The Beginning Stages of Outlawing Property Ownership, By Using "Drones" in your backyard.

As I've stated, the Neo-Feudalist System that is the "New World Order" itself, is able to disguise itself covertly without most people (especially NPC's) ever picking up on it, because alas, it is not the "State" which will ruin it, but as I have said, the Corporations, or even a Company or Agency of any kind.

I'll use Corporation for the "cover" term, but it really doesn't make a difference as you know these Companies exist for the sole purpose of profit and at their benefit, and that a Corporation need not have anyone's best interest in mind, except for their own, and that being their "bottom line".

In this case, an "INSURANCE COMPANY" has the jurisdiction or authority to make our break your ability to live in and own your home.

You thought I was kidding before when I stated that Insurance Companies are fraudulent usury schemes and that if you own ANY KIND of Insurance that you are a Slave?

Well, you have the reality to observe here right before your face!

It's enough if a Municipal Official happens to fine you or put a lien or something on your home because of something they deem inappropriate, but an INSURANCE COMPANY!?!?

The "caveat" here is that the State can say on one hand that Insurance is not required by law, UNLESS you have a Mortgage, however most people obviously by a House in these days with a Mortgage.

Eventually they will expand this type of program to everyone, however, and if you have an Insurance policy you pay for and have a paid off house, you will then potentially lose your Insurance Policy or at least get penalized for anything they deem to be out of code or according to their requirements.

What's insane is that American people will never stand up to this nonsense, and don't even recognize it as a breach of power and an infraction on Liberty.

Make no mistake about the so-called "Proud Yankee", because even as degenerate as Americans really always were to one degree or another, the people who are alive today are a shadow of even the former Early Settlers, and have literally nothing in common with them.

Most people do not love Liberty and are not concerned with it in the least, even the "die-hard" Trump loving, Truck driving, Fire-arm loving Republican does not love Liberty, and he will never use his guns to fight for it or secure it.

Freedom and Liberty are not the same thing, and yet his idea of Freedom, often means fighting for the right for someone to be allowed to be "Gay" and openly express themselves or Marry someone, or to fight for Marijuana smoking rights.

This is what kind of so-called "Freedoms" American treasure, including the Freedom to consume junk food.

Mark my words, this is only the "trial run" of this technology being used to scope out people's backyards so as to penalize them or even declare their homes "unlivable" or at least that Insurance will not cover it, and then they will tie in the Local Laws with your ability to live or function in that home.

This will alleviate pressure and blame from the "State", because the State will just come in and say that they have their own Laws, and that they cannot be responsible about your property or even forbid you certain rights, if you do not have an Insurance Policy.

You see how deceptive and insane this NWO will be!?

The scope of how this technology will be advanced and employed further in the future, will become even more Dystopic, and omni-present, and a constant bother.

They will even begin to question other people who you may have on your property or whom live with you as a "risk" or "liability" and will look for ways to increase your insurance rate, and declare all kinds of things about your property at their will.

In addition, be rest assured that the State will also look for new ways to also punish Homeowners without Insurance even if it's permitted to go without it, and this could also be put into a Higher Property Tax Rate or some other scheme / requirement.

As it stands, many municipalities already have long begun to use drones to monitor properties instead of the manual inspections, and they fine many Residents and also can force them out of their homes if they find you doing anything they do not approve of. Even if you build something on your property, or if it is declared improper based on the "Zoning" regulations, which is nonsense.

Americans may complain about something, but they will never fight against it, and they will never seek out others to unite with to stage a fight, and this is the most disgusting thing about them as a people.


  1. About a year and a half ago, I stopped paying car insurance for 3 months, and the DMV now wants to fine me $745. I submitted an appeal for mercy, explaining that I could not afford the monthly parasitism due to financial hardship. I call the DMV for my "hearing" where I explain simply the case to an imbecile negress, provide proof that my family has taken out an insurance policy for me, and request leniency, understanding. I receive a pile of paperwork in the mail stating their rejection of my appeal for mercy and reinstatement of my demand. What order are they trying to impose here? Social norms? Moral behaviors? Society is in ruins I am unimpressed and do not intend to pay such a fine, ever. Even with them suspending my drivers' license.

    Every problem in this country stems from people being antisocial and greedy beyond belief. Like Gollum! haha. Cowardly scavengers. Entirely money-centered

    I'm past caring, and don't see anyone as an authority over me. Completely illegitimate robbers. It reminds me of the time I forgot to hang up a parking permit, and my car was towed away and I was extorted for $250. How is that even legal.

    Realizing that you - Prussian - exist in this same world, with these same wackjob news anchors was kind of strange to realize. I haven't seen such oddball normie TV in at least a decade, nor heard their strange vocal cadence... They seem alien to me

    Money is the absolute opposite of loyalty.

    1. At this point, these people just want to drag everyone down to hell with them... Misery loves company.

      Except when I was miserable, I stayed alone and thought seriously about why and how this happened. I try to only share positivity, or to explain a problem that exists so that we can find a solution

      But nowadays, in public and even with family, it seems like if you extend kindness or thought, or just want a hug or any kind of genuine frank connection or cooperative thought, people respond like skittish, beaten traumatized dogs. Blank stares or lots of barking and paranoia

    2. Just some random thoughts - excuse me

    3. Both the moneyed 'elite' parasite classes and the run-of-the-mill slave are actually incapable of anything greater than to lash out, or to use some kind of technology in a repetitive fashion.

      No creative abilities, no thought, no cooperation, no love, no mutual cooperation, no ideas or true exploration and yearning for building things, just lashing out and parasiting. Masochism. Their best efforts go to deluding and distracting themselves

      How impotent. Your last comments about what human waste these people are truly hit home and was really succinct. Even describing how the vacuous demons ought to be buried. Static, immobile, bottomless pits

    4. This is just too bizarre. These creatures, this destructive system.

      That's why I just try to dwell on practical action to escape this slave system, or at least fall back to more defensible, hospitable and remote positions in the countryside where some health can be achieved. Because endlessly studying and plumbing the abyss is not wholesome. Evil ought to be destroyed, not given attention.

    5. It's just catastrophically fucked up. I can't bear to look at it, to partake in the rat race. So hollow

    6. @Olympic Virility, Yes, unfortunately there really only two concepts of how Money is to operate, even as an "idea". One is that Money is the Servant of People and that People only use it as a "tool" and perceive it as something more or less that exists as a "side-effect" or "consequence of their labor", nevertheless, a system as that could be crafted on the basis that people can retain their wealth in a medium or even in land ownership / goods.

      The other system, is the one whereby People serve the Interests of "Money", rather than being served "by it". It is important to note that the defining characteristics of World War I was elemental in this struggle, even though it continued into WWII, the whole economy direction of the world was largely to either be shaped by England or Germany. Sadly, with England and America taking over, the world has been solely on the path of serving the interests and direction of Money, for better or worse, often worse in most cases and for most of society.

      The thing is, with the incredible boost in Economy right after World War II, most people would beg to differ about anything "negative" to come about as consequential from the Post-war economy, because of the excessive growth everyone experienced, only for it to come at a later and much greater cost.

      As I also understand it with your prior concerns about "wealth hoarding", while at least the ideal system does not ban hoarding wealth, it would only be able to exist on the basis of it earned from labor or inheritence.

      These things like stocks and derivatives and other financial schemes that people get tied into, would be absolutely forbidden, whereby people can be artificially entitled to more and more unearned gains.

      The problem that most people don't see in these systems, or even with things like Crypto-currencies, is that placing this wealth into the hands of people who are typically involved in making money that way, will ensure the death of a civilization, because the money will almost never be used for something that is good and beneficial for the nation.

      We are seeing the reality of all that play out before our eyes these days, and with how much Real Labor is punished severely.

      What kills me, especially with the US economic system (which basically runs and influences the world economy), is how much so many Industries can just throw out numbers like there, like it's nothing, just like in your case with the DMV, or even things like Hospital Bills. Have you ever seen the itemized bills from any Hospital or Health care provider of any kind? Even just to send an ambulance out in almost all cities in the US, costs a few thousand dollars, and that doesn't even involve issuing any anesthesia or medication, that's just for paying the "READY STAFF / EMTs", EQUIPMENT, TRUCK AND for showing up, at least between $2500-$5000.

      Also for people who are not good at DYI, it can even cost you about $400 to have a sink faucet replaced or a toilet installed.

      The people in charge of the system and through all the top parts of the chain right below it, live completely in their own world and couldn't care less about anyone else, and just throw numbers out there like it's nothing, even if someone wants to Rent an apartment now.

      Just imagine how much more expensive life will be 4 more years from now? I believe the great catastrophes will hit long before then. I'd be shocked if it doesn't happen between next year and the year after.

      What disappoints me, is that the general consensus is that eventually there will just have to be some "turnaround" in the system or that the government will do something, but even the governments have their hands tied and don't have a say on that, since they outsourced control to the Federal Reserve System, so the government even depends on money loaned out from them. Most people don't know or understand this.

    7. I have never been to a hospital or seen medical bills, but it is insane. I've heard stories. Better to die than to incur the expenses of the 'madsin' (as Darko Velcek would say), in some cases...

      Government, Federal Reserve Jew Bank, medicine, corporations, churches, it's all the same enemy. Juden!

      Even the monkeys know to use their brains and opposable thumbs to pluck off the parasites, yet humans are too dumb, passive and cowardly like corpses to even make the same connection in real life.

      Storing up money/capital is just the Jew's way of storing up potential energy, building it greater and greater into an even more Titanic sized snake, like Apophis, so that its final venomous strike will be all the more fatal. Even more corruption.
      Who can be the biggest snake of them all. It's magic! It's a miracle!

      There are predators and parasites. Hunters and Trappers. Wide open Nature and closed areas, buildings, the womb.

      With this technology that exists today, we could have such genetic health, leisure and prosperity if only everyone worked together selflessly and was not stupid and antisocial. If they had intelligent leadership. I really realized that the Jews are so irredeemable that even with all the money-power in the world, they will still not actually eat real raw Nutrients and engage in Manly physical contest to become beautiful and eugenically advance - true wealth. And even with near-complete control over the Whites, at least be a sagacious and benevolent Tyrant, no? Because the parasite is so hostile and insecure that they just destroy the host utterly.... They are so rapacious and ruthless, cannot afford idealism or noble sentiments, because they come from the desert. Total scarcity and emptiness. It's not a question of undertaking great risks to hunt big game, but a question of who needs to die, because we have nothing more to feed our children. So it's just constant genocide for the meager resources that remain. Apparently the Middle East used to be a fertile savanna a few thousand years ago, before they shriveled up. They retained some big semi-Neanderthal brains, but the torturous weather and lack of nutrients, schizophrenia-inducing grain diet just ruined them. Their beady black eyes says it all, to me, at least. There is no rehabilitating such a creature. A hyena is a hyena. When someone goes insane, they become a danger to themselves and others. That's why it's important to not tolerate someone defiling themselves in secret, because the misery will come back to haunt the rest of the people at large.

      That is why honor is paramount. Small deviations lead to fatal consequences. Never compromise or betray yourself, betray the faith. Life used to be even more brutal, but natural family values people knew that the only way to live was for everyone to selflessly sacrifice everything in hopes of victory

      Like a soccer team, or any armed band of men in hunting or war

    8. It's a death spiral, and there's no snapping out of it for these people. They cannot be saved from themselves.

    9. @Olympic Virility, the Jews love fictitious financial schemes, because they are not bound to any rules by them, and they can always spread out the wealth, and then reconsolidate it yet again all to themselves, but without anyone understanding how that could possibly be done, or that when a Nation is "bankrupted" that the money does not actually disappear but gets transferred to "somebody", if at least a few handfuls of very wealthy people or industrialists. It is almost always the case, and this has been going on for many thousands of years, at least since Ancient Sumeria, but I would assume in some form even long before that, but records of Human accounts are very obscure from before then.

  2. @Olympic Virility, on the notes about Kindness and Cooperation, I'd say the USA is still the WORST of all Nations in the world. Many may argue this, based on first-hand experiences in coming to the United States, but that has only historically "appeared" to be the case because Americans typically would have money and like to show-off. What at first may seem like the Americans being kind, was actually mostly just an act, because in terms of serious friendships or or something, they tend to become "skittish".

    I think at least in other countries, that there is at least an iota of more cooperation or mutualism between people, however not all that of how it ought to be, because even after COVID lockdowns, most people around the world have also become much more cold and distant.

    But I still believe the USA is the worst with it, but that it doesn't reveal its true face until the Laws are no longer able to be enforced and people really, REALLY go broke. Then I believe people will see the true face of Americans.

    That being said, there are a very small minority of some decent people in this country, but they number fewer and fewer. And even as good as any are, they still cannot even hold a candle to the Amish Communities.

  3. They're using property taxes on new houses as well to do away with home ownership.

    Of course property taxes and zoning laws mean you don't actually ever own your property.

    With new builds I've heard many a horror story because you will get an estimated amount but not the actual amount. After you buy the house they come in and determine your taxes. Which from what I've heard us ALWAYS in 5 figures. This, of course, makes the house you "own" cost you $1,000 a month at best just to own the house.

    The evil of this world is simply unfathomable.

    If they come for my house I will happily go down with ok corral shootout.

    1. Correct. The implementation of the Property Tax was the very first stage of Outlawing gradual home ownership, without it seeming that way. The only way one can avoid paying Property Taxes, is if they own the Home in a jurisdiction where an Allodial Title is available, and in this event, a Property Tax cannot even be legally assessed, even if it is "on the books" by the Local Authorities or Taxman, etc.

      In recent years, they have also really expanded upon not only Capital Gains taxes to punish ownership and transfer of property, but also Inheritance Taxes and other Laws / Regulations in some States, which are further designed to penalize and disadvantage the Inheritor.

      They will come up with all kinds of new ways in the future to separate People from their Households.

      And absolutely, you must do what you need to do, and abide by the "only over my dead body" approach every time. Stand for something, otherwise you'll fall for anything, and that is what most people do not understand.

      What amazes me is that we have the most Tyrannical Form of government installed, and the people in this country claim to have a very deep-rooted philosophy in the 2nd Amendment and the Founder's Statements about the potential of a Tyrannical Government ever taking hold, including Jefferson's Statements.

      Most Empires or Nations that "form", never have "Exceptions" or "Clauses" that outline a right to rebel against governments or to identify a Tyrannical Government, it is something very unique to the founding of the USA, yet very very few people on this soil, ever intend to understand that the time is well beyond ripe that a wholly tyrannical Government has fully taken charge.

      They didn't rebel against COVID, and obviously they are showing no resistance about the Migrants who keep coming over and are being given EVERYTHING by the government.

    2. @PSA- "What amazes me is that we have the most Tyrannical Form of government installed, and the people in this country claim to have a very deep-rooted philosophy in the 2nd Amendment and the Founder's Statements about the potential of a Tyrannical Government ever taking hold, including Jefferson's Statements."

      This here never ceases to amaze me. I tell these gun toting republicans all the time that the USA is the most tyrannical country that's ever existed and we are all slaves. They get PISSED! They truly believe this is a free country.

      "Most Empires or Nations that "form", never have "Exceptions" or "Clauses" that outline a right to rebel against governments or to identify a Tyrannical Government, it is something very unique to the founding of the USA, yet very very few people on this soil, ever intend to understand that the time is well beyond ripe that a wholly tyrannical Government has fully taken charge."

      This is the only thing that brings me hope. I know for sure that there are militias out there that don't act because they know the people are so stupid they would hate them. So they're waiting for the collapse. If they have enough numbers, well, that's to be determined.

    3. @Here for the apocalypse, right!? I mean, I can't imagine if not through all these things, what "next event" they could deem to be the one where they will ever rebel! The American Revolution was only over a 1% increase in Tea, and we're even WAY past the point of 1% increases of any kind of tax, and people do nothing, nevermind the fact that the type of taxes that exist today, did not exist in the 1600's - 1800's.


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