A Meme Worth Sharing


I'm sure many of you will appreciate and relate.


  1. People will just think we are crazy this guy gave me the craziest look because I said I don’t use tinfoil it’s very bad.the virtual reality headsets are popular soon we will see people outside with them.

    1. I'm lucky enough to not own one. I think it would be too much for my eyes.

    2. @rey it must be terrible for your eyes there is one called Apple vision pro and this guy was walking around nyc in them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, In my view based on everything you wrote, I also believe you need to contemplate it all some more before you really take action, because the thing is when you make such a change, it has to also be something you are 100% certain of. You have to basically "sit down with yourself", so-to-speak, and decide what is an ultimate hard limit to where you are no longer willing to pull through any longer. Maybe you've done this, I'm not sure, but it's something worth looking at.

      In the meantime, I suggest over-indulgence in the things you enjoy to make every moment still worthwhile in this fucking worthless world. Fuck this world honestly, it needs to be deleted. Live it up in any way you can at least right now, if you can, because there will be nothing for those who "save for a rainy day" or their so-called "futures".

    2. @psa I will sit down with myself tonight and think this through and I will continue doing the things I enjoy thank you.

      people aren’t the same anymore is it just me that feel the emptiness in people now when I pass by or look at them.it’s like they aren’t vibrant but drained there eyes are also soulless. There is nothing left and I’m always so shocked when people talk about having children and planning them.

      my grandpa passed away ever since he passed I felt that there is really nothing left and the nurses killed him by giving him morphine I don’t know where he is maybe he reincarnated maybe not. I had a dream of him and he was alive roaming my home and he sat in his favorite chair then he went to look at his wood shop but it was gone.The nurse who gave him morphine knew what she was doing this world is truly evil.

    3. @JunkieAmerican, I definitely don't blame your circumstance, because the world is becoming more and more grim. It is also taking a toll on me as well.

      The problem is that, every interaction we have with other Humans, is an energetic exchange.

      Unfortunately, we are "co-dependent" whether we like it or not, on this exchange with the other Humans, and yet we are being forced to interact with others who have Toxic Energies and who actually disrupt our framework or mode, daily when we are out.

      I am sure you know what I'm talking about, at least from the sense of "experiencing" what I'm getting at.

      But this is a very raw reality, and it's also the reason why mental illness is spiking, but the only difference is some people are aware of what's going on, but most are not.

      I find the energies that come from most people in general, but even more so the vaxxed people to be very disturbing and disruptive to even my own being, and it's something I dread now when going out.

      Even as bad as it were dealing with the public going out before the vaxx, almost every encounter with someone in public throws me off-course / off-balance, because something is not right about them.

      Yes, a great tragedy with the loss of family is that you will find the more that your older relatives begin passing away, it takes a large chunk of your relevance and things you used to have going on in this world, and it really gets worse and worse with each family member.

      I think this is much more problematic in the time we live in now with this existence, because the thing is even while families "recycle" as the family tree usually marches forward, the problem is that the degeneration of new people and this world leaves us nothing when older people pass away. There is nothing new to move onto or to move with.

      Interesting story about the dreams you had. Those can be kind of creepy.

  3. A thought I had today was that even though we are still biologically alive, all things which make life worth living (contact with nature; cohesive nations, comunities and families; natural hierarchies; true wars for the warrior types; true academic and spiritual institutions for the priestly types; worthwhile romantic relationships; great art and craftsmanship at a large scale; etc.) have been taken from us, so at this point we are just the living dead.


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