A Note about what's going on in Israel / International Criminal Court Pursuing Benjamin Netanyahu For Arrest

We've been closely monitoring the developments in Israel lately, and I do not have much of anything all that valuable or new to report, HOWEVER, I must say between the fact that South Africa has been pursuing Israel in the International Court of Justice for war crimes against Palestinians, and the situation now with the International Criminal Court actually having a vested interest in Benjamin Netanyahu, I can say that these things have actually come to very much interest us.

I'm not going to hold my breath on him getting arrested, however as long as he is in Israel, the only people who really could be persuaded to carry it out with the request of the ICC would be the American Officials or maybe some British ones, but probably more so the American ones, of which the ICC has already prodded them on this, and from what we can see, most American Officials who are in auto-pilot lockstep blindly devoted loyalty to kissing Israel's ass and licking her boots, are in absolute disgust at the ICC.

Even with all that news, because of all the bureaucratic procedures, and measures, it has to go through the Court Process and to get an approval to see if the possibility can even be "pursued", for his arrest, and this could take at least 2 months, possibly longer.

Once in a while, even global institutions like the UN and other Alphabet Soup institutions "stumble" upon the truth just as well as a broken clock ends up being right twice per day, but what is important to take note of is who and what are the motivating forces behind their interests.

The UN is of course a broken Institution as are most Global Institutions, and Israel also feels that it is "Above The Law" and wants to Resort to the Samson option as its alternative to any opposition of the "End Times" when the world will be ganged up against Israel and the Jewish people.

In terms of results actually coming of this, that could be a whole different outcome, nevertheless, the fact that a body such as the International Criminal Court is even admitting the evidence they have on Israel Atrocities, not only in the Murder of Children and Women specifically of Palestinian Descent, but there is even countless footage of all kinds of Humanitarian AID that has been shown not only both on video but all kinds of eyewitnesses who have seen that the IDF has "blocked" it from being transported to the Palestinians.

Understand, I don't put much faith whatsoever in International Institutions, because since World War II, all of them have operated in Auto-Pilot, and all of them are in one way or another run by the Evil system and are a highly bureaucratic, BUT, what we can be assured of is that Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's exposure will absolutely become soiled on an even greater scale now that this has come to such attention.

In recent days, the signs or cracks are also beginning to show as well, because there has been a lot of opposition growing within the Israeli population itself, but even the fact that 2 prominent and some other military members of Israel have in recent days expressed concerns, demands and resignation threats ever since the escalation in to Rafah.

The faces on those like of Netanyahu, Gallant, Gantz also are indicative of deep distress.

What is even more absurd is how much Netanyahu like a typical Jew, keeps over-playing their hands of accusations of "Anti-Semitism" and non-stop drivel about the "Holocaust", and obviously nobody gives a shit to hear about that, and we are in the 21st century, and this is not the "Holocaust".

Even if the "Holocaust" did happen, that doesn't mean you just become "absolved" or above the law or permitted to actually carry out crimes. When it's not that, these Jews like Netanyahu always gravitate towards defending the importance of "Democracy" for the West. It's always the same Robotic responses every time, nothing that holds or that has any substance of course, because nobody believes in this bullshit... BTW, Mr. Netanyahu. Our German Judges, especially Roland Freisler, were the Finest Judges in World History! Honorable Men with substance and refinement, unlike filthy cowardly murderers like you:


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XN2eNDd75s

    Oh, Prussian, if you could only understand what was said here, you would understand how categorically screwed Israel is. An update from the man himself, Itzchak Brik, who visited Benjamin Netanyahu the day before Israel's entry into Gaza to explain to him how unprepared, shrunken, rotten and toothless the Israeli military had become in the past 20 years.
    No wonder you detect genuine fear in Bibi's face
    No escape this time - the entire Middle East is just a series of overcrowded urban snake pits
    And this time, Israel is the tiny snake in the face of the Muslim World, whose population has undergone an insane hypertrophy
    Any real Jewish power exists abroad. If Israel had developed along the lines of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, it may have had a fighting chance. How they still haven't totally conquered and occupied Judea and Samaria, the Sinai Peninsula, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria by now is beyond me... It's because they castrated their land forces, and cucked via diplomacy
    They had some small ambush from Gaza that popped their bubble/balloon, and now they're so deflated --- don't mistake the hissing air escaping for a real threat; the buffoons at the top of the military chain of command that created this mess can't even digest Gaza
    --> See a picture of Gadi Eisenkot ahahaha the portly idiot
    It was over before it began, and conditions will only deteriorate for the Israelis no matter what reforms they enact because they have no raw meat nutrients and are brainwashed slaves
    From desert dust to desert dust indeed

    I've sent you, Prussian, at least two emails on the Israeli situation, in response to your posting on it. I don't follow the news, outside of occasionally watching the channel of Dr. Uri Milstein linked above^^, the true high command for those few thinking Israelis in the know.....
    I had even requested Suden Moose pass on a certain extensive email briefing I had prepared on Israel's true military capabilities in the face of neighboring powers (using insider information) - since I have never received a reply to my emails, besides indirect rebuffs, I can only wonder if you received them.

    But I have done everything possible to inform you! Salutations, and my gratitude as always!


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