Why In America, Decent Young Men Only Can Attract Old Granny Women, Obese Women and Black Women

This problem is something that most Men in America do not realize, and it can also affect their growth and self-image, because the thing is this became prominent in America especially since the 1970's, even well before the Internet.

A Man who is a decent person, very fit and masculine may yet find that the only "dates" or "desire" he gets is from Extremely Old or Obese Women, and especially by Black Women.

The reasons for this are very complex and multi-faceted, but from the start, I will say that for those Men who have experienced this, that while it may be hard to believe, it is actually not a reflection of you, but actually for starters, the Jewish control over America, including the total elimination of Natural Selection.

America, by far, along with Canada and the UK, are the biggest wastelands when it comes to anything to do with Natural Selection and Male-Female relations.

Americans by and large, as I have stated, have not practiced natural selection in a long time, and even in their heyday rarely did.

Most affiliations by Americans choosing to mingle, have almost always been exclusively on the grounds of Religious or Monetary affiliations.

In America, Men, especially White Men will be inundated by enormously Obese and Older Women who want them, and also you may have even experienced Older Women who find very cunning ways to push other "Younger" Women as contenders to her ability to get you, out of the way.

There are also many White Women who will try to set up a White Man, with a Black Woman, even if she happens to also like this Man.

The unfortunate truth is that, these "results" are almost never given to the Psychopaths or very Wealthy Men of Society, and are almost dished exclusively to Men who have character and decency.

It is part of the Bolshevik Programme, but also the Kalgeri Plan as well, and it's designed to further weed out Decent Men from the gene pool one way or another, because he will ruin his genes if he gets with any of these types of Women, even at the behest of his own desperation and hormones.

It is set up as a trap for him.

And almost without exception, he will never have other choices, and this is why you see this as a major issue in America, but it is something that does not exist in most European countries or elsewhere.

It is also designed to remove self-esteem from this type of Man, and to make him an object of ridicule should he take upon himself the desperation of choosing undesirable garbage.

The only Men in America who have complete access to all attractive Women are the ones in control of Finance and who are either psychopaths, criminals or involved with selling drugs.

Jews and the Ulster-Scots have a wider access to sleep with all kinds of Women, even more than any other arbitrary demographic group of Men, because that is what the Jew does.

A Jew is yet ugly, often balding, with stubbly features and a pot belly in some of them or other unsightly features and a disgusting character, but is sleeping with the most attractive Women that he has reserved for himself through clever manipulations of the system and eugenics and modeling of the society that favors him, against Normal, Good Men.

Good Men, will always find themselves bombarded with offers from these undesirable categories of Women, and it really is a slap in the face to him and even his own masculinity, yet this is what kind of Monster America really is.

Decent Men in this country, also, even if they are unaware of it, have gossip and rumors constantly spread about them that they are "Homosexuals" by everyone whom they work with, whether it's other Women or Men, and this is also done in order to also prevent his ability to thrive or have his place in society, and it is the reason why fewer and fewer Decent Men still exist.

America has absolutely no hope from ever correcting itself from its own genetic failures as a people, and the Baby Boomers have absolutely ensured that reality because of how they went about choosing their mates.

Few people alive today in this Modern World even realize just how different this world is compared to even Thousands of years of Mate Selection and Courtship.

Before the Birth Control Pill and Abortion was even made available, there was never even the slightest thought or notion that a Woman would sleep with Men she did not desire and seek to get attention or validation for having sex.

These are extremely new phenomenons, and they are more destructive than people will ever come to realize, in the course of Humanity's self-destruction.

There is then of course, also the NPC component to all of this as well, and NPC's choose whom they mate with not on the basis of personal will, but based on Artificial Intelligence instructions that are programmed into them, which tend to be based on the "hive".

NPC's never recognize Pure Humans as "people" to begin with unless they perceive an identifiable vulnerbility they can exploit, then the person stands out to them. Other than that, they will always be ignored.

This is why for example, most Women only decide or go for Men who are desired by other Women, whether he is attractive or not.

In most cases, if a Man is not desired by other Women, there is nothing he can do in a country like America, to obtain a Woman, at least not without trying to chase something that he will never have.

Even for the Man who is desired by other Women, if he picks and chooses one of those Women, she will lose interest in him someday if no other Women still want him.


  1. People hate white men so much you can look like young Travis fimmel and people hate you even more! For what I’ve noticed black women are the only ones going after white males.

    I also wanted to ask do npcs have feelings? And are sensitive?

    1. Yes, White Men are hated to much, much greater depths than they even are aware of!

      Yes, NPC's, while they come in generally several classifications, they can and do have feelings and can be sensitive but the problem is it comes from a place of being simulated inside of them.

      They experience it, but it's like a non-consciousness experiencing it, hard to say, but it is also the same reason why you will find that they are addicted to pain and drama and sometimes just don't care all that much about things and others, even if they do have to suffer.

    2. @psa even white women hate white men! I don’t really see white women with white males I usually see Hispanics with Hispanics or white girls with black males.White males usually have an obese girlfriend or black but it never last of course.Do you think young white
      (gen z) men will be forever alone?

    3. Most white men don't seem to realize that a total war has been waged upon them, coming from all sides: arabs, jews, africans, indians, chinese, indigenous americans, white women, etc.

      The irony here though, is that most of the good present within human civilization comes precisely from white men, such that the more white men are suppressed, the more hellish conditions become.

    4. In my experience, i dont think white men are any more suppressed than any other class of men, except for the top 4% ruling class which usually involves some x factor whether its money, status and such. This is a very recent concept that has started to arise within white people, specifically europeans in america and growing in other countries due to propaganda. The reason is propaganda in recent times which have suggested this idea so the real reasons can be shifted.

      The media loves to create a boogyman for these elaborate systems that can distract and shift blame. Its like the pandemic. Even though it was obvious the intent was for governments to usher the shots, the boogyman was the pandemic, that which itself was totally falsified. A good recent example is red lobster. When red lobster announced that it was going bankrupt, people suggested this was because humans got greedy and exploited the endless shrimp deals, but the real reality was greed from hedge funds.

      For white men, this is the same retoric you guys speak of. Media pushed the idea of racial tension which created a reality of tension. The power of suggestion. But the real issue with white men has nothing much to do with the boogyman. Even in dating, the media and powers can single handedly make any ethnicity, archetype, and body type attractive by suggestion. They own the labels. Its other issues in society such as what is spoken from Prussians that oppressed white men. Very deep state. And whos affected is not all white people of course, but the majority which are not part of that 4.5%.

      Also, the idea that white men are who dictates ideal conditions of society is very narsissistic, and is precisely the behavior that makes it very easy for suggestion to work, as that idea stems from tribalism, a very low iq trait.

    5. @Mkr, Whites have Thousands of more angles of Propaganda that is aimed at them, whether or not they buy into it, the Propaganda also is used for others to view Whites a certain way.

      White countries are the only ones permitting illegal immigration, and where Whites are always accused of being racist, other races are not accused of racism.

      White countries are in a totally decrepit state, to where they will not even be able to survive in a poor or ravaged state, unlike other countries.

      The Kalergi Plan is real.

    6. The hate white men get us unreal. NPCs will say we have the most privileged yet we are the ones doing all the dirty work to keep society running. Sure other races of men do play their role, but white men are doing most of the manual labour.

      They like to say how because we are men and we are white, it creates a double privilege. When in reality, being a man is no privilege, being a woman is! And being white is no privilege, if anything we are moving towards a society where black people have all the privilege.

      As a white man, all of the struggles we face are written off because we get told that we have done bad things in history, or that we have the most privilege so just get on with it.

      Meanwhile for other races and women, they get told that they are oppressed, even if their lives are incredibly easy. It makes my blood boil.

      Then of course these NPCs then say black women have the least privilege, which fails to acknowledge their female privilege. Black women have way more privilege than white men. Some of these include, the privilege to be racist and get away with it, the privilege to blame all their problems on white people especially white men, the privilege to hold lots of double standards that benefit them. It angers me to the core that people believe in white privilege or male privilege and then use it to attack white men.

    7. @Kyle, Thanks for illustrating all that, it's exactly the case, I mean it's absolutely totally audacious that people cannot see or outright deny the destruction and descrimination against Whites, how can it not be seen at this point? We're on our last legs as a people, and even Negroes and Arabs have more rights in our own lands than we do.

      White Men are mostly kept out of society and communication lines, except for those in positions of power or influence, but that's only because they are part of the system, and not specifically because they are "white".

    8. I find it absurd too that other races do not see the discrimination against whites. As for the black race, they have been conditioned by the media that they are the oppressed ones so they have a very hard time understanding that white people are more oppressed than them.

      It's heartbreaking that other white people cannot see the destruction of the white race and will label you as racist when you point it out. A massive psyop has occurred against white people.

      Who is in society and the communication lines? Only the Jews or are other races also running the show? And yes there will be a few white people running the show, but they are part of the elite and do not care about the white race as they are protected anyway and filthy rich from their position in society.

  2. What are the markers of good genetics in women? Like body type, background, character etc?

    Also, you talk about NPCs & pure a lot. Everything you say lights up something in me that I swear I already knew- but almost as if there is other info in me making me not listen to it. Like the thoughts are at the back of my mind being blocked out. I keep getting lightbulb moments reading your stuff, it's so satisfying. I also felt like this when I watched Sv3rige videos for the first time. You guys are a light to this world
    However, your categorization of people doesn't completely seem right to me. I think you read people very well, but when it comes to the vessels and origins of this evil, it doesn't always add up. Yes, there are patterns in certain groups, but why don't they apply all the time then?

    I'm O-, which you categorize as an evil category.
    I feel like I have free will, which is something someone with a script, wouldn't completely have I suppose.
    My dad is also O- he always kept to himself & was quiet- I never saw that desire to impose an agenda on people or hurt people for loosh, except when he yelled at me lol.
    I'm empathetic and not malicious. I do have bad qualities like people pleasing, attention seeking, being resentful, and impulsive, and I have engaged in an 'evil' sxual encounter which I deeply regret. I also feel nice and more moral compared to most people I've met (I grew up in a liberal American city). I don't even talk trash about people because I feel bad for them, much less loosh-harvest innocent men by insulting them or exploiting them for money.

    Is there something I don't understand? Could there be a chance it's just certain lines, but not all of them that are evil?

    1. >Everything you say lights up something in me that I swear I already knew- but almost as if there is other info in me making me not listen to it.<

      Your Bloodline Origins are likely why this is the case.

      If the patterns of things were always 100% identical in every circumstance, deception would not be able to hide itself so easily because it would always stand out like a sore thumb.

      How many illnesses can occur within the human body and yet time after time the group of symptoms can almost always be nearly identical? For what are even very unrelated diseases.

      People-pleasting and attention-seeking are malicious traits.

      The entire Rh Negative group comes from darkness. There is a tendency in your species to think there are other branches of Rh Negatives who are not, but it's simply not the case. It's usually just rivalries within your own in-groups, especially between the ABO variation of blood types.

      Unlike Rh Positives, while someone can be born into any ethnic group as such with the Rh- Factor, the Rh- groups all identify each other as "one" irrespective of skin color or race and are connected through a hive mindset. This is never the case with Rh Positive Humanity, because Rh Positives only relate on a basis of the Ethnic container they are born into exclusively, even when they do have other traits even similar cultural things in common.

  3. I'm a young white man who has been described as good looking however I am skeptical if that is true or not. I would say I am more average looking. I have never been able to get a white woman or even an obese white woman. Yet when it comes to black women, they are easy to sleep with. I've taken white women on dates yet again, my own race doesn't want to sleep with me. I have no interest in a relationship with any woman, just sex.

    I wonder why black women are so much easier to sleep with compared to white women? especially the fact I am not even their race and the whole anti white propaganda going on.

    Obese women are hard to get but obese black women aren't too difficult to get although funny enough they have higher standards in men than the skinny white women. But these fat black women give up their pussy so easily so no one's gotta listen or validate their delusional standards.

    1. @kyle people usually call average people good looking or beautiful they never call above average beautiful that’s just how this sick world is but just be lucky you’re average because life is way easier for average people than 8/10+.

      Black women are very easy to get but they are the rudest and they have all kinds of yeast problems from the sleeping around and poor eating habits if you look up how to fix a stinky kitty of YouTube it’s all black women! Some ghetto whites but all black woven with filters on.Also black women are so bulky like a man they are sometimes more bulky than black men their shoulders are like 22 inches..

    2. @junkieamerican that's strange that people don't call beautiful people good looking. I have always thought good looking people have it easier after studying the blackpill.

      Black women are indeed very rude and racist. I was sleeping with a black chick and about 3 months later, she got this yeast infection. Do you think she was sleeping with other men at the time I was seeing her? Her body count was very high, I'd say at least 30! That was the worst woman I had ever interracted with in my life. Always a victim, racist, lazy, misandrist. The sex was really good so that's why I kept fucking her but in the end I had to call it quits.

    3. @kyle people are very jealous of an 8+ face so jealous to the point they want to harm you.this is something I wished balckpill talks about another thing is 8/10+ people are very shy (boy and girl) and are virgins.

      How old was this black girl? At least 30sexual encounters ?. Wtf! Yeah i think she was sleeping around the time you were seeing her.Black women have all kinds of yeast and problems with their pussy that’s why they are obsessed with hygiene and perfume.Ghetto white girls have the smelliest pussy out of all next to black.Especially those with fake long nails..

    4. I always thought people loved good looking people and good looking people were confident due to the halo effect.

      This black girl was 22 and she definitely made me realise how disgusting black women are and their victimhood and blatant racism.

    5. Good looking people usually aren’t confident and they will never know if they are beautiful or not for example do you think Taylor hill thinks shes special? The comments I read about her were cruel saying she has man eyebrows even those these girl paint theirs LOL they also said she’s not special and she’s everywhere smh the delusion she’s 0.1% in this world people try to tell me that young Travis fimmel is a transgender and young Monica Bellucci is a man! Jealousy is really getting out of hand I really hate attention I really don’t understand why people put ai filters on I assume to get compliments online but irl 8+ don’t get compliments they get death stares.

      22 and already has had 30 sexual encounters! I can only image women in their late 20s and 30s! Must be 150+ sexual encounters.I know 12-19 year old girls have around 10 sexual encounters I'm just shocked and disgusted because these girls are worthless if they aren’t a virgin.

    6. Don't the good looking men get all the women due to their superior genetics?

      Yeah I could be here for hours talking about my experience with that black woman. She made me heavily resent women as her lack of accountability and victimhood drove me insane, I wish her nothing but the worst. I hope she has a day in the life as a white man and realises what 'white male privilege' is like!

      It could well be 150 encounters as women lie. She said her body count was 4 but like 10 of the other men she had been with raped her. So I added those 10 as she definitely didn't get raped. Add a few more as she forgot a few, add a few more to account for her lowering her number. After I stopped sleeping with her because I had enough of her bullshit, she slept with 7 men in 2 months and that was her side of the story, imagine what actually happened! I'd say another 25 men!

      I think all women are worthless including virgin women. Even virgin women expect a man to provide for them.

    7. @kyle a handsome man as handsome as brad Pitt is very shy and doesn’t want to sleep around he wants to find his rare beauty but being an 8+ girl is very rare so he could possibly sleep around and use these ugly women or he will end up alone and it’s usually he’s forever alone.

      Handsome men are very shy sweet and never promiscuous same with a girl but the higher you are in looks the harder it is to find “love”. Girls will cope came call an 8/10+ male too tall too skinny or maybe they will make fun of your shoes.Believe it or not 8+ people have and will commit suicide from all the jealousy and lies about them.Girls who do nasty things such as porn are always a 2-3/10 with a filter on prostitutes are also very below average and the men who use these women are below average as well.The only men who sleep around and get all the ugly women are below average men.Never ever will you see brad Pitt or Taylor hill sleeping around.But as I said before you are very lucky if you are average or below average because I promise you being an 8/10+ is hell and it’s the worst thing ever! People assume your promiscuous or they assume your think your “all that” .If you were an 8/10+ male or female I assure you you would be crying every day or maybe hiding away from this world.

      Gen z Women who aren’t pure virgins I would say 99.8% are nasty and aren’t pure. The 0.2% are either Amish or an rare 8/10+ girl hiding from cruel jealous people.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. @Kyle, Yes Black Women do have some of the most horrific personalities and attitudes. Their voices can really be so irritating too, and I just can't stand how shameless they are and how they can get so loud in the way they get attention. They have brought some very bad influence to other people and especially Whites who pretty much fall into their Kangaroo pouch with everything they do and promote. It's almost always influenced by Black Culture now.

      I agree that most Virgins in these times are worthless. The thing is we are in a different Era of Virgins. The Virgin Women in times past, were just virgins for the sake of simply not having got around to sex yet, so there was a neutral position of them in possession of it.

      Most Women who willingly choose to remain virgins particularly into older ages or demanding marriage or because of their religious views, are highly toxic. They view their pussies as a prized possession, even though it's really not a prize.

      In most other cases, and especially if by the age of 25 if they are still a virgin, they could either be autistic or mentally retarded to a point where no Man would even want to be bothered to have sex with them.

    10. @Kyle, Also, Yes, Black Women are usually the easiest for most White Men to sleep with and the reason for that all plays part and parcel into the whole Kalgeri Plan, it's by design that way in an unnatural arrangement, BUT, there are valid reasons for why it exists that way.

      And unfortunately, it all comes down to the "Sexual Marketplace", and I hate using that term, but I am forced too, because that's what the Jews and Capitalists have made our societies become, and entirely removing Natural Selection from the process.

      For one thing, Most African Cultures, the Men refuse to give Oral Sex to their Women because it's considered "effeminate" or "disgraceful", I suggest reading highly into this to understand it, it's also largely true in Slavic countries like Russia or Poland, as well as in the Islamic world. In fact, in many Islamic cultures, especially if they are not secular, some Women will even refuse to give a Man Oral Sex even though he is supposed to have rights to be pleased any way, any time he wishes, and there are even certain sexual requests whereby an Islamic Wife has the right to request a Divorce (without shame) of her Islamic Husband based on a sexual request of his.

      This is why for example, you may notice many Islamic cultures have many Sexually Aggressive Men, it's further fueled by other taboo hang-ups in their own culture, and even some African cultures are heavily Islamic as well.

      In addition to that, most African Women also almost have no taboos when it comes to sexual things they will experiment with, and even love Anal Sex, so they try to go above and beyond to meet the "unmet needs" so-to-speak of a lot of White Men, and this is why they will often do anything for White Men and are so easy to get with, coupled with the fact that they are internationally known to be the least "desired" of female specimens.

      For better or worse, it is a harsh condition for the Negroes, I sympathize on that note for what their Men have to deal with because they do not respect their Men, and all the criticisms go out the Window of their own Men which they will overlook in the favor of a White Man.

      From a Racial Standpoint, it is true that person for person, Black Women are absolutely superior to most White Women in the bedroom and enjoy sex a lot more than White Women do, and they also try to capitalize on that by fighting to get White Men.

      So, this all leads them to behave in the way they do, but also knowing that since we live in a Sexual Marketplace, that some races will just do things because it's either expected or because of "Market conditions" and where one ranks on the "Sexual Pecking Order" but not out of the inner burning desire to do it.

    11. @PSA black women have played a massive role in the destruction of whites, another huge thing I noticed was the amount of anti-white propaganda black women post in news articles or tiktok. Whilst I never used tiktok as I hated it and even had an instinctual bad feeling about the platform when it first came out, I noticed when I'd used it, there would be anti white stuff coming up on my algorithm and it was mainly black women trashing white people for reasons you can imagine.

      Yeah virgin women are worthless aswell and I have a feeling that even if you do date a virgin woman, she will cheat on you and she will generally be uninterested in sex as she managed to spend a long time of her adult life without it.

      In my experience, black women are 10 times easier to sleep with than white women. Do you think the Kalergi plan has convinced black women to sleep with white men? I thought the Kalergi plan was only convincing white women to sleep with black men.

      I don't like giving oral sex, it's just very boring and disgusting.

      Why do black women disrespect their own men? Why do black women enjoy sex more than white women? My friend is dating a white woman and I heard she only has sex with him twice a week. When I dated a black girl I was having it 2-3 times a day, quite often she initiated sex with me. One time I was not in the mood to have sex at all and she was begging for it. But yes you make sense in saying black women are hypersexual because without it, they would be invisible.

    12. @Kyle, The Kalergi Plan has different aims for different categories of people in the process, because while the plan calls more for White Women to be impregnated and "mixed" with Non-Whites, it takes a little bit of a different approach for Men who sleep with Non-Whites, if they so choose too.

      The Kalergi Plan has modeled and restructured the society to warp Most Men's self-esteem or sexual marketplace value (if even, perceived), where he makes choices or has only a selection based on what is allotted to him by that society.

      This frequently tends to translate to usually Black Women or Indian Women being the most available for White Men, and they are even easier to get by far compared to an Obese White Woman, which is absurd, yet this is the reality we live in.

      The Kalergi Plan did not directly "encourage" Black Women to sleep with them, but it adjusted the Sexual Market to make the grounds more fertile or available for those relations to happen, instead of White Women seeking or feeling as mutual about White Men.

      Look at it today, 95% of Women only want the top 5% of Men. They consider all other Men unattractive / unwanted. That is absurd!

      Even as bad as some Men are, and there are some bad ones out there, at least a good handful of Men should be attractive enough and decent / desirable for these Women!

      But the data all shows that they ONLY care for Men based on his financial performance and resources, PERIOD, even though it doesn't actually make them "happy" and even though there is nothing that satisfies in the way that physical attraction does.

      The design of this model is to keep Men at total odds and uncertainty about his value or what he should have or how he should be living or whom he should procreate with, while Women are placed on a pedestal of artificial value and an inflated sense of self-worth while becoming a "sell-out" to her own people, becoming culturally glorified.

      As far as any influence Kalergi Plan has on the world of Black Women's attitude towards White Men, they know a lot about European / White Culture and often view White Men as being more sexually adventurous than their own, at least broadly speaking.

      In your case maybe a bit different, as people or certain cultures have their own preferences, but by and large, they see White Men also as much more "exotic" even while absurdly having a chip on their shoulder and seething hatred at times as well.

      How many Anti-White Female Activists out there do you see who are often dating or married to a White Man!? It's everywhere!

      Black and Hispanic Women enjoy sex a lot more than White Women because they are far more primal. A lot of it comes from a mixture of their primordial genetic pool / expressions, as Blacks tend to have dominant traits even in general, but also the spirit origins of a Race also largely defines their sexuality.

      As far as Europeans go, the ones who enjoy sex the most the Greeks and Spanish, sometimes the French but there is so much degeneracy with the French... Swedes enjoy it too, more than some others, and the Irish enjoy it a lot as well, but it varies depending on the Race and the genetic pool they inherited.

      Of course, you know me, everything, I mean literally "EVERYTHING" translates down to our genetics that get passed on from generation to generation.

      Also of note, is that the more mongrelized a race becomes, this can have an altering effect on their spiritual complex and even sexual performance.

    13. I see how the Kalergi plan has ruined things, 100 years ago, I would probably have some attractive white women to choose from but that's all out the window.

      Yes it's very interesting how black women who hate white people, only have sex with white men yet refuse to date black men despite them saying they are protected black. I remember a black woman who hated white people, yet wore blonde hair wigs and blue eye contacts and wanted mixed race children. Her dreams would usually be her having a white husband and a mixed child. I myself never dream of having a wife or children so it shows how little important I place on women or children.

      Can you elaborate on spirit origins as I haven't come across this concept before. Are mongrelised human beings not as strong as their pure race counterparts?

  4. @Kyle What I despise most about Women's attitude towards sex, once again, is the fact that they talk about Sex from a transactional standpoint, and view their sexuality as a prize for you. Always pay attention closely to how and what a girl talks about when it comes to Sex and Sexuality.

    The act of Sex is supposed to be an activity that brings two people closer together, it's supposed to be about passion and connection, it is something naturally that a Woman would "want" to do willingly and without hesitation or mental hangups, just as a Man desires finding this.

    However, I hate to be the bearer of this news, but I have seen the changes from the decades since the 70's onward, and from what I notice, almost all Western girls born after Gen X, who are now in their 50's, Women almost exclusively are transactional about sex and see it only through the lens of power and to get attention and validation from a Man. They aren't having sex for pleasure and it doesn't even go through their head to choose a Man based off of physical / sexual attraction.

    This is not to say they aren't having sex with Men they "do" find physically and sexually attractive, but they are not choosing the Mates primarily based on that or actually "liking" the person first. It happens from chance or hook-ups.

    Almost all Women do not share their femininity when you have sex with them these days, so that will also mean that you cannot have a greater intimacy with them or anything meaningful behind the sex.

    It is extremely rare to find Women, especially Women younger than their 50's who are mutually passionate about sex as a Man is and who will not weaponize it against the Man.

    This has been my experience. And I am not suggesting Men to go and try to have sex with older Women because it's not the solution, and you will have more problems having sex with them as they age, unless you met her at an early age and grow older together.

    Men do not realize just how really BAD and tragic they have things now, and how there are nearly no exceptions. Even relationships where you may see a young-girl who seems all over her boyfriend or that they may have a happy sex life, you'd be surprised what kind of other machinations are going on underneath the hood of that relationship, and just how much that Man pays both mentally and financially to even "keep her around".

    1. @PSA yes sex is very transactional with women. When women have slept with me, it's always been due to validation mostly or trying to get money out of me. I totally agree with you when you say that women don't really enjoy sex that much. But the Blackpill or Redhill men will say that's because you're unattractive and if you are good looking, they will desire you. But I don't believe that because if that were true, we would see a lot of women behaving in a way that men behave when it comes to sex.

      I am really surprised most people don't have sex for pleasure but instead do it for validation or money. Even men do it for validation! I've only wanted sex because it feels good and I only go for people who I find attractive (although I have to settle as I struggle to get attractive women, I only get attractive black women or ugly white women when it comes to easy sex). Women are extremely fake in relationships and that's why I never want a relationship.

      Do you think us men gatekeep relationships? After all a relationship doesn't benefit a man in any way and only benefits a woman, so surely women are finding that not many men want to take them seriously and only want them for sex.

    2. @Kyle, Correct, I mean the thing is I never count a Woman being into Sex, like enjoying it, if it's for Attention and Validation, because that's all parasitic in nature, and plus as the Man, you will be weakened during this process. A lot of Men do not understand this until it's too late and especially after a lot of sexual partners, especially if he still feels sexually unfilfilled and only as half the Man he used to be.

      The siphoning of Masculine Energy is a very very real thing, and it occurs not only on the Etheric or Astral Level, but even on the Physiological Level, so a Man can suffer from Low Testosterone, Hormonal and Energetic issues, even other health problems from a Woman you have sex with if she is either a Succubi or has an empty Chakra field in the nether region, she will be seeking to get her "fill" by taking "your" energy from your Chakra, and this is something you cannot actually "perceive".

      Unfortunately, a lot of this information is kept under wraps especially in Western culture, as Westerners generally do not understand these things so much, and it's also considered "taboo" in Christianity, nevermind the topic of "Sex" for anything outside of reproduction.

      The reason that most religions or influences only tout or want people to be concerned about Sex for the sake of reproduction is because they have an agenda and only want an Assembly-line Approach of Humans pumping out new worker slaves, and do not want to be inundanted by the nuances of Men or Women understanding their sexuality or just what kind of harmful effects can occur from sleeping around or even marrying the wrong person, or even giving birth to more NPC's.

      Every person we sleep with, it is as if we are giving ourselves a "piece" of ourselves to them.

      My rule as far as having sex with Women, is I refuse to have sex with her unless I have confirmed somehow that she is "visual" and that she for certain enjoys having sex for pleasure, because I don't count any female as having sex for attention, validation or a hookup as her enjoying the sex, and despite what people may say about "all sex" being good rather than no sex, I highly disagree on that.

      If the sex isn't good and not with someone worthwhile, it's better not to even have it at all, for every reason imagineable.

      Yes, Men are in charge of the world in Relationships and Marriage for Women.

      "But the Blackpill or Redhill men will say that's because you're unattractive and if you are good looking, they will desire you."

      Yes, that's a good point, and there is "some" truth to that statement, but not in every case.

      The thing is, considering the fact that most Women prioritize Money and Status in a Man over pleasurable sex, disqualifies that statement immediately.

      While we all have our own sexual preferences and kinks, I have an extremely strict requirement with deciding what type of Woman I will have sex with, and as extreme as it may sound, if they are not into the fetishes I am into or aren't willing to allow me to give full dominance and control to introduce them to things along with having a natural passion and desire for pleasure during it, I have 0% interest of engaging in any type of sexual act with them, no matter how hot she is.

    3. @Kyle, Another thing I might add, and this is something I noticed that has changed so much over the last decades and especially with Social Media, is that I find Women more than ever to have almost no ability to be real or natural in any circumstance, even as a stranger with me. This is where the world of intimacy has been lost with Women, because the thing is, if you compare this to the 70's, people were still able to develop sexual tension and build up desire to a frenzied night in that era.

      I have seen this completely erode in my time, and I have a new entry I will publish on a girl in her 20's who hit on me at a club the other night, and I find that more and more, the conversations with girls are just so automatically scripted and to where there is no natural "flow" of building up sexual tension with them, and nothing left to mystery or to build desire at all.

      As hard as it is to believe, these things used to exist, people just let the deck of cards fall where they may, but I see this is no longer the case now, and everything is just a constant back and forth game of who can care the least, and who makes what move or does what or doesn't do / doesn't say something.

      It feels in more recent years, you can't even sit back and have a quiet moment or not feel under pressure about something in their presence because of all these delusional ideas swimming in their head about you, with literally ZERO ability to just chill out and take things as they come and also take things seriously and WITH THAT PERSON ONLY.

      They are ALWAYS talking to dozens of other guys!

    4. @PSA I have heard of the chakras before but assumed it wasn't true as I can't perceive it. Europeans seem to not know about this whereas the Asians take this very seriously.

      I've always wanted to sleep with lots of hot women and I find after a few sexual encounters with a hot woman, I am looking for the next one. I don't know why I am never satisfied with one hot girl but I always want new experiences. Could this be damaging my health and spirit?

      I'm very glad to hear us man have some agency over women as it seems like women control men very well with the fact they gatekeep sex. So us gatekeeping relationships is a power weight hold, I am unsure if men gatekeeping relationships is as powerful as women's ability to gatekeep sex. Are Women very unsatisfied when they end up with no children and no partner/husband?

      I am glad you have standards in women, in today's day and age, it seems like having standards as a man will only result in being sexless due to how little options men have. Whereas women have thousands of options so them having standards is a great way to filter through.

      Whilst I am genuinely z, in my lifetime I have noticed how faker women have become. The same women I used to be able to have deep conversations with as a child, have now all turned into wannabe Instagram influencers and sluts who won't talk to me because they see me as below them.

      I'm surprised you go to the club as I took it that you are on old guy and also you wouldn't like the club. It depends on what club, the clubs around where I live are full of blacks or white people who emulate blacks and wanna take drugs and start trouble. The only music they play in these clubs are ghetto black music. Don't even get me started with the women that attend! The drinks even get on my nerves, canned beer that's British brewed

    5. @Kyle, I mean go figure, right!? All of our lives, especially in the West, we are told nothing about the Energetic Exchanges that occur during sex on every level between two human beings, nothing about the Chakra, or even about how someone can drain you of your energy, in this case your Manhood through the sexual act... While you are having an orgasm inside of her, she is feeding off of your pranic energy. Although pleasurable for you, it then comes at the cost of your energy that she is secretly siphoning as well. That is, "IF" she is a being with an Empty Chakra, looking for her "fill", and most Women are with empty chakras, so they fulfill only a parasitic role during Sex, which is why they constantly crave attention and having endless streams of multiple partners.

      Instead, the West teaches Men through their religions that the Man's role is to "spread his seed wide and far" and that it's his role and function to sleep with as MANY Women as possible, and even religious texts that tell Western Men "To Be Fruitful And Multiply!"

      But there is no explanation whatsoever about the effects of having many sexual partners, or how you are giving yourself to someone in the process, or exactly "who" and "what" is responsible for raising and being present, feeding and sheltering all those children that these Men will have with spreading their seed everywhere with Multiple Women.

      All of this is specifically BY DESIGN, and since this is typically the only world knowledge people know behind Sex, they rarely question or look into much more, even though in countries like China, India and many other parts of the world, this is common knowledge passed down by their Elders.

      Men are made to think they are not Masculine if they don't go spreading their seed around a lot, but while Women are affected more because of the imprinting factor, it does not mean there aren't issues for Men who sleep around a lot either.

      Yeah Actually I only go to this Music event occassionally at night, when I publish the article soon it will explain all that too and as to why it's the only place I go to now, it's a Goth Night. Other than that, I hardly ever go out to anything.

    6. @PSA canned beer that's British brewed only serving Stella Artois which is awful in the UK. There's always trouble and often violence. Most of the women are on their iPhones as women seem to only buy iPhones and no other brand of smartphone.

      I've noticed that the most toxic women out there actually enjoy attending events like this.

      Mystery when pursuing a member of the opposite sex offers excitement and makes you feel like it's a special thing going on. Nowadays the women go straight into asking for money or suggesting you sleep with them. It is so scripted that it all comes down to having to say or not say something and that determines how much you like them. You can't be too busy and have a life. But if you have free time and want to spend all your time with them, which is natural, you are too needy.

      You are right, they are talking to dozens of other guys and you will never be special and are easily replaced. On top of that, women can't love a man anyway even if he was the last man on Earth!

    7. @Kyle, It's normal to have a temptation or desire seeing a whole lot of Hot, Luscious Women that you would want to have sex with them, that is just biologically in us, but realistically when we sit back and think about what we really want, we want one person who we can possess and have who has all the perfect characteristics and gives the best sex. Realistically.

      In the moment the temptations might seem more to indulge in, but if one doesn't think over how things work and doesn't really know who or what they are dealing with, they will find that their expectations fall really short after having sex, with one after another, after another, and then this will also drive more hunger from the unfulfillment.

      The reason for this unfulfillment, is because of all the religious damage, bad sexual selections and decay of society.

      The fulfillment can only come from someone where not only are you physically / sexually and spiritually attracted to the person, but that the feeling is mutual from her.

      The Woman has to also share and give her femininity to you, and this does not necessarily automatically happen during sex, even if you get to climax.

      A lot of people aren't taught or are confused about these things or why their sexual experiences disappoint them, and it's exactly because of these facts.

      Marriage had only been used as a stability factor in trying to secure those things for Men, but in a very limited respect.

      But in a world of promiscuity, there is almost nothing anymore.

      So when you do not get the proper exchange of Feminine Energy from the Woman during sex, you will be left unfulfilled and then you develop the natural tendency to push her away and become even more hungry to find this fulfillment, and the answer seems like you should go sleep with many Women.

      Similar to how we should never go to the supermarket when we are hungry because we may buy all these foods we don't really need or want, because we are prioritizing our hunger rather than over what we actually need.

      This is where the problem rests...

    8. How do I know for a fact that sleeping with random women will damage me and that these women feed off of my energy and give me their bad traits?

      Is it unnatural to sleep with lots of women? Goatis said you usually pick one woman and have a family with her. But we get told that the strongest man sleeps with all the women and the weaker men raise his kids thinking they are his own.

      Once a man finds a feminine woman where the feeling is mutual, he won't be chasing the next woman? I understand it's extremely difficult or impossible to find that type of woman but it's nice to know that desire for multiple partners will go away if that void gets filled. What are signs that a woman is in her feminine energy during sex?

    9. @Kyle, It's always hard to know specifically because it's multi-faceted. If you develop feelings for a girl for example and she leaves you for any reason, that can damage you.

      But the energetic and Loosh feeding can also permanently damage you as well. In the typical situation of Loosh feeding, what the girl does is she will get you heavily attached, and maybe let's say you get a night of sex with her. She feeds off of your pranic energy during the actual sexual act, but the disappointment she will meet you with after leading you on by the next day or whenever you find out, if she decided she is no longer interested, this creates a "Loosh" response within you which you cannot perceive, but it will come when you feel angry and hurt from what she had done.

      And even if she is at a distance from you, this energy is received on their end, and it makes them entirely fulfilled and energentic, while weakening and harming you, maybe even crippling you as a Man, feeling weeks, months, possibly even years worth of trauma and not wanting to even eat or sleep.

      Women do this routinely, and it's not that Men don't do it to Women, there surely also is a segment of Men, usually psychopaths and people in power, but the Women always go for those Men anyway, but the fact is that a far greater porportion of Women do this to Men than the overall Men in populations.

      Women are doing this do dozens, even hundreds, if not thousands of guys in some form or another, even if they don't have sex, but the response and energy harvesting methods are much more pronounced and dynamic when they have sex with you at least once.

      They all know what they are doing when they decide to have sex with these Men, and this is why you rarely will find a girl who wants to connect with you sexually on the basis as I said in the past, a basis of pleasure or even a shared fetish or kink.

      That doesn't interest them in the least, nor does the guy himself (as a person) to her.

      She is there to harvest Energy and Destroy Men, 99% of Women are this way.

      When a Man feels the Chakra fulfillment from a Woman, which is not entirely a conscious process on her part or yours, it is something that's either within them or it's not, you will know the feeling of fulfillment and it's like no other Woman in your life will matter or make any significance to you like that one, when or if you ever achieve that.

      The problem is, very few people ever do these days. And a lot of times, someone who even does give that fulfillment, can still betray you.

      Herr Goatis also did a couple of videos where he explained the necessity and significance of only having one person in your life, and also where it largely boils down to being a complete and well-rounded person in general and not selfish.

      A lot of times, when we want a few partners or more, it has more to do with spiritual and cultural decay in a society, because we do not find all the traits we want in that one person. Even though, realistically that is what we all want, and that is the only way we can ever feel happiness or a sense of balance and place.

      I could probably dig out the videos he did on the topic, not sure if you have seen them or not, but he also pretty much took the words out of my mouth when he made them even before I ever mentioned much about the topic.

      I'm not saying it's easy to find this "special person" because they almost don't exist now in a whole pool of NPC's. This is why Polyamory / Polygamy is also becoming more common, and people are becoming indifferent to Infidelity. It is a tragedy.

    10. @Kyle, I should also mention to you, if you also ever wonder why these NPC Women you see in public always seem so high and full of life / energy and as if they are invincible and always ready for everything, if you notice you find very few Men who have this enthusiasm, and it is because they are "riding high" from this Sexual and Loosh Energies they are feeding off of endlessly from endless hordes of Men. The Men don't realize they are becoming more effeminate and feel weaker and even low confidence, confused and everything else, while the Women are living the good life.

      Not to mention from all the Money, Free Alcohol, Free Flights and other perks that they get for free, where everything is catered to them in life.

      They also cannot go without this energy feeding, otherwise they stoop to the depths of feeling like most Men do. That's why if you notice, a lot of Women are now losing their marbles as they are even punishing more and more Men and also getting less sex and less energetic feeding, and it's even making them go Madmax. This is why they are now trying to find new ways to take more money from Men and to totally ruin Men's lives.

    11. @Kyle, As far as something becoming "imprinted" onto you, the Male container is less likely to be imprinted upon, unless or until you are in a bad place in life, such as if you are vulnerable from a previous breakup or life circumstance where you may be down in the dumps. This is usually the time when a Man can become impressionable whereby a Woman could sort of "imprint" herself on you, but the other times is also if you consume any kind of Alcohol or Drugs, especially too much of it, it will make you permeable to such effects. But it can also happen if you fall in love as well, if she so happens to be someone who seeks to destroy you after you become emotionally attached.

  5. @Kyle, It is also the reason why lately, especially on Social Media, you hear so many Women talking about Masculine Energy / Feminine Energy. What they are talking about, is a coded form of Witchcraft of which they practice on Men.

    They want to feed of the Men's "Masculine Energy" which means Loosh feeding, and you being the Workhorse, etc. Women are beginning to Starve from Loosh feeding as more and more Men are giving up dating and not pursuing Women. The thing is, even a girl who talks to you and then ghosts you, if you are hurt / disappointed at all, you will emenate Loosh. It doesn't matter whether you even meet her or not.

    Psychopaths do not emenate Loosh energy, and if you were indifferent or didn't care in a certain situation, there is no Loosh energy that will emenate for them to feed off of.

    Women know all these things about Energy, especially the Learned Witches, but most Men are unaware of it and just think of Energy in very simplistic, tangible terms. But Women are doing all kinds of things behind the scenes, that Men have no clue about, to destroy Men.


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