I Look Forward To The Mass Self-Deleting That Women Will Do Very Soon

When you despise them as much as I do, you even are willing to overlook sex or the quality of Women left available and just prefer to see them completely eliminated from this Earth.

Women are nothing but a demon put into a container or vessel.

Those who are still in disbelief about it, will soon come to learn just how true and eternal these words are.

Women are being eliminated at all spheres of life right now, and what's even better is that the Upper 4% of Men, in that wealth bracket, are completely shunning Women, withholding their finances from them, kicking them out of their apartments and fed up with their shit.

Very soon, any word a Woman speaks will go long ignored and disregarded, even her cries and pleas for help, even other Women will ignore them.

If I had the capabilities to engineer a bioweapon to get rid of those with XX chromosomes that do not fit the profile of what we deem a suitable specimen to be kept alive or exempted, you better believe I would make one and allow it cleanse the earth of this putrid waste.

Women are falling very hard right now. All over the world. The epicenter may be the US and most Developed Nations, but you will soon see how this will take on momentum elsewhere.

Brazil, India and many other countries around the world are also highly feminized, Man hating countries where Women have unfair advantages over Men and lead them towards destruction, it's not just the West.

In particular, I make no hesitation to express that I hate and utterly loathe with every fiber of my being, almost everything about a Woman. They are garbage, and I have more respect for a used discarded candy wrapper.

Even if there was a God who insisted to me that they were his creation, and even if I had to suffer eternity for liquidating all of them and knew of this consequence for destroying his creations, I would still do it regardless, just to explain to you so you can understand how much hatred and disgust I have for Women.

Expect Gender Segregation and Hatred of Women to explode to heights you have never dreamed of.

Women aren't good for anything except sex, and even most of them fail at that. If they can't offer good sex, No Man will want anything to do with them.

I view Women in the same light as I do the Little Hat Wearing Tribe. Both of them are our enemies, and both of them act exactly the same.

Let them rot in hell!!!


  1. I agree with this post and your views on women. They are very privileged, yet always play the victim and believe they are oppressed. I dislike them a lot due to how manipulative and lazy they are.

    As I see from your post, you believe that things will get harder for women due to men 'simping' less for women. After all, men simping for women in the hopes that they get sex or brownie points from American society, leads to women being able to be the parasites they are. If men thought like you do, it would be a lot more fairer between the genders and female privilege will no longer exist. In my personal opinion, female privilege is probably the biggest privilege a human being can have as it means life is handed to you without much struggle needed.

    However, I am unsure if men will ever stop simping because it mainly comes down to how high the male sex drive is. Even with how modern women are behaving, some men (usually ones with bad genetics) are still treating them like 'Queens' and simping for them just so they can gain access to sex via economically benefitting a woman rather than the natural route of genetics to gain access to sex. Unfortunately due to this reason, a woman can just open her legs and get easy money and a whole host of other benefits.

  2. That’s what they get I heard this good looking young man say to this girl “YOU CLOWN FAKE ASS EYEBROWS” lol she was hurt but she pushed him out of the way that ugly Mexican girl had her little sister cult yelling at the guy saying “she beautiful leave her alone” lol she was so ugly I swear she literally looked like Mexican nanny McPhee she was 250 pounds built like a square had nanny McPhees nose with fake eyelashes but people were defending her because she’s a girl! That ugly Mexican girl probably has a dog as her boyfriend or is some lesbian .These ugly women think they are some “goddess” because they put on fake eyelashes young men at least aren’t taking any shit anymore and call these girls out for what they are. The only simps that are going to be left are women because women would even call a Down syndrome girl beautiful.


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