There Are No "True Conservatives" Anymore

Today's Conservative is indeed, yesterday's Liberal.

The problem with Conservativism - so-called - as we see it, is that it has become so watered down but also in the religious manner that it has yet been defined by, that Conservativism is often synonymous used or associated with Christianity.

In fact, the rhetorical dependency of Modern Conservatism on Christianity is so deep and thorough, that to suggest the notion of someone who is a Conservative but either not Christian or Anti-Christian, does not even "compute" in their rigidly programmed brains.

They can't even conceive of such a concept! Even though it's not even a concept, just how any natural free-thinker would operate.

But it is not ironic for example that so many Christians today have sold out to the Rainbow Mafia and their agenda!?

Clearly they are not true conservatives.

Most Conservatives are only this way from an ideological perspective of rules and dictates that do not have to have common sense or even a true belief in them, it just matters to these Softie Conservatives that the rhetoric sounds well.

Christian values have always been impotent and not benevolent or well-meaning, at least not in any authentic context or practice.

Many will reject that notion of course because most people are blind ignorant fools.

Christianity is so desperate now, it's ridiculous.

True Conservatives, usually have a very hesitant personality when it comes to things that don't make sense, and impulsive types of practices or new ideas, and can get into a fanatical rage over it.

Today's Men are Tempered Milk toast faggots, who want to resort to Pragmatism and Stoicism.

Some Low Testosterone nonsense we need not be bothered with.

True Conservatives love Men of Action, Men of Refinement and Men who are willing to stir troubles that are needed to be carried out.

Today's Conservatives want "Non-Violent revolutions".

What a trip!

We pay our tribute to the true Godfather of Conservativism in the last greatest incarnation, which came through none other but Otto von Bismarck himself.

A unique attribute about Bismarck as well, although Undoubtedly Christian, he never allowed Christianity to shroud or veil his approach to his very own branding or Conservatism or even Moralism. If we had been subjected at that time to such a German leader who was blinded by Christianity in that manner, we would have been in a world of hurt even in the 1800's!

After all, the Men being Operation Valkyrie proves exactly in the 20th century what type of product comes from such Men with Christian biased and spirit.

Christian Men, historically in Europe, have been the biggest backstabbers and turncoats.

They always were, irrespective of the Nation.

It could be France with the Normans or wherever else the Normans had settled, along with the English, Italians and others.

Look how the Italians acted once their Duce had his life taken? They maintained no loyalty even to his existence and completely abandoned him and wiped their allegiance and honor of Mussolini.

Today's Christian Conservatives would fall at the boots of a True Conservatives.


  1. Anytime I talk to a "conservative" I first ask them what conservatives have ever conserved. Then I ask them what era on conservative they want, 90's,50's, 2900's, ect. If they answered anything after the civil war then they don't even believe in the foundational philosophy of the country.

    1. Exactly, most of them are full of hot air. Conservatism is just a "mask" they use to conceal a lot of their shenanigans and dirty dealings, especially earlier on in life. This is especially more the case if they ever told you that they were more Liberal in their "youth" but later on became more "Conservative". What that basically means is that they did some foolish stuff when they were young and stupid and adhered to Leftism only to conveniently try to make themselves seem later on like a "Born-Again Christian". That is what they are hoping for, redemption.

      Surely, I doubt they even recognize that the American Civil War was actually the official end of the American Republic!

    2. "Surely, I doubt they even recognize that the American Civil War was actually the official end of the American Republic!"

      I doubt there's any of them that know that. I've never met anyone in real life that did not hold Lincoln in high regard. Most of them would probably point to him being a republican and how not racist they are.

      Even if the civil war was actually about slavery it's an abomination to go to war against your brother on behalf of another race. If any proof is needed the fact that not one, single black person has any gratitude for brother killing brother to free them.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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