The Top 3 Forms of Government?

Realistically, and one can debate what type of system they believe is superior to one another, but the 3 Best forms of governments:

1. Authoritarian Rule by a State Sovereign / Emperor who rules for life (Democratically Elected)

2. Monarchy

3. Republic

If the first form of government cannot be achieved, then the second should be more desirable, and yet if the second form of government cannot be achieved, then the third is most suitable for a stable form of Governance.

Democracies, on the other hand, are actually the WORST form of Governments, and they rank on the absolute bottom of a preferred form of government, and even a Benevolent Dictatorship and even some Dictatorships which are not always so Benevolent are even preferable to a Democracy.

Even under most Dictatorship, even brutal ones, citizens at least have some fundamental rights, which are actually violated severely under Democracies.

For example, Dictatorships usually are concerned with Order.

You would rarely find a Dictatorship that would want or permit Illegal Immigration, Homosexuality and Rampant Drug Use. These would be considered National threats, and even a potential danger to the ruling class.

Yet these things are allowed to entirely flourish under Democracies.

Even under today's so-called "Dictatorships", which are often puppet-states run across the globe by the Americans and the British, if crime and drugs do persist in those countries, it is because of the American and British authorities that enforce it, such as the case with many countries in Latin America, for example.

Democracy is actually a step-sister of Communism. It develops in nations that are formerly "Capitalist" and Democracy is used as the vehicle to bring about Socialism and then Communism.

But the worst part of this type of incarnation of Communism, is that all the social ills from Capitalism are compounded together in a totally destroyed and degenerate people.

The USSR was just injected with Communism directly from a coup and assassination of the Monarchy and system in place, rather than a transition from Capitalism.

Also, when the Communist threat arrived in Germany, just as today is in America and the West, it was imposed during a time when Germany also experienced a short-lived Capitalist Democracy (Weimar Era).

Always remember that people who Love Democracies and fear of Losing them, are COWARDS.

In fact, there is an even greater reason for their "fear" of losing their Democracy, because there is something inside of them that knows how much of a weak and transitory system that a Democracy is.

When is the last time you had heard someone who claimed they feared losing their Monarchy system or Republic? Hardly ever. Think about that! Because it would seem "mysterious" and they would know that their country was overthrown.

Democracies rely on subversion, unlike most form of governments in addition to outright Communism, whether the form of government is good or not.

Most regimes of any kind at least have some vested interest to their own people of some varying degree, but Democracies have absolutely NONE outside of making money and having power for the sake of power.

Democracies usually cannot exist for much longer than a few decades, and certainly not a whole century.

Democracy was never a good thing, not even when it occurred from the Ancient Greeks, because the True Greeks themselves, despised Democracy. It was an anomaly that developed among their culture, and the Greeks should never be praised or espoused for their establishment of Democracy.

Even Aristotle, Plato and Socrates did not approve of Democracy and despised it.

People will learn and recognize all these harsh truths and revelations someday.


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