Even Russians are not Dumb like Western People When It Comes To Their Own Women

Not entirely anyway, but the Russian Cossacks always have meant business and don't give a rat's ass about being seen as "cowards".

Also take note to how one of the Russian Men treated the Simp trying to video tape him!

All Men who think its cowardly to beat Women who deserve it, are our enemies, and also should be beaten in the same manners by a Militia or State Authority such as these Men.

When Russia invades, Mark my words. We will permit all Russian and Chinese authorities to have their way with the Women.

Women who disobey and create problems for Men, absolutely should be treated like cattle like these Men, and if you ask me, these Russian Cossacks are even too soft for my tastes, but I do admire their work!

All of Europe used to be this way in fact, in Medieval times. If Women ever brought disappointment or infidelity, she was treated worse than an animal, ripped by her hair, burned alive and tossed around like a piece of garbage.

Women who betray anyone in society, are betrayers of the Nation!


  1. I saw this white girl( gen z) slap this gen z black guy in the face a few times and started “messing around with him” and he just took it I was shocked really because he should have punched her teeth in.He laughed it off then she flipped her hair and thought she was hot shit LOL


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