Seeing People As Actors and Role Players In Life, Rather Than Real People

Early on in life, I rapidly became aware at just how pervasive "Acting" was as part of Society, and why I absolutely chose to refrain from becoming a part of this type world.

For example, one thing I cannot get over about being involved in the Workplace, is that even if you are having a conversation as a "Customer" with the "Employee", it's considered "rude" or potentially "inappropriate" to tell the truth about another business with that Employee, especially if it's in the same exact type of storefront or product they are involved with and may be competitors. 

There is always fear or this idea that it is bad form always to "trash talk" another Business, even if it were just constructive criticism, then the Employee will never truly be himself or herself in how they act or respond for fear if you are some type of "informant" to collect information about a competitor and to gauge the true feelings and sentiment towards one of your competitors.

So you may never get the true extent of the feelings or beliefs and sentiment by ever bringing up such a topic to an employee.

Even in Sales, an Employee would likely never ever suggest to someone to beware of a brand of something that may have "known bad issues or high returns / dissatisfaction" even in light of a more suitable product model, because that would be "bad for sales". But some of the more honest, ethical sales agents (and there aren't many) would be honest about such things.

For example, the other day at this particular establishment, I hear the girl at the register who asks every customer what their First Name is (or sometimes "what is it again?") and then claiming "I'm such and such, it's Nice to meet you."

The thing though is that it is disingenuous, because the Employees at this location are artificially trained to perform these formal gestures, out of politeness, rather than true cause and will by an Employee.

Every Employee is required to ask the same things to every customer, so as to form a seemingly "personal relationship" with each customer to make the customer feel a certain way, but it's not authentic.

As such, what ends up happening since this is not natural, is that almost every time, these Employees forget the name of the Customers, even if they are somewhat of a regular, because they are just following "procedures in the moment" rather than establishing a meaningful connection, if that were to ever even be the case with a stranger.

The NPC's will of course just write these things off as simply "small nuisances" and just "a part of life / part of doing business", but the thing is, to take on this type of behavior will only assume a massive amount of stress, even if one does not see it in the moment.

For every thing in life that you must act or put on a façade for something or someone, even if an event, even a Funeral Director who has to act "Sad" for a deceased one, all to seem like they are compassionate for someone's loves one, all of this acting essentially "eats away" at you, bit by bit, until there is nothing left in you and whereby you have no ability to interact with others on any true or real level.

It would even make it seem "frightening" to be authentic with others, because of how much of your daily life is invested in acting.

This is especially more true in America than even most other countries, but even still, it's true everywhere.

Even a Waitress or a Lawyer, are major actors. Always having to say the thing right in every moment, telling whom they serve "what they want to hear".

Waitresses have to put on a fake smile.

Even most families are fake with each other, or at least a lot of them are.

How many Relationships form between couples, and where if one person has different Music Tastes or like Sports, the girlfriend will try to act like she is a major Sports Fan now too, or into the same type of Music when it's obvious she is not?

Almost All Greetings between others are fake, even the world over, and are just nothing but polite gestures that are designed to fall in line with the Common Culture of the people or because someone wants to be seen or come across in a certain way.

And the funny part about it all is that you "still" have people in this world who believe "Evolution is real" while simultaneously all this is occurring and basically proves how far from Evolution we all live.

If we all lived the way we are supposed to be living and just told things like they are and were not so worried about coming across as a certain way, it would be an extremely different world we would be living in today. Vastly Different.


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