of various Ministries, and with the absolute best Minds who come from different professions and disciplines that can also endorse it, and for a new angle to be introduced of something that may either be perceived, known or experienced by a particular Minister or other Official that we are alerted about.

You can understand the levels of rigid and pervasive thought and energy that this encompasses.

As the systems today we live under almost all nearly employ Plutocrats who serve as their enforces, Plutocrats are actually the worst form of politicians because they are "Political Hacks" and Servants to their Corporate Masters, which is even worse than living under a Tyrannical Monarchy with Monarchists.

The Best form of Slavery is one whereby one does not realize they are a Slave, and in the case of today we live under a Neo-Feudal system, yet people believe this system to be even superior to the rights enjoyed under Monarchy, but only because comforts, conveniences and technologies make it seem like life is a lot better, even though life is actually much more stressful and meaningless compared to Medieval Times.

Plutocrats are also the most likely to have the least amount of vested interest in their own people, because the way they obtained power and their influence was completely manufactured and fictitious.

People who live under the rule of Plutocrats and respectively under Democracies, are also far less likely to revolt because of the nature of these systems and with how they atomize the populations and condition them so thoroughly.


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