Losers Who Believe "Everything Happens For A Reason" / Seeing Curses as a Blessing In Disguise

One of the more annoying idiotic phrases I get so sick of hearing in life, is people who literally believe that "Everything Happens For A Reason", especially with the notion that it's happened for a reason you may not see or believe in the moment.

These same types, usually tend to also subscribe to the philosophy of when something "bad" happens to them, that they claim it was a "Blessing In Disguise", whether it's their car getting run into the ground and forcing them to get a "new car", and yet they fail to see the Bigger Picture, aka "The Forest For The Trees" in the fact that they could have still bought that new car anyway or sold the old one if it were still intact, and that they are actually still "further behind" than if the negative event didn't happen!

These are ridiculous coping mechanisms people who are losers use all the time, so as to not falling into a deep depression, and it disgusts me every time I hear it.

When you hear someone who says "Everything Happens For A Reason", such as say when someone dies in their life, or even a friend who is no longer a "friend", people either like to tell you everything happens for a reason, and that "God" took them out of your life because they aren't meant to be there.

Oh yeah!?!?

Well isn't that convenient, because this "God" of course, didn't feel that from the get-go and allowed them to come into our lives too. So why didn't he stop it from the wasteful events or people to ever march into your life from the beginning?

See how retarded this line of thinking is!?

In addition, the very notion of God or some Forces doing that, also impedes on the notion of "Free Will". While Free Will doesn't actually truly exist in a complete form, it is crucial to note that many Christians believe God gave mankind "Free Will" while simultaneously this God intervenes now and then to take things away from you including people in your life.

All of these people are absolute retards, and they don't even think they are retarded, relying on some psuedo-spirituality of their own, known as superstititon.

I hate superstitious people, and we live in an Era with more superstititous people than ever, because they are NPC's.

These NPC's think that, if something is taken out of your life, it could even be losing your job or something you really liked that suddenly "broke" on you, that there is some mystical reason for it and that you are just somehow not ready to learn that reason.

Anything in this world where things do not make sense or cannot be perceived, makes it inherently evil, because the fact of things functioning like that, is not something of "God", but it is actually Demonic.

To try to twist it any other way is just pathetic and desperate, the type of stuff that only people grasping at straws will do.

These Same Losers, since they almost ALL follow a script, also have this audacious tendency to believe somehow in having "hope" and that "things will eventually get better". Pathetic!!!

And most humans are like that. Trying to always see the glass half full, when actually, it would be half empty but even worse, often the glass is not even full at all!

Yet it also proves, however, that Human Evolution is a farce! Because if evolution existed, this nonsense would have long been called out already and we'd have moved on as a species to no longer have members among us who believe in that noise.

It's really amazing through the course of Human Development over centuries, that these superstitious nuts have not been called out for their hypocrisy, tunnelvisioned and delusional view of reality, and that in an old age like we live now that people still go around professing these beliefs!


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