That Disgusting Ghetto Blonde Who Is Coping Hard At Life

I swear, if I had to see her in public I would smash her face in. I hate her face and her voice and her horrible aggression and attitude.

She reminds me of some type of wind-up animal or toy that keeps yapping away that you want to smash to pieces to finally get it to shut the hell up.

She irritates me like "thewizardliz" and is a wannabe "thewizardliz" who is butthurt.

Very tired of hearing these girls also dictate about what "Masculine Energy" is. This is disgusting.

Do nothing for them, don't give them money and don't assist them whatsoever.

There is nothing that also makes me cringe as hard, when I see Women try to "pretend" humility or gratefulness, especially with an American "Ghetto" accent.

This video was a hard cope, it reminds me of the "Semen Retention Queen", these girls are begging that Men keep civilization together for these bums, when in fact, Women are being rapidly thrust out of civilization and will shortly be isolated from enjoying anything in life and left out like a dog.

This is what the so-called "Blonde-Haired, Blue Eyed Aryans" have become today.

There is another channel you can also view "Modern Women Archives" to see countless other worthless Caucasian Women, especially Blonde-Haired Blue-eyed Bimbos in how worthless most of them are, and nothing compared to the former High End Specimens:


  1. Wow I didn’t even recognize her for a second she looks a little different maybe it’s the lighting but I wouldn’t be shocked if she has a filter on her other videos.I have noticed a lot of Caucasian men and women listening to nasty rap music, Wearing Jordan’s, and having a “black accent” they also smoke weed.Sadly I see alot of Caucasian women bringing down white men they even bring down Spanish men they always want to seem “cool”around black girls and boys.

    1. Yeah, the lighting, her sweat, how she wears her hair and the eyeglasses or clothing she wears makes her look very different. It's amazing though because these people will reveal to you who they are when you listen to them long enough, just as she admits how she herself is manipulative. They don't even realize how cringey they look especially trying to do a "virtue signal shout-out" video about trying to act like what, all the sudden they respect Men for getting up and working hard? Let's see if they'd make such a video where Men only work hard for themselves and pay themselves and do things only for themselves and not Women. Women are being rapidly pushed to the side and Men are closing their finances from any access to Women on every level.

  2. Do you think more young gen z men will commit suicide or women?I feel when its 2025 people will be committing suicide in America and South America more than ever what do you think? I heard a kid as young a 5 say that he wanted to die and my neighbor who is a teenage girl 14 wanting to end her life.

    1. Probably just as many Gen Z Women and Men will self-delete, but maybe far more Women, because for starters, most employers are completely uninterested to Hire Gen Z but also the thing is Women will not want to live in the world when they see what will be expected of them pretty soon, and that the future would mean that we must turn a whole large swath of Women in this world to become Worker Slaves. This is the solution / destiny, and should be your Ambition. Women need to learn how to give back and earn, and that will mean many of them will need to go into captivity, slavery or off themselves.

      I really look forward to the combination of suicides and also the vaxx effects and hopefully every circumstance possible to lower the population very soon. There are too many people alive, and most of them are scum.

      If you are someone who is like me, we've been hearing of a lot of random disappearances of Women especially girls where I am who end up missing or dead, sometimes even found in another country or what not. You have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear they've been "disappeared", it absolutely warms my heart.

      I have basically no respect for most human life forms.

  3. What do you think the population for America is? For what I can see majority of gen z will commit suicide especially the ones in college

    1. Yeah, it's unfortunate! Their lives are miserable! I'm miserable myself, but I wouldn't do such.

    2. Europe is total chaos with weed and drugs and north and South America is as well Italy and Spain are probably the first country’s to go the vaccination rate their is sky high also drugs I know alot of South American kids commit suicide or want to end their life

    3. I hate what most European people have become today, more than you can even imagine. They are really ignorant, selfish, stupid and absolutely retarded pathetic filth. Soon they will reap the harvest of what they have sown, it is inevitable. They are mostly a people who hate themselves, and then what's worse is they want to force those of us who don't share their misery, to bring us down in their own misery, and this is the story of what they've been doing for a while now. The reason I don't live there today, is because I received no help from anyone to move there, only false promises, and from various countries, no less inside Germany as well.


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