We Are In World War III, Make No Mistake About It

There are many voices out there, especially on Social Media and Mainstream Media which still hypothetically talk about the notion of "World War III about to start".

It has already long started, specifically with the Ukraine-Russian War commencing on 24 February 2022.

This will one day be regarded in the future by any legitimate source, as the Start of World War III.

It seems that, at least as far as Institutions or Bodies exist, that only our Society Organization and the Russian Federation, the Official Government of the Russian Nation, are the only Large public bodies, who by and large are in wide recognition of this fact.

There are a few less noteworthy individual sources who recognize it, but largely, it seems many still speculate that the World War III has not yet begun.

Remember that even when World War II broke out, the British were actually careful enough to conceal that they were the ones who actually started it covertly behind the scenes, and not Germany, and that they also had controlled "The Black Hand" and many small-scale events like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, when led up to the World War.

Similarly, Britain also was the key figure behind launching World War I as well.

World War II officially had begun by 1 September 1939 when Hitler responded by invading Poland to rescue Ethnic Germans who were being "cleansed" by some of the most horrific Hate Campaigns under the Polish Government at that time along with restoring certain parts of Poland back to the German Frontiers for the Reich, but the true effects of realizing the extent of being in this World War did not really begin to fully manifest until 1942, and especially with the German invasion of Stalingrad.

Anybody who still cites the notion that we could potentially be embarking upon "World War III" should be considered a questionable source of reliable information, since they are peddling you not only old and misguided information, but that there are often secret hidden agendas with downplaying or not fully explaining the reality on the ground of situations as they are.

Most of the time, these agendas are designed to still give Humans an artificial sense of "hope" or to make them not stop what they are doing or seriously take a look at the world around them and re-evaluate the situation on the ground and just "moving forward" with life ignorantly as if nothing is happening.

Perhaps they also want them to have more "children" to bring in more Future Slaves, even though they will likely be born to experience inhaling Nuclear Radiation for their futures.

Even today, however, most people, especially in America and the UK and many parts of Europe, still believe that Germany started both World Wars, and cannot see it for the life of them that it was Great Britain which started it, even if you present all evidence to them.

Britain is a very very clever, sneaky, cunning, covert power in the way they manage their worldly affairs and dominance, especially through their Maritime Control and Intelligence Agencies, and that's why they have been able to pull off what they have done with such an audacity and carelessness that they do, especially in the 20th century, however they are losing that audacious edge to them in these recent years as it's becoming very clear that the UK is collapsing.

In addition to the Russian-Ukraine situation, we saw the outbreaks of conflicts between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and also with Israel recently which over 90% of the Palestinian Population in only several months has already been fully displaced, in some way harmed and been ravaged and are being led to total ruin. This process is all about finalizing the total ethnic cleansing of Palestinian People before really allowing the Fireworks to go off in this World War since Israel is hell-bent on procuring World Dictatorship.

Most people these days are still not aware of how much destruction has actually gone on in Palestine and the fact that the situation there is absolutely out of control, along with multiple Arab countries that have also been targeted by American and British forces opportunistically throughout the start of the conflict back in October 2023, which are all designed to place a target towards Iran.

Iran is actually a big centerpiece as it has been for years as the central target and caveat for WWIII's major outbreak, but getting realistically closer for where the US wants to target it, however it has been beating around the bushes, because Americans know they will lose gravely and also the fact that once that begins, it will absolutely ensure that the Nukes begin flying from multiple countries.

America for years has been picking on and bullying small neighboring countries or others trying to flirt with scenarios that could benefit entrapping and encircling Iran so that they can destroy them.

I would expect that we would even see Russia, China and Turkey flex their military muscles once that occurs, but of course Israel will use America and Britain as their dogs in the fight, as they always do until there is nothing left of those two pathetic nations, and then the idea is that Israel fills in the power vacuum from the Anglo-American Empire.

If you don't smell this strong scent of "death" lingering in the air for what is to come, especially since the COVID Era sprung up, you are living quite outside of reality.

There is so much death waiting to happen. It's going to be rampant.

You'll see really soon just how massive things are about to explode, and your economies will go right into the trash with your bodies. Money you "worked hard for" because you believe in it and think that it's real, and it will be yet tossed into the trash along with your bodies.

Remember after 9/11 when the wars started for Afghanistan and then Iraq, George Bush wanted everyone to be distracted from it and told Americans literally to "Go out and shop!"


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