Even Aaron Clarey Sees And Admits There Is An Anti-Beauty Culture in America


It is surely interesting to see that Aaron Clarey had done a segment on this specific topic, because it's one that really does deserve attention.

Granted, it's not hard to see that this phenomenon is not just some made-up idea, because anyone paying attention can see it.

The thing is, for however much this cultures is promoted against Women, it also means that the notion of Men will also be that much more suppressed in the idea that Men should be genetically gifted and attractive, as Men are even more body-shamed to a degree than Women are.

But Body-shaming comes in all kinds of shades, and religions also played a major role in it.

For example, Puritan values in America, hasmade it a huge deal to see a Woman breastfeeding in public, or for her to go without a bra and if her nipples show through her shirt. The breasts are extremely sexualized, but in a manner that is socially engineered, rather than based on primal instincts of what is sexual in the breasts. This makes an obsession come around it, both in other Women and Men.

Now the whole notion of Women who want to be able to show their nipples or not wear a bra, or to envy the fact that Men go shirtless, has to take on a "Feminist Movement" and "Appeal" rather than the instinctive and unfettered desire that makes sense for a Woman to not want to  wear a bra, even in public.

For example, I do not find it distasteful or wrong whatsoever is Women go without bras and even if her nipples are screaming through the shirt. It is attractive, and nice to see.

I don't care who you are, because every Man loves to see the features of Women's nipples through their shirt, we like to see what they have going on for a perky set, that is completely natural, and while it may seem like a triviality, the more one presses against this issue, it creates a market for more Pornography, more Sexualization / Obsession or even things like OnlyFans to have a "market" or "need" to exist.

But what we really have to be concerned about is if it is being done for feminist reasons.

Even for Women who do not shave their underarms, it has also now become a big issue in Feminist Identification, and aside from how this practice has been always normal and the usual in European Women, the Americans are the ones that associated a Taboo culture associated with it, and so now Women use letting their underarm hair grow naturally as a "Feminist Statement / Movement".

In any case, there are all kinds of other ridiculous standards that exist out there and only further create problems now in society where it is made to seem "superficial" to like someone for their looks, and whereby "Pretty Privilege" is now the catch-all phrase to shame and tear down attractive people to the level of the unattractive.

There will be so many future consequences and social disorder that comes out of this normalization, and we even see it in the fact with how plastic surgeries and other aesthetic enhancements are regularly used to deceive others on how someone really looks.

There will be less and less beautiful people in this world in many years to come.

And mankind will be told to "deal with it" and of course they will also try to suggest sex robots and dolls or other kinds of Virtual Reality as a "replacement" for real people.

Yet another reason I demosntrate why this future for Humanity is not one I want to live with, or any future anyone would want to live with or bring children into.

These people want to eliminate every last thing to what brings happiness or a sense of being content by any means in this world, and they want to have future generations inherit their misery, even through the normalization of bad genetics.

I mean, take a step back and REALLY THINK ABOUT THIS!

Humanity is being told, that appreciating or loving a sculpted body or people who reveal their features through clothing, is "shameful" and they are being body-shamed for it... While at the same time, body-positivity is being promoted for the Ugly, For Obese Women who have horrible features, and they are being told at the same time of all this how beautiful and perfect they are! And people who are disabled are being glorified over an able-bodied person who is HEALTHY!

Seeing a Woman's nipples poke through her shirt is considered "offensive", while a Woman who has 3 bellies and maybe a rear back pair of "breasts" from her fat rolls and cellulite hanging out everywhere is considered "beautiful" and "powerful".

While Women also tend to be jealous of Very Beautiful Women anywhere around the world, in no place is this a greater issue than of course, in America! Average to Moderate good looking Women, especially ridicule Women who are Top Tier, constantly, and seek to bring them down and ruin their reputations.

This is the reality being promoted, and especially from American Exported Influences!


  1. Great topic! And actual beautiful people are committing suicide! This world is so jealous of rare beauty I swear I hear it all the time! They say oh he’s probably a trans or she’s a boy! Fuck off I tell them and they say I’m the “incel” people are also making weird assumptions about beauty today so I say maybe the next few decades they will be extinct! Crazy and women love it if a rare beauty committed suicide.

    As for that hooter place the women there are very ugly Jesus! And I heard the food is shit not sure?.. the women in there are druggy collage students who are usually very below average with drunk abusive dads and have black boyfriends. I don’t like promiscuity but I know for sure and would bet my life on it that we will never see a rare beauty of a girl my for example (young liv Tyler) working at hooters or as a stripper or even prostitution on the side of the road.

  2. I’m really disappointed that I read people calling Lizo pretty wtf! First her facial features very off and her body is 500 pounds 😂🤮 I can only image the smell! Cardi d is another one her big bulky self is disgusting fat bitch looks like a Brazilian man! And little girls want her body and face wtf beauty is done for and people don’t know what it looks like. People want to look mature and nerdy! In Japan at least they want to look younger here in the west looking mature is the way.

    1. @JunkieAmerican it's pretty sad how people shit on natural beauties and get happy when they commit suicide.

      With the Hooters girls, I don't know why people think they are attractive when they're hiding behind fake eyelashes and pounds of makeup.

      Regarding looking older, I think deep down the west seems to hate youthfulness so much and lots of these folks are already screwed in that regard. You have 15 yr olds that look 22 and 20 yr olds that look 35+ in extreme cases.

      And Lizzo isn't beautiful! It's crazy how people say that. 🤡 🌎 we live in, man!

    2. Oh yeah gen z is aging hard I have some videos I will show you and hooters girl are seriously below average Not even the fake butterfly eyelashes can save them

      https://youtu.be/VE1wJ7gc918?feature=shared How old do you think this guy looks? He’s 19 I would say he looks 29 but this is behind a camera and a camera can smooth your skin and make you appear younger! Some People in the comments were talking about how much Older gen z looks.

      Next we have this girl she’s 18!! Yes 18! She looks 28 easily



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