Do NOT Listen To Bodybuilding Influencers who suggest you to be in the Gym 5-7 Days Per Week


Look, you already know the views we have, including mine and Sv3rige / Goatis about Bodybuilders.

That being said, if you really are going to be doing any of this "Bodybuilder Nonsense" to any agree, you should at least NOT be falling to these Novice traps about being in the Gym Every Day.

The dude in this video claims he goes to the gym 5 - 7 days per week (minimum), so does that mean he even goes to the gym TWICE per day sometimes!? What the fuck!

I have first-hand experience with many Fitness Experts and Long-haulers in the industry, particularly ones we have tried to obtain Scientific Data on with Human Health, and all of them know only Ultimate Losers who are trying to boast or "flex" go to the gym more than 3-4 days per week, and do sessions over 45 minutes.

You do NOT build Muscle when you are going to the gym, you are TEARING Muscle. The Muscle-Building is based on Rest & Recovery, and that process deals SPECIFICALLY with your quality of Sufficient Diet / Nutrition and SLEEP.


These have long been established facts for many decades, and what is scary is I am seeing a lot of Men who think they are now suddenly "getting stronger on their grind" by going to the Gym more often.

You are killing yourselves and overtraining, and there is no benefit to overtraining.

All Professional Bodybuilders only go to the gym like 2 - 3 times a week, maybe less if they are on steroids.

Even the steroid users know the scoop with this outside of the Protein Powders, because they got into using the steroids because of realizing how unfeasible the gym lifestyle is to go more frequently or to deal with the unbearable recovery if someone were to go 5, 6, 7 days per week in the gym.

These guys are making themselves look like fools, because they are!

I at least have SOME bit of respect for any bodybuilders who know the truth about these facts with the body and metabolism and are not so ego-driven and trying to "flex" to others, to know that you don't go to the gym constantly and exceed 45 minutes of any physical activity per day.

An old friend of mine who called me back in January, even tried telling me how he's now going 6 Days per week to the gym and I tried to explain to him about this being unnecessary and overtraining along with him doing 1:30 gym sessions.

His whole idea is that "1:30" gym sessions are not all that longer than 45 minutes and aren't going to do that much of a difference.

These people are gravely mistaken!!!

I really wish this Gym culture did not explode the way it has now, it is getting way out of control!

Even the "Tub Talks" guy who is very new to bodybuilding even recognizes the fact that you don't go to the gym every single day and that Rest and Recovery / Proper Eating are where the building actually happens.

I can only imagine what other kinds of Snake-Oil the average Fitness Instructors are trying to promote and teach these days, probably in order to make more money from Training Session and Selling Toxic Supplements!

The most "in-the-know" bodybuilders only go to the gym Once per month and avoid steroids, but spend many thousands of dollars to regularly undergo a procedure with a machine that oxygenates their blood, which keeps the Muscle Mass. These types remain a very small minority.


  1. This bodybuilding/gym nonsense is insane. In my area I see high schoolers walk or drive after school to planet fitness.What ever happened to going home and relaxing after school?Seems like gen z doesn’t know how to relax.

    1. It's getting way out of control. I am hearing more and more of these pushing this 5-7 days per week, and the thing is they are so pig-headed about everything they do, they will never accept any other answer that they are somehow "doing the right thing", even though the entire hobby is a total waste and is just damaging to health, there is at least somewhat more of a right track on it rather than the wrong track. A lot of them are trying to go on the wrong track, and the mental acrobatics they are using to justify what they do is just psychotic. They will look back soon to see what fools they were. Even 10-15 years ago, all this knowledge was pretty much standard across the board with most Bodybuilders knowing the truth and also dangers of overtraining, especially even among Power Lifters. Now you have these young dude bros who think they know better! LOL.

  2. I used to go gym for 3 months in 2021, I didnt like working out at all. However I did make some natty gains as I was very underweight. I was 60kg and got up to 68kg at 5'11. I would say it was mostly fat and water weight but I did get stronger. My diet was mostly raw eggs, raw milk and raw liver. Aswell as cooked ground beef and rice. I would say my diet was a lot better for my gains than these 'protein' powders and a diet of grains. I would only train 3 times per week and for 15 minutes at a time with compound lifts. You may ask how I did my workout in 15 minutes but it was down to the fact I only done bench press and squats. I never bothered with anything else or any cardio.

    After my workouts I would have a huge appetite for any food and a huge thirst for water or raw milk. After every set, I'd gulp down lots of water as I was so thirsty despite it being winter. Normally my appetite is very poor. This was before Goatis stressed how bad the gym was. However I reckon my training routine was healthier than most peoples. Listening to my body helped a lot. Now I lost all my gains as I stopped training and also underrate. I am back to 60kg so I am probably underweight.


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