All Women Are Walking, Talking Memes


Energy Energy Energy. Masculine this, Feminine that. It's just non-stop, along with "Leveling Up" and "Becoming the best version of yourself."

Only NPC's use this style of speak.

Pulling out all the stops to appeal to people who live in the cyberworld, talking in riddles.

While I should not have to remind about this, you cannot become the best version of yourself.

You are who you are, for better or worse. To suggest something beyond it, is an artificial adaptation, that is not true or static about your Native state.

I absolutely cannot stand Women Specimens like the creator behind these videos, the air about them is just so suffocating and it reeks of their toxicity.

If you notice all these Women in the way they speak, every single one of them is routinely obsessed with their "Femininity". It's all they ever think about. The same is true with specimens like "thewizardliz" along with "Manifestelle" and "Keira Lhotan".

The programming methods Lisa Glamour uses are trying to crystallize a notion that a Man is never allowed to take or have, but needs to perpetually give.

And at the same time, that Women never need to give, because they are the "Feminine".

The misandry from these Boss Bitches is always open on display, and whereby they see a Man entirely as only a utility and a machine, and do not even accept a single thing about him that would ever be for him. This is not allowed.

Honestly, the BEST thing for Men to do with Women, and what actually is the total solution, is to Force Women to have to endure and encounter all the forces of nature, and be in a state of no protection and no insulation from reality, 100%.

Women view life as a game, and they are nothing but total trolls in anything they do, and anything they say. This is why they do not even care about everything they destroy in their path.

This also renders Women powerless, because half of Women's power rests in her sexuality [Being Weaponized / In Control] and the other half of this power rests on her being a Protected Class, or having any kind of Protection and Security. Which there seems to never be enough of, since Women constantly complain about not feeling "safe", right!? It's total rubbish. 

They don't deserve any safety, and meanwhile it's actually the Men who are in danger and who don't feel safe around Women.

So, to bring reality to these Women by forcing them to deal with the consequences of their games and not taking life seriously, the best thing is to let them rot alone and be forced to face the music of their games.

As I have stated, Women are Masters of Deception, and so much to the point where they can find ANY opportunity to "re-word" or "re-brand" either a situation or themselves, to seem like "something else is going on".

For example, I have read various comments by girls who make who make statements that "Women are now working harder then ever because they feel like they need to prove themselves to the Man or be Better Than Men" and variations like that, when this is NOT AT ALL what is going on!

The reason why Women are working harder now, is because they not only demanded it for starters, but because of their bad decisions, and also because they now have no choice, especially because of what they have done, and what they have taken away from Men!

Women will always do everything they can to re-arrange words to make themselves sound like the victim, but whereas that the Men can never be the victim.

The irony about Women who are accusing Men of being in their "Feminine Energy", is that the Most Masculine Men are always the ones sitting back and getting served by Women.

Whether it's Men in power, even down to gang members.

Gangs and Organized Crime Syndicates very well know the danger Women present and why the Women are there to serve Men.

Even Police Officers know this as well, which is why most Police Officers usually set "business straight" if they happen to date a Woman, and where in one way or another, her life and family will be threatened if she does not perform, and if she ever betrays him.

It is natural for a Man to assert himself this way over Women, since from time immemorial, betrayal of Men by Women was a crime of the highest order, and usually meant Women had to pay for this crime by her humiliation and death, especially in the manner of which she will be put to death.

It is traditional, especially in German culture for a Woman who betrayed a Man, to strip a Woman naked in public, to shave her head, and then burn her alive for the public to witness.

Under the second video of this girl, if you read in the comments, you will quickly learn just how 0% Effort all the Women are.

All of them show that they do not even want to deal with one issue or complaint from a Man, and they literally do not even want to be expected to fork over a "dime", because "My Money is MY MONEY."

Many Women in the comments of videos on channels like these, also complain about their boyfriends wanting 50/50 in the relationship. Tells you all you need to know about them.

If you listen carefully to why Women usually talk about wanting to feel safe and where the Man takes the total lead, do you want to know why they obsess over this!?

Women like this, view themselves as "The Queen" or shall we say "The Qween", and they want to be in a position where they can turn their brains off and not even think of anything, where a Slave Man will be there at every whim, at every expense, and to absorb any threat or consequence to her life, so she with her other "Qweens" can live their wreckless, irresponsible, crazy lives of going out drinking every night spending thousands of dollars and being driven around and living life for free! All at the expense and burdens of the Slave Man.

In Reality, Masculine Men only want to provide and protect themselves.

The Moment a Man begins to shift his priority to Women in protecting, providing or trying to appeal to her pursuits, he begins to become Weak and Effeminate. 

You see this with so many Men nowadays, ESPECIALLY MARRIED MEN!

Women also know how to use techniques to justify something they criticize in ways to make it seem like they are not saying everything is bad about something, such as how the Woman in the second video criticizes Men who are emotional, but then turning around to also say that not all of emotions are bad from a Man, because afterall, "Men are not robots", right!?

This is all done to appeal to the whole audience, it is a tactic that any manipulator who wants to seduce their entire audience, including all critics and to silence them, uses.

For example, another common tactic is to say "Men are scum! Okay, not ALL Men, I know there are some really REALLY good guys out there! I know you exist! But Most Men..."

The thing is, this type of comment or tactics like these really are a moot point, because they are always disingenuous.

For example, I freely Generalize Women as scum, because they really pretty much all are. I have no desire or need to gain respect of a certain segment of a female audience who are "not bad", so I will not make an effort to apologize or reach out to that segment, because it's pretty much worthless to do anyway. And it's not in me to do it.

Another tactic Women have been trying to "use" and get away with these days, is to "turn around" the whole element about how Women only expect they need to "Show up" in the relationship, for Men.

As Men have voiced legitimate complaints about this, there are a whole slew of these Women out there who are trying to claim that it's more than enough to just "show up", and are trying to make out this bullshit notion that by you as a Woman just "showing up" that this elevates the status of a Man automatically to be seen with you out in public, and how Men are "using you as a Woman" for this elevation in your presence, so as to justify that the Woman needs to do nothing more, and even trying to justify sexless dating relationships!

If you listen at 10:37 in the second video, you will see how she demonstrates that a Man doesn't need help, since she herself does not want to offer any help for a Man, and wants other Women to follow suit, and then listen to the way she says "They are just predators, in that case". She then repeats it again, "they are predators" with emphasis. This is designed to further plant the idea in the minds of her viewers.*

Listen to the cadence she uses when she says this, along with her hand motions.

Your best power and control over a situation as a Man, around Women who try to manipulate with their vocal cadence is to have a spine and be completely indifferent towards any of their cadence, even when Women are in danger. You shouldn't care.

On a short note, when I broke up with one of my exes, she started calling and crying claiming how she was having a stroke and went to the Emergency Room by ambulance, "all because of me and the stress I put on her in the worst time of her life." Even though it was her who provoked our breakup from broken promises and also some small betrayals and shameful disappointments she brought. Nevertheless, her trying to sound dramatic and vulnerable, It did not stop me from fighting and arguing with her over the phone and I told her right out how much I couldn't care less and how she deserves it.

I'm very cruel and nasty with Women anyway, I show them no Mercy when they have wronged me, and I don't believe in Forgiveness anyway.

As a Man, you must never forget that Cruelty Commands Respect, therefore you should never hesitate to dish out the maximum dose of cruelty towards all of your enemies, including Women.

Guess what I found out months later. She made all of that up about her medical emergencies and did not have a stroke or go to the hospital. She was trying to manipulate me and get me to pander to her and have sympathy, feel guilty and also in an effort to try to get me to want her back. She wanted to also see how far I would go to be willing to save her. Of course, not very far at all! She had what is called "Münchausen syndrome", and there are a lot of Women out there who have this and routinely use it to manipulate others. It is as bad as someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder. In fact, BPD and Münchausen syndrome go hand-in-hand, most who have BPD will exhibit Münchausen syndrome. Point though is that, even her vocal cadence and sense of sounding urgent, had me completely indifferent. This is how you need to be with Women in their demanding or other nasty tones. At the same time you must not let yourself be artificially charmed by Women because they also use their vocal cadence range to manipulate and sooth Men in this way.

When a Man ignores Women or does not respond in the typical fashion of what she is used to, it frightens the crap out of them. Because they begin seeing it as if it's not possible, or that it could never happen to them that way. That same girl when I broke it off with her over the phone, she immediately bursted into tears, but from how it was like, you could just tell she thought she was just so important or special because she is a Woman as if a guy can never break things off, and as if it's illegal for a Man to do so. It seemed I was the first Man who ever broke it off with her, and that she was usually the one who dumped the guys.

*Meanwhile, we all know that Women are the real predators, and it's even evident at the most fundamental level because Women routinely boast about what kind of Money or things they get to pilfer out of their Men, while Men never boast about such things about what a Woman does for him.

While it may seem like a trivial gesture, for those who follow my readings, you remember what I have often said about Women having been genetically altered, to have a wider vocal cadence and verbal intelligence, and that these faculties are used to manipulate Men.

Some Men, do have these abilities, but by the shaping and tonality of the way Women use words, they are weaponizing them, and the design of it is in order to capture the attention and seduction of their audience, but also in a way where it lulls them to sleep, to view any other possibility of something, or to even think that they could be the problem!

It is like a Hypnosis session!

What is also quite telling about these videos too, is how many various edits this girl does in her videos. They must take endless hours to produce, especially with her neurotic tendencies to look and sound a certain way in order to curate what she wants her audience to see.

So Men! If the Women call you "Feminine", Embrace it! This is the Sassy Man Era!

Become the Boss Bitch's Worst Nightmare and Greatest Competition! It's the only way to be.

Also, take note to a comment in the second video where a Woman suggests how perfect she is but cannot get a Man to even buy her a $2 cookie. Looks like no cookie for the nookie sweetheart :D

Have you guys also noticed the ubiquitious  Reptilian Fingernails and the Poodle Dog that she owns, which only the most Toxic Women own!?

While ALL Women who own dogs are irrefutably toxic, the most toxic ones are the ones who own either really large ridiculous dogs or especially those small yappy annoying poodle dogs like Shih Tzus or Yorkshire Terriers, especially if it's a rare pedigree breed, since Women especially in yuppie or "posh" neighborhoods love to have them as a status symbol.


  1. I don't know why men bother with women. They bring nothing to the table and just take everything from your table. Notice how as soon as you tell them this, they will say you are broke, which shows that they are just thinking about money.

    Another thing that makes no sense is when women say "it's always the broke men that complain about gold-diggers, what money is she going to take from you as you have nothing".

    But the thing is, even when a man doesn't earn much, a woman can still rinse him on his payday and also use his resources. Not only that, but with less money than average, us 'broke' men need to worry the most about gold-diggers as we are literally on edge with our finances and a woman can easily put us in debt. A millionaire man should still worry but a $200 restaurant bill isn't going to effect him as much.

    Women are very good at getting a nice deal from a low paid wage slave. Sure it isn't a house or a retirement plan but it's still small material items she can gain.

    1. @Kyle, Unfortunately the impulse in us Men to admire beauty and to want to fuck their brains out is pretty high. The thing though is that NPC Men will ignore anything bad about Women including their toxic behaviors or crazy-making, whereas a Man with wisdom would not stick his dick in stupid, or at least be less likely to.

      Women indeed take everything from our tables, and then even will pick up the table and take that along with them too! That's just how greedy they are.

      They want more and more and more, and even that is STILL NOT ENOUGH.

      You see, with what's going on right now, even the most WELL-TO-DO Men even if they are a 10, can do 100% of everything, provide, protect and that STILL is not enough and the Women are complaining.

      So the thing is Men are rapidly quitting this Hamster Wheel game with them.

      All married Men I know, top tier guys even with sufficient incomes, all of them are a horrible mess and low energy, beaten up by their wives.

      Women these days also routinely yell, scream and belittle their Men / Husbands even at family gatherings or in front of his friends or any public event, since they have no shame any longer.

      "Another thing that makes no sense is when women say "it's always the broke men that complain about gold-diggers, what money is she going to take from you as you have nothing"."

      Exactly, right!? In any case, Women know they don't believe this themselves exactly, because they know they are the ones who are actually "broke", and that they are the ones who make Men also go broke. It's just a tactic they use to deflect responsibility to themselves, since they think a Woman has a right to be broke, but that somehow a Man "doesn't" and they think that just because a Man is born as a "Man", that he should be paying for everything on the bills, especially dates.

      Whereas with Women who are either Lesbian or Bisexual, they have no problem when dating other Women to split the bills and don't expect their partner to pay for things and don't mind paying for themselves.

      What this demonstrates is that Women are requesting / demanding that the Men pay for these things, in an abusive fashion, even while she has enough of her own money, and many times more, and wants to keep "her money".

      No Logical Man should be paying a dime or anything towards Women nowadays, and Women will find themselves on the inevitible spectrum of being the "new providers" whether they like it or not.

      It's time for Men to become the truly Entitled Bigot Sexists that Women have always accused of being, and quit settling for less. Make these bitches pay, they owe this to Men and much more.


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