"Thewizardliz" Tells us she can Manifest Mansions!


The level of delusion just keeps increasing with these Witches. Always talking about "Manifesting" and living their "dream lives".

And of course, the ubiquitous "skin-care" routines! I would slap any girl if I was dating someone and came home to see that diarrhea on their face.

And, of course she also cannot do a video, like all other Witches, without bringing up God and religion into their lectures, every single time!

Remember what I said that whenever a girl tells she "used" to be something or a certain way, that it always means that they still are?

Just like there is no such thing as "Former CIA / Former FBI", there is also no such thing as a Former Feminist, Formerly Promiscuous, or even a girl who was "formerly broke" like this acting as if she is not broke and suffering now.

It's absolutely unreal how much of a cult following of Women she has who even refer to her as her "Mother", when anyone with a keen eye who does any detective work behind this grifting pathological liar, is that she has been in and out of relationships and repeatedly goes "broke" when she doesn't have a Sugar Daddy who buys her things, because she cannot afford to live by herself and doesn't actually do anything valuable, so she repeatedly moves back in with her mother.

I also knew of a girl exactly like her, and she had the same disgusting personality and dead beady eyes like her also, and lived the exact same lifestyle.

The girl even worked at Hotels making $60,000 as Hotel Manager, yet somehow was still "broke" and had to live with her mother.

The girl had the same exact mannerisms, entitlement, and aggressive voice like her.

I swear that thewizardliz is another incarnation of the girl.

What is comical is that thewizardliz always acts like every other grifter as if they are "so powerful" and can do anything they want, "I can even manifest a mansion tomorrow"...

But yet, you DON'T... If you could manifest a mansion, you wouldn't be on YouTube grifting and wouldn't even have time for this!

Make no mistake, her interpretation of manifesting a "mansion" means finding the next sucker Millionaire who she manopulates and charms who would be gullible to take her into her place.

Thankfully, even the Millionaire and Billionaire Classes are also shutting the spigot off to Women, so it's likely she even is experiencing that now as well since she recently broke up with her last boyfriend who got sick of constantly having to pay for her extravagant lifestyle.

Every one of these grifters then gives a sob story / excuse to why they can't manifest or make millions of dollars by saying, "I know I can have it". "But I really don't care", so I don't.

It's absolutely unreal how fast thewizardliz is coping harder and clearly in a meltdown as her life is falling apart really quick, you can just hear it from her voice.

What is also very evident is that based on what she mentioned about how Men ask things for each other and how she is encouraging girls to ask for help, is proof positive that she, along with other Women, are feeling the "pinch" not just in their purposes, but also with the fact that Men are refusing to help Women and are increasingly ignoring them and not helping them.

Also, the fact that she brought up these things about Men asking things from other Men, is it evidently shows how she does not understand how Men are, and that the reason why Men can do these things is because we are COMPETENT. We understand adhering to a task and completing it, and living up to obligations and promises, even for other Men. UNLIKE WOMEN.

Women don't adhere to promises, not even for other Women, and Women will always withdraw from something when they don't get enough attention or constant reassurance.

So she is only fooling herself and her viewers, because Women know that Women have no loyalties or competence in anything. In the case of a Female Boss, they will always very abusively use their power on their female subordinates without mercy.

It's amazing how few people can actually read through Women-speak and interpret what they really are saying!

Yet her gullible female subscribers who are highly impressionable, especially Gen Z and many Ghetto types, still believe every single word of hers as if it's Pure Gold.

Never forget, Talk is CHEAP!

Who else understands why I want to launch Pogroms against all the God Believers!?

God Believers are all Narcissistic, Parasitic Trash! They need to be burned!

Before I go, Interestingly enough, I had actually noticed that one of her followers has even caught onto her nonsense, and left a comment under the video as follows:


39 seconds ago

"I really use to love her old videos but now she jus changed i mean like shes now just diffrent in a toxic way i mean she NOW actually cares what other people think. She is now not being confident but has a lot of ego. She even deleted her highlights on IG about palestine plus didint even post a single thing about Rafah. Just because she was sometimes right dosent mean yall have to support every thing of her even if she is WRONG."


  1. Wow what a fake whore! Everything about her is fake I just can’t stand the hand gestures voice and her face! The skin bleaching and filter.I really want to know how she looks behind that filter.I know she has one on because fake lips and nose looks terrible In real life! This world is a shit hole.also her eyes are demonic like Richard Ramirez!

    I hope all these ugly gen z girls who support her kill themselves.I hope know one calls
    her beautiful if they did I’m leaving YouTube .I don’t have any other social platforms besides YouTube never had tiktoc or those other apps and YouTube has been deleting my comments giving me warning and we have people saying stuff they don’t even mean on there like .omg your so amazing 🤩” or your so pretty meanwhile that girl has a filter on and is a 4..

    1. @JunkieAmerican, she is DEFINITELY one of the worst Human beings EVER in existence, along with Manifestelle! They are absolutely disgusting pathetic pieces of a shit, and they shouldn't even be permitted to roam free in life!

      If you've followed thewizardliz for some time, even though she has a horrific voice and attitude, her latest few videos have shown her aggression level going through the roof and she's starting to stumble all over herself since she has become broke again after breaking up with her recent boyfriend.

      These Witches are SUPER Evil. I hope you really see and understand to the great depths just how much Women really do hate us Men, and what they actually see us as!

  2. The only reason this manifestation delusion works with women is because they are so stupid to recognize and acknowledge the factors that do bring them economic benefits. A projection.they think life is handed to them on a silver platter.

    Because of simps and society, this women could probably very well end up in successful situations especially financially without doing anything except leaching.

    The fact that even then these women can still cry wolf and become broke is even more of a testament to how useless they are.

    1. @Castironman, Yup, Yup! That's why she started getting so aggressive and all about "serious business" in that video trying to get her followers to "really" believe in manifestation, because even many of her supporters are beginning to have doubt in her, along with her even having her own self-doubts about getting anything anymore, because no amount of Manifestation will make Men suddenly want to empty their wallets for them!

      Men are shutting Women out, and this is a worldwide phenomenon, not just in the US or the West! In some countries the rate is far less, but it is accelerating everywhere, and so are the lowering birth rates too. Even the birth rates in parts of Africa and China are going down as well.

      What is collapsing here is the "Simp Economy", and so without the Simp Economy which includes the Simps and their Model of how business / commerce is conducted, is completely evaporating.

      When Women don't have that, they will panic for their lives.

      Right now, Women are in panic mode, but they STILL have not figured it out or realized that this is PERMANENT and not just something cyclical. They are still hoping / banking on some turnaround that somehow will "have" to come through to rescue them, but they are even beginning to fear that it may not happen because they compare notes with other females, and the word out there is pretty dire! ;)

    2. @PSA Do you think most women are aware that men who want to marry them is decreasing?

      Some of the women I have slept with have been asking me for commitment and when I tell them I won't be committing, they then say that they are going to be single forever.

      One even tried saying to me that she wants to make a deal where if we are both single in 5 years, no matter where we are in life, we will get into a relationship! I agreed for a laugh and to break her heart in 5 years when she actually thinks I will be waiting for her. But maybe some simp will have taken her in by then, but she's a really bad woman so maybe not.

      This same woman even said that if I didn't piss her off a few years ago, we would be married by now HAHA. This woman always keeps coming back to me months after we argue and stop talking. I've known her for 4 years and usually I piss her off, she leaves for 6 months, then comes back. I guess those 6 months are when she sleeps around looking for a serious relationship. Last time I spoke to her was 4 months ago when I called her a slut for sleeping around and she kicked me out the house. Hopefully she ends up single with no children. She was 'allegedly' abused as a child herself so she will likely be a danger to her own children and will be a woman who stops the father from being in the household.

    3. @Kyle, Be careful, because yes a lot of Women do that as well, and I have found that to be DANGEROUS... The ones who will offer you sex, looking for "commitment" or to be "loved".

      Sex should only exist in a place of both desiring a passionate connection or if you already have fallen in love.

      When the girl offers it in the hopes to be loved or to get commitment, it already means she commodifies herself, and it's transactional, and it also means there is a deficit between the understand or agreement from how you both initially connected on any level from the start.

      In those type of situations, almost all of them will end one way or another with bitterness or disappointment on someone's end, if even done by the aggressor.

      Another thing I have also learned is that while I believe a Woman should ALWAYS be the one pursuing and courting you as the Man, you must make sure that she is never the one to initiate sex with you on the very first occassion.

      While it seems exciting, and it definitely is no problem down the road with them, but not the very first time, because Women who choose to have sex with the Man the first time, do it for manipulative reasons, and often with desperation, but they will become very controlling on you, as the mechanism behind it is designed to exert "control".

    4. That woman took my virginity by initiating sex with me. Our very first encounter was on her. She told me not to wear protection which I agreed with as I felt like raw sex is natural.

      How exactly do women who do this aim to gain control over the man? She was a very controlling woman it turned out to be, however I stood my ground and picked up on the way she would get upset if I didn't do what she would say. I wonder if she is bitter about me never committing to her.

    5. @PSA- As the currencies are inflating to worthlessness the simp economy will necessarily go away. The simp doesn't go away, he just no longer has money to simp with.

      The rich men flying them out is drying up, not because of money, but the have become such intolerable control freaks that nit even these men can stand to be around them for any length of time.

      Sugar daddies will go away because of this and it will simply be a one night thing. They will be nothing more then a typical prostitute, sex for cash then sent away.

  3. thewizardliz is a strong example of why men become homosexuals, i mean if women by nature are weak minded and empty in everything they do there is litereally nothing wrong about being a gay lover with real projects beyond good and evil like another philosopher would say

    1. @TristanLouisino949, Homosexuality is not the answer. It's an anamoly in nature, and Anti-Nature. Men cannot just become "gay" even if Women don't behave nice. Most Men would prefer to commit suicide or remain celibate than to explore the Hershey Highway...


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