Have Fun With These Mental Gymnastics!

This is EXACTLY the mentality of Gen Z:


  1. Yeah, that only works in a high trust society. When the trust is gone it's completely useless as everyone is doing the same thing and nobody believes anybody.

    Which, of course only leads to massive death. So be it

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, indeed! And Trust or Public Trust in general, doesn't just automatically come back. It is not likely to ever return, especially with how much damage has occurred since the founding of the New World, outside of the last Dark Age...

      I am with you 100%, and I also say "So be it".

      We need to get this show on the road, fan the flames harder and let this world entirely burn!

  2. opinion about this: https://x.com/Olly_Tennis_/status/1804234278341087514

    1. @blood, It's all Utopian Garbage. Because in reality, it never works out that way. Women just like to paint a rosy picture of this so-called "agreement".

  3. Her verbal constant would sound great on an ambient track slowed down 75%


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