All Shaming Tactics For Men Are Falling On Deaf Ears

Women have very well overplayed their deck of cards on shaming Men.

Not only should Women never have these cards or abilities, it is a symptom of Matriarchy, but the fact is that they have pissed through it all, demonstrative of their willingness to always abuse power and privileges, in the same way that the word "Racist" no longer even musters up any attention or concern.

Men will not be shamed back into servitude or giving anything for Women. IT IS OVER for you whores.

No matter what you do or say, it doesn't matter, because we would prefer to exterminate anyone who has XX chromosomes and live with no sex, than to give you anything or be your slaves.

You get nothing from us, Understand!?

If you don't understand, very soon you will when you feel this world come crashing on your ass very hard.

Women are now getting their panties in a bunch, as their reproductive rights are being taken away, and they are now being expected to register for the Selective Service and can be selected for the "Draft".

81% of Men in the year of 2023, refused to have any interaction or courtship interest / pursuits with Women in America. In Europe, the numbers are less, but they are still very prominent and growing by the year.

The game is up. It doesn't matter what Women say, Men know this game is rigged and that there's nothing in it for them.

Even the Men who are still Simping for Women, have reduced the levels of attention they give them, along with "freebies" since even they cannot afford it like they used too.

Soon, Women will be forced to face the Music for what they've done, including every Man they've ever called an "incel".

If you second guess where these numbers could be obtained from, don't forget that Governments and Data Mining units track activity and demographics these days by Mobile Phones, and this data is irrefutable.

Women are terrified because they know something's up, along with the fact that a lot of Men are looking elsewhere.

In the last few years, Women have also layed off a lot on accusing Men of having a small penis or even the non-stop "incel" terms or other types of tactics they used to use.

Not that they don't still use it, but the usage has dropped significantly, and they are showing concern in a lot of key areas with Men, including an aggressive increase of infiltrating Male Spaces to try to spy on Men or even interview and question Men for their own twisted reasons.

Women know, instinctively that very soon, they will be reduced to sex slavery, and the only options they might have is to choose the party of who they will become sex slaves too.

Women can only have a future of Labor and Sex Slavery, because they are worthless and have destroyed everything for Men and society itself.

There is absolutely NOTHING left to Western civilization, because everything has been destroyed. All that's really left is that Men need to come to terms that the only solution is to unite with other Men and wage violence on the specimens with the vaginas.

There is no other solution. Not even just a separation will be enough, the separation still makes Women a prime liability and burden, a resource vacuum which needs to be thoroughly eliminated.

There will be no negotiations or "coming to terms" with Women. They need to be switftly met with the Violence that they deserve.

Sooner or later it will click, even in the Male NPC's, because the thing is even an NPC is programmed entirely for survival. If a Man NPC understands a female NPC is out to destroy him and take his means for survival, at some point he has no chance but to fight back and take what is rightfully his or die.

Women don't deserve anything in this world, except for Violence and to be used as props in an entertainment show, except one which is with real drama scenes that makes a clown out of them and then burns them alive.

They don't even deserve a gravestone either.

In this modern world and existential crisis we live in, Women, Simps and Jews are the biggest problem and threat we have. It is important to regard them as Domestic Terrorists, in whatever Nation they reside. Never resist on the opportunity to call them out as the Domestic Terrorists they are.


  1. It's great news that most men are no longer dating. I hope Gen Z men will stop. It's getting really crazy out there, women have such inflated egos from the dating apps and simps that they are horrible to deal with.

    I have given up on relationships and have absolutely no desire to get into one. Like I stated before, ever since I recently stopped texting women all day and spending money on dates, I have actually been getting easy sex.

    When I used to text a woman all day everyday for a month and finally get to take her on a date, I would spend £50 and not get a second date or sex. Now I just give them a few text messages and invite them over and it's instant sex.

    It doesn't always work but it's great to save a lot of time and money, sometimes I even pretend I want a relationship with them and after I got the sex, I cut contact with them or lead them on. That is the only way men should play the dating game.

    However I must say that ideally men shouldn't even sleep with them, and I myself can't even follow my own recommendation, as it is hard to overcome lust.

    I hope things like OnlyFans, dates, simping, and female Privilege comes to an end soon. I really hope you are right when you say men will be committing mass violence on women and women will be forced to do labour.

    This is new way of life must happen soon, ideally by 2030, but that might be too optimistic. When do you think women on a mass scale will become slaves and simping will be eradicated?

    1. It sure is. Governments are cracking down really hard on Women now.

      Women are still completely blind to just how much things are over for them, they still don't fucking get it even though they are being tossed out to the curb on their Butt Cheeks!

      Stupid ass whores.

      Even while they starve on the streets, they will still be insistent on how much they are victims and how wrong it all is and all the other yapping nonsense they do, this is why they just need to have the barrel of the gun put in their mouth and take care of business.

      I'm really tired of their whining, complaining and daily incompetence and their dog-walking.

      Women have no idea how bad it's going to get for them, and they are going to squeal like pigs once they find out! :D Not even OnlyFans will save them!

      Pride always comes before the Great Fall. Keep your Beer stash handy!

    2. @PSA hopefully governments will be very harsh on these women. Yeah their victimhood is ridiculous. They are absolute scum and do not realise how much easier their lives are because they have a vagina.

      We need to make sure that men are no longer spending money on women. Unfortunately it seems like women can still earn money prostituting their selves.

      Are we in the beginning stages of the revolution? I've noticed that a lot more men are now realising the Blackpill and how relationships are not worth it. Even a few cases of violence has popped up so hopefully things develop even more.

    3. @Kyle, You better believe they will become more harsh on the Women. But just remember that they aren't doing it out of "sympathy" for Men or for the betterment of anything, they are just doing it to cover their losses on the way down. Most regimes that begin to fail, including banks, will always do everything and sacrifice anyone they can in their way to try to keep themselves alive, even while dying.

      The reason why Women are the new target, is because as the governments fall, Women are becoming a huge liability, annoyance and expense. When such times happen, they will prioritize where to cut the highest losses first, and those highest losses, just so happen to be "Women".

      We still don't see a revolution, unfortunately. Those days are over and the likelihood of the precedent or momentum changing for a revolution anywhere, are extremely, extremely slim. People are mostly vaccinated everywhere, and they are mentally "broken", "deranged" and out of touch with reality.

      Most people are also NPC's. So all of that together ensures that when the crisis erupts, people will not do the right thing, but will make all the worst decisions. It will boil down to Anarchy and Civil Wars.

    4. @Kyle, As far as we can see, the NWO is being successfully implemented. I don't see any future or reality playing out where Freedom will reign again. Everything is mostly going according to their plan.

      Part of the overall reason as well that a revolution will not occur, is that there are simply too few decent Humans left in this world. Most Decent Humans are in very dire circumstances as it is, they have no support networks, usually little to no wealth, and exist in a disenfranchised and fragmented state, rather than one of union, closeness, solidarity and camaraderie with others who think the way they do.

      Online contacts / friends don't count towards anything, and will not make a difference in the least.

  2. I’ve noticed gen z women are having a hard time so far especially the ones in college! A lot are drug addicted.. and girls who go to college big red flag! So far what I’ve heard no guy are really taking them seriously unless he’s an ugly simp. Hehe I hope they know the only reason they have a boyfriend is because they just want to use maybe to not be lonely or just to say I have a girlfriend at the end of the day when they break up the truth always come out the girl says fuck him he’s a pice of shit anyways …and they guy says she was ugly anyways 😱 these girlies are only wanted by simps and simp “love” isn’t love they mine as we’ll become lesbians 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽 most girls aren’t really lesbians but pretend because they are ugly and no one wants them.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, They sure are having a super hard time, all while acting on social media like they are living the life of luxury with their "besties". They don't even have any actual "besties". Gen Z is the first generation that thinks that Online Friends are "Real Friends", even if they've never met!

      Yes, that's true, some girls are Lesbians because they are unwanted, although there are segments of them who are genetically that way, but they are a genetic anomaly and are a sign of a sick gene pool.

    2. @psa they can act all they want they can’t fool me! sign of A sick gene pool interesting..! I’ve noticed a lot of Caribbean people are gay and lesbian does that mean they have a sick gene pool ? especially Cubans they have a very gay look in their face you know how people just look like they are gay or lesbian facially? I try to stay the hell away from Caribbean’s! But my neighbors are Dominicans 😒 I hate it!!! The daughter looks like a lesbian lol.

    3. @JunkieAmerican, It's probably a combination of their mixed genetics, especially Sephardic ancestry, a lot of them have it, A TON OF THEM... And Jews are known for being some of the biggest queers out there, they practice every form of sexual degeneracy, even acts of barbarism and completely lewd acts. They are the pioneers in that, much more so than other people.

      The gay stuff is pretty big in Latin America, especially the Caribbean.

    4. @psa Yeah Jewish people are the biggest rainbows 🌈 out there lol! Oh and Latin American and Caribbean people like transgenders alot 🫤 very sick people the Caribbean’s are! They watch the most transgender porn I read. Places like Brazil especially it said they like it when a girl look like a boy and a boy has a vagina.oh and it said South Americans and Caribbeans watch the most hentai! Wow what a shocker….This is just what I’ve read..😕 This is really sick and when I read this I was in disgust. I need to get the hell out of Florida the Caribbeans are taking over! but I don’t know what state I was thinking Iowa what do you think of Iowa?

    5. @JunkieAmerican, I spent a lot of years in curiosity of the genetic makeup of the Hispanics and in particular with the "Conquistadors" who spread there seed in South America, and foisted it upon the Indigenous Tribes of these lands.

      From my studies, I'm pretty certain that the majority of the Tribes, even if they were Barbaric, did not hold any positive views whatsoever for Homosexuality or any of this nonsense we have today, and the majority of those who do defend it these days are either tribes that have been allowed to prosper or have intermixed and acquiesced to their Colonial Masters, who have been advocates of such sexual degeneracy.

      It's easy enough to believe that the Hispanic people we see today are mainly a mixture of Spanish and Meso-American or other related South American Indigenous ancestries, however it's much more complex than that. And we have found that a lot of the peoples there are mixed with Jewish and Celtic / Iberian DNA from Europe.

      I am not sure what I think of Iowa, but it depends on your ancestry maybe, what is your Ancestry if you don't mind telling?

      The Midwest is a Mixed bag with things, and in my quest of also looking to move there, I have found some very unsavory, bizarre types of people that live out in those areas.

      America is just a big disaster all-around. I largely have nothing in common with people in this country, not even culturally, outside of the fact that I speak English, but am German, and I do not subscribe to American ideas or philosophies.

      I live a life and in a mode that is also very alien to people of this country.

    6. I am really just tired of hearing city girls LOL I don’t think they play city girls or cardi b in Iowa but they probably do who knows…

      and my ancestry i really don’t know :/ I know this sounds a little weird but for what I know my mother side is mostly German her father (my grandpa) is German he had (blonde hair blue eyes )my grandpa told me his grandfather came from Germany and lived in Pennsylvania and my grandma not so sure I never asked she’s blonde as well.. but she said her grandparents are German and only spoke German but her father has dark hair he looks kinda Spanish she did tell me he was a little something native but he looks Caucasian just Italian or something not sure I would have to ask. And for my dads side I really don’t know he’s a mixture of things I really don’t like how people are so mixed now a-days but what can we do? Caribbean’s don’t like Caucasians they hate them! So me being in Florida isn’t a good idea

    7. @psa Yeah I don’t like the winter weather I just don’t know what to do because the Caribbeans down here are very mean towards whites! No matter what you are you could be half white or a Spanish white and they hate you! Most half whites go with their black side though but whatever they just want to seem “cool” but my grandma was driving to a bowling alley and this Caribbean cop gave her the meanest stare because she’s white! He end up pulling her over and gave he a ticket. It’s most likely because she’s white. I love Florida and the weather but drugs are too rampant here and being white is dangerous here! Even half whites will have it bad! Unless they go with their black side or something then they are “safe”


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