On Women - Arthur Schopenhauer



  1. What would be considered as young or old? I see a lot of women in their 30s who slept around a lot wanting to get married and they pretend they are” good “and they end up getting married the thing that I find weird is people think women who are 30 are young? I would say ages 15-20 is young right?

    1. 30 and over is definitely when Women begin to really become old and unwanted, but 25 is the end of their "Prime".

    2. Since food quality is bad and stress is high girls today also have bad genes but girls who are 22-25 look way older like they are 30 -35years old. High school girls who are 18 look 25 already so their biological age is 25 or 30 does that mean these girls in their teens and early 20s prime is over because there biological age is around 30?

    3. Prime was probably over before these girls entered high school. I wouldn't be surprised if they were to go under the knife in an attempt to "look" younger forgetting the fact that their children are gonna end up looking bad either way.


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