Women getting "punched" in public by Men

Sorry Ladies... But I'm not.

What goes around, comes around, and whether or not you think it's immoral, consider it to be blowback for what your collective gender has been doing.

NYC makes sense as the epicenter of this kind of activity since it is the city with the most to lose in the United States.

There are many other occurrences of it too.

Women should know, that you are NOT LOVED. YOU ARE HATED.


Don't even think for a moment that the MILLIONS of Lives of Men that you have destroyed through lies and robbery, will just somehow all be ignored and forgotten like water under the bridge, just because of you being born into a Female Container.

And you can also thank the "Brick Lady" who faked being attacked with a brick as well, since this now is what your gender is owed for your lies and playing victims and yet victimizing Men.

Tomorrow, you will be grabbed by your ankles and have your heads smashed against concrete walls and people will toss your worthless bodies in trash dumpsters and entire crowds of people will laugh hysterically!

Keep in mind also, that the large reason we have Illegal Immigrants in our Lands is because of Women. Women are the biggest supporters of Illegal Immigration and Open Border Policies.

They have ruthlessly voted for these policies. Let them have it!

Remember how many times they claim "No Human Being Is Illegal!" !?

Be sure to whisper that into their ears before you have your way with them!


  1. Holy cow that collage girl looks old! it’s crazy how old she looks and what’s worse is I’ve seen collage girls look more older than her :/

    1. She must have shit genetics and eats a bad diet on top of that. She probably peaked early on in high school. Imagine how she'll look in 10 yrs. I wouldn't be surprised if she or any of the other women in this video were to get plastic surgery at some point not realizing that their future kids, if they were to have any, will probably end up looking like 🧟 or 🧟‍♀️ anyways.

    2. I think the first girl got lip fillers LOL if they have children they will most likely be mistakes and end up looking like 🧌🧟‍♀️ haha

    3. Yeah, and then those kids will probably get plastic surgery themselves and their kids will look bad anyways. And then their kids will probably do the same too. It's a vicious cycle!

  2. I can’t stand when women record themselves and fake cry! And the fake voices they have are cringe

    1. @JunkieAmerican, some of the girls in videos I had watched were even sometimes laughing. The odds are probably that they know they deserve it, or maybe even did something like cut the guy off, and then that's why they got punched, or if they recognize them from somewhere, such as an online influencer, or by the way they walk. In NY, people walk very arrogantly, especially the Women. The voices and personalities of all of them, they are classic cases of NPCs.

    2. Some of them also look like total pretenders, but there has been a lot of video evidence of some people going around actually doing it.


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