Americans do not realize how much of "weirdos" they look like to the rest of the world with their Christian Values!

Americans sure are a weird bunch.

While Christianity is such a large religion around the world, and even among Europeans, and while periods of extremism have always been prevalent in Christianity's history, the Americans do not realize how much they stand out and appear "bizarre" with their Christian Fundamentalism and also as Evangelists even in light of many other highly religious Nations in Europe!

The point is not whether these other Nations are truly "Christian" or not by one's definition if they practice it, because there are Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox throughout Europe.

But the American Christians do not realize how bizarre they come across to those of us with solid European heritage.

Having grown up in the United States, I had always found the Americans to be the most bizarre lot in how they attribute everything to God and Jesus, and even down to their own Nation and Dollar.

In Europe, things are a bit different.

Whether one is England, France, Germany, Romania, Greece or Italy, and there are some heavily religious people in these countries, but they more or less move on with their lives (the followers) of these religions when outside of Church.

Americans, seem to love to attribute their Christianity to EVERYTHING around them.

In fact, it began to explode in more recent years when Trump had gained office.

You would almost never hear of someone in Europe who believes one of their Statesmen got into power because "God put him there!"

Maybe there are some, but I highly doubt such schizophrenic lunatics remain in the minority, compared to American Fanaticism and Superstition.

After all, this is the land where the American Witch Trials took place, and although some took place in Europe, there were even more fanatical here in Massachusetts, down to actually accusing people who were not Witches, to be accused of "Witchcraft".

More and More, everywhere it seems, these religious NPC's are always out and about, and trying to insist that they are God's Messengers, and are here to deliver the True News to "Believers" and "Non-Believers" alike.

I really get a kick out of it, every time I hear those Americans who claim that "God has turned his back on America" and how people need to engage in "prayer" to receive Blessings once again from him.

And that there are so many delusional, psychotic people in this country that believe that God has a plan and that Trump is somehow involved in that plan, and I've even heard some who claim that Trump is an "the anointed one"!

The Online Meme Community referred to Trump as the "God Emperor".

The Evangelical Christians, however, were the most prominent religious extremists behind all their fantasies revolving around Trump! And nothing you say can convince them otherwise.

They still also believe that Trump has "covertly" been in power / in office all this time, even though not the de facto "President".

If you are not from the USA and do not believe such religious nuts like these exist, please watch!



  1. If God put Trump in power it wasn't to "make America great again", it is to bring about it's complete destruction for all the evils it's done the last 100+ years.

    1. That's been more or less my line of thinking as well. Trump is really just a mouthpiece for Israel. And that's why the Judeo-Christians have been so obsessed about him. Sure, he is not as bad as Biden, but they still all work for the same interests and same destiny.

      The only value Trump has, is that he triggers the Left and there is opportunity that can be seized upon with the Left being triggered just by the idea of him in office. That is all he is worth, nothing else.


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