10 Key Reasons Why Revolution Will Not Occur

I am citing these reasons as to why Revolution or what often is thought to be the so-called coming "World Revolution" or Rennaissance will not occur, however they are based on American Standards specifically, and not necessarily Germany or other countries.

European Conditions vary by country, but particularly what I pay attention to the most are how developments form in UK, France, and then Germany, in that order specifically.

Because if nothing takes place in the first two, it of course will certainly not happen in Germany anyway either, and the likelihood of it occurring in Germany is absolutely not even really on the table of discussion at this point, unless "WE" were to invade it.

How ironic would that be!? A Force within America working to displace America from within Germany, to restore Germany to its rightful owners... The German People! How Novel!

Nevertheless, these are the absurdities of the times we live in.

Along with populations around the world who deny that we are in World War III, and that a Global Depression and Economic Collapse is occurring rapidly.

It really doesn't matter if revolution occurs in the UK, because it's a finished country anyway, and so is France, and then we could argue the specifics for the rest of Europe as well.

The biggest problem for the British people would be to ever admit the level of deceptions and lies they were sold by the Monarchy since the end of the Great War, and the recognition that their role in the world has not been one of ensuring peace or stability, and that even their wretched Monarchy does not serve their own interests.

British Intelligence, especially retired factions in it are also well aware of the implications of ever admitting or giving consent to the failures of their government and what they did since World War II, because they also know that this would spell the inevitible total annihilation of the British people even on their own soil. They never want to admit to the war crimes, but instead prefer to blame Germany.

Nevertheless, I would like to address the 10 Key Reasons why you should not expect a Revolution from the Americans, and in no particular order of significance:

1. Lack of Public Trust Between Men.

Men today, believe that the battlefront can be fought virtually "On The Internet", and have actively become far more disengaged from each other, especially ever since 2016 with the Trump Election. Even when Men do congregate or even approach another Man in public if they think one may be of their "kin", nothing ever elevates to the level of an invitation for a Beer or Gathering outside of the Workplace or a Restrained Venue, so nothing can really develop or be built.

2. The Majority of the American Population still believes they will "vote their way out of their problems", despite the fact that time and time again, this has proven to do absolutely nothing, and that conditions only get worse, life gets more expensive, and the already existing compouding problems don't even improve, let alone stay level, they only worsen. As I've stated, voted really is not as "big" of a right in practice as most people in this world believe it to be. Almost all regimes, one way or another get their way, whether benevolent or malevolent,  regardless of the vote, and the thing is, whether or not you have the right to vote, a population if it doesn't like it's leaders can rise in a revolt and "take out their leader" and decide on a new form of government. One's right to vote or not, does not liberate you as a people or mean you are free or secure. I believe that it is a positive thing to have a system of voting not just for voting your leaders into power but on every issue, but my point is it's not the be all, end all because of how leadership often runs, and this means that if a government fails to honor its promises, there is only one choice left, and never involves going to the ballot box. Americans, for some odd reason, LOVE going to their ballot box, and love paying for extravagant election campaigns that are so expensive and decadent like no other country in the world, even though nothing changes.

3. Most people who are "Big Talkers" about starting Revolutions, fail to forget that the only type of Men who can form revolutions, were Men who had great vision, ambitions, and also a very high sense of character, and an absolutely profound love for Liberty, in a sense that it was something that consumed their Character. Few Men such as these today exist. The majority of average Americans believe having "Freedom" means a Capitalist Economy, Endless TV Shows, The Freedom To Smoke Marijuana, The Freedom To Sleep Around Aimlessly and Endlessly with anyone, and the Freedom to be "LGBT".

Revolutions also can never form by some Individual alone. There may be a Key Figure or a few elemental figure, but they are things that take time and build up over time, and the types of Men who carry them out are very specific types of Men, who also have a vested mutual interest in burning issues that they are affected by to a point where it irritates them beyond the imagination of everyday common people. The minds of revolutionaries are not at all ordinary minds, and they view things in life from a very different standpoint, and are willing to seek humiliation or even estrangement from others because of their beliefs. Very few Men alive today have this kind of courage.

Where is the American that cares about their Sovereign rights as a Nation, including Property Ownership, and even having Sovereign Rights over their own Industries that they depend on. There is almost no interest to wrestle this power away from Corporate Interests, Banking Interests, and Greedy Industrialists.

Outsourcing went hand-in-hand with Globalization, because it became quickly realized that the nature itself of Outsourcing not only improved profit margins, but it also meant that the company in question could be alleviated of all kinds of responsibilities and liabilities, which they had to instead be directed to a third party of some sort, and this is why True Justice in anything is never pursued, even when it comes down to corrupt practices and monopolies or other unfair tactics by Corporations.

4. American Men largely do not realize how bad their own condition is, and are self-medicating themselves with Video Games, Mindless Entertainment, Marijuana, Alcohol and other Distractions. There is a total lack of Cameraderie between Men, to a point where if a Man tries to create any form of unity in a group of Men, he begins to suddenly be viewed as "suspect" as being an FBI Informant, and there will always be at least one heckler who riles up the rest to take down the Best Man. This is ABSOLUTELY purely crafted from the hands of COINTELPRO.

5. Increased Levels of Atomization of the American Public, to the point where they cannot be on the same page about anything anymore, whether it be Politics, Ideologies, Morals, Economy, or Law. There are many more Bad Ideas professed than Good Ones, and the General American often gravitates towards Larger Government and Infringement of Personal Rights in order to ensure Security and also as the tactic to eliminate crime. Something that even the Founding Fathers frowned upon.

6. This really should be #1, in so many ways, but the Fact that Women do not Have Men's Back whatsoever in any form, not in Loyalty, Support, Encouragement, or anything. In fact, just this item alone is enough to be the determining factor that a Revolution cannot happen. And for those who disagree, I suggest you read into history that showed what happened many times to Slaves or other groups who were brought to different countries who were all only "Men" and when the restriction of "Women" being able to emigrate along with them, had serious implications for the Men to root themselves as a culture or even community along other rivals. It never had positive outcomes ever, not even if they ever managed to securely safeguard themselves. In some circumstances, quotas would sometimes be allowed by some authority, but for example that may be only as good as for every 1000 Men they import of a certain people, that they only allocate 10 Women for every 1000 Men. The population eventually died out and perished, and the superior culture always replaced them. ALWAYS, without exception, EVERY SINGLE TIME. It didn't matter how hard they worked or how rapidly they tried to reproduce to create more children to secure their existence.

Men also forget that Modern Feminism is not the beginning of Feminism, and that Feminism existed in many forms prior to the version of we know from recent centuries. Only it wasn't called Feminism, and even the Women from those Eras, such as the Feminism that strangled Rome, even the Women from the late days of Rome's collapse would never have the levels of audacity, entitlement, and disloyalty that Modern White Women today have for their own Men.

7. Americans are too retarded for Revolution. 

The IQ and Education, especially that of History of the Average American is absolutely Abysmal.

 They do not even know who or what the enemy is, they do not want to address the Jewish Question, and many of even the Right-Wing Factions are calling the form of "Government" that is replacing the United States as "Fascist", when it has nothing to do with Fascism!

If you were to ask them what Fascism is, they can't give you any other answer than Mussolini's Famous Statement of the merging of Corporate Power with the State.

But what they do not understand, is that those were mutual interests / contracting that served the National people of Italy under the Fascist Regime. Fascism is Pro-Family, Pro-Middle Class, Pro-Nationalism, and also believes in restoring and maintaining the Integrity of Industry and Public Works along with the a strong focus on National Development and Pride.

The Corporations Served the Fascist State. In America, the State Serves the interest of Private Corporations, including a Private Central Bank. These are two COMPLETELY different Paradigms of centralized control!

Corporations in America couldn't care less about maintaining the integrity of their products, and do not care what kind of ill effects it may have on the society and their health.

America does everything the opposite. We live under Corporate Capitalism, and as all forms of Capitalism eventually become Socialist, we actually really live under Corporate Communism, soon to be understood as "Communitarianism".

Communism does not believe in Nationhood, Race Laws, Middle Class or Families, or anything to do with creating a rugged and powerful people who are capable of exerting their will in a true Manner. Anyone who understands Fascism and Communism knows this. It matters not how "similar" they sound or appear in structure.

The true learned people about European History, and in fact, the necessity of the rise of the Fascist Movement in Italy which eventually inspired National Socialism, is that structurally, it had no choice to emulate the form of the Socialists, so as to hi-jack support away from the actual Socialist Parties instead to our preferred form of governments. The methods that Mussolini and Hitler had achieved these feats, are actually remarkable, yet while not actually being Economically Socialist. This is why the Capitalist and Communist world became angry and envious and was determined to smash Italy and Germany's new economic model for Europe, as it threatened their model.

As such, Most Americans today will never understand this on their deathbeds, and meanwhile they have become the biggest enablers of Communism in the world while speaking in another breath against it!

8. The Fact that Americans did not take up arms or even begin serious talks with Neighbors, Colleagues and others about the guidelines and orders they were given during the COVID-19 Agenda, and the fact that Americans have not even given as much as a "hoot" over the recent waves of situating all kinds of New Migrants with Salaries, Housing and other Welfare Benefits, even allowing them to be free of any COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements, and whereby they even tolerated the National Guard in some States and Jurisdictions to work to protect and house the migrants, which actually goes 100% against the Role and SPECIFIC NATURE of what the National Guard was intended for! The fact that Americans can shrug their shoulders over this, is absolutely telling about their flimsy character and lack of agitation or ability to muster up any form of social energy or resistance.

9. America does not have a Racial Foundation and Legalislation of the English Language as the National and Legal Language of the Land. This spells a "sore" disaster for any Statehood trying to assert itself as a true Sovereign Nation or Culture with lasting precedent. Even Canada has a Federal Law enacted that protects its designated Languages.

As such, even today, there is no true actual "American People", if you will, unless you are referring to the American Indians. Americans are not a "race". The former Indian Inhabitants, are an Asiatic peoples.

10. Reluctant to abandon Democracy and Nothing left to fight for.

America, just like the rest of the West, really has nothing left to fight for. It really doesn't have any legs left to stand on, because it also denies the truth and especially has not kept up to pace at the direction of different Political, Economic and Strategic developments that have taken place in the world outside of their borders. It is ideologically schizophrenic, it is frothing at its mouth, it doesn't know what it wants or who it wants to be, and this same character exists all the way at the top of the Government Power, down to the everyday citizens in their behavior. Nevertheless, this had become the status-quo case when America seized Power and Charter over Europe after World War II, because once Europe lost their National Armies, they all began to become "soft" and "confused" just like the American culture and influence is, and this is why for example the population in Europe today could largely be regarded as "timid" and "frantic". They want to cling to Demoracy until their last breath, even though Democracy is the cancer that will utterly end Europe as we know it, the European people, and the buildings in Europe will absolutely outlive all Europeans because they reluctantly cling to this ideology and believe it to be better than even an Authoritarian system run by Responsible people in power. Before World War I, the world was flourishing with Monarchies.

Most Western People are totally in love with Democracy, and they completely forgot their history and even many centuries worth of knowledge that all Democracies are very short-lived and evolve rapidly into tyranny and destruction. I would argue that a Collapsing Democracy is even FAR worse than a Monarchy collapse with a Dark Age.

The big problem that Americans do not want to own up to is that they have a very infantile view of the world and how Nations run, or how they should be run, because they are still a very young Nation, and had never properly developed or matured as a people.

As such, they do not even know the difference between Anarchy, Civil War, Revolt, or Revolution. They think even a Revolt or Civil War means Revolution, but it doesn't always mean that.

Yes, we will have Anarchy, and yes we will have Civil and attempts at revolts. But it does not mean revolution. The majority of Men we have today who would sooner settle matters over after a Civil War, would then begin fighting among themselves once it came down to actually Establishing Order, because they have no ideas of their own, and many of their ideas are extremely short-sighted in scope, and even may be very short-lived, even leaving the government open to subversion shortly after establishment.


  1. "They do not even know who or what the enemy is, they do not want to address the Jewish Question"

    It's worse than that. They don't even know there is an enemy.

    The only enemy they think there is is China and they're not a real enemy.

    1. Excellent Point!!! Of course, China and even Russia are just "distractions" for them. But the irony is because of their actions, they will end up making them become real enemies as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Illumination, Pretty much. I mean again, I always bring this back to the American revolution, which granted, other factors led up to it including the fact that the American Settlers at the time wanted total Independence from British control. But the fact that all it took was a 1% increase in a Tea Tax to ignite their fury...

    I honestly can't say that a 1% increase of Taxation on Tea would be enough to rile me up, but when it comes to Meat or something else...

    How many "increases" have we tolerated even up to today, including percentage-wise with Inflation or other Fees that we pay, and nobody does anything?

    It just serves as solid proof that nobody will do anything, no matter how bad it gets.

    Today, they have the peasants so "hoodwinked", that they think the Notions of Feudalism are something long gone in the past, and that the days of peasantry are "over", only things that you see happen in movies. How dare you think our government would EVER do something like that! That goes against our "Democratic Principles!"

  4. @PSA- I say that all the time to people. We're alien to the founding stock, they started a revolution against the greatest empire the world had seen at the time over a 3% tax on tea.

    We pay over 50% taxes without including the inflation tax and go "rah, rah, muh freedom.

    They laugh uncomfortablely but that ends the conversation.

    There is no riling up people to foment a revolution.

  5. @Here for the apocalypse, 100% Man. Very glad to see you are up to speed on these things, because almost nobody is, and they are yet still constantly wallowing in their own self-defeatism.

    During some activism I was involved in during "COVID", I'll never forget some loser who I found somewhere that talked about revolutionary related "things". I called him, he never answered his phone, then I get a text from him stating, "I can't answer or talk on my phone when my wife's around".

    I'll bet you he'll be ready at any moment's notice to fire the first shots! 8-)

  6. @PSA- They do love their slave masters. They just can't have enough of them.

    They worship their government masters. They defend their corporate masters. They bow down to their female masters. But don't you dare accuse them of being a slave! Ha!!


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