If A Girl Only Likes You Because You Are Wanted By Other Women, She Doesn't Actually Like "You"

It only simply means she sees you as a utility, and that you are likely already "vetted" by other Women, likely because they know something about you, particularly around your wealth or fame.

This is classic NPC behavior, and it's nothing to get excited about.

Eventually these type of Women who will get with you, if they ever do, will leave you at some point once they become disiniterested and milk you for all you've got.

It's a foolish thing for Men to get excited about all this or to believe that if these Women are the center of attention for you that it means you are actually something special.

They are like a pack of hyenas ready to devour you, all then running away as quick as hyenas do, to prey on their next victim.

The worst type of Women are the ones who decide a Man is likeable based on other Women wanting him.

Sometimes, these Women can also go after you even if you are just known or witnessed to be somehow associated with important people or even talking to other Women for any reason.

I've been in plenty of such circumstances, and they are annoying to be in, because if you are seen with special people around, all of the sudden these Women will "butt in" on the conversations and try to smear their presence and mark you as their territory among the other Women and Men around.

They will try to hug you and kiss you out of nowhere, not even knowing your name or who you are, just on the basis of you being seen talking to someone.

The worst part too is that they put on such an act, and an act of desperation, because they want to be the girl who is envied by all the other girls.

You could tell them to eat their own shit and that it will taste great, and they will agree with you.

The thing too, is that even girls who are spreading rumors behind your back or trying to destroy your reputation, will immediately do a "turn-around" and all the sudden want to be with you, if friends of theirs or other Women desire you.

I once knew some ugly fat girl who was constantly spreading lies about me to other Women, and oddly enough, she happened to be acquainted with some girl I knew, who she found out, was in communications with me.

I learned through this girl, all the ill things she spoke of me, but after it was found out that everyone knows each other, the girl warned me to not be surprised if this girl does something because she got really jealous and upset when she heard I was talking to her friend.

That being said, only days later, I got this call out of nowhere from the fat bitch and she left a flustered voicemail on my phone, getting all interested and excited out of nowhere, and wanting to hear back from me and see if I'm up for "hanging out".

See how this all works!? Ignore them.

All of these games become so annoying, because first of all, it's all an act, and the girls are just seeking to use the Men for a power / attention advantage over other Women, and such Men are basically "pawns" in that game.

Secondly, it is so annoying, because you will know these scenarios happening because these girls will try to make efforts with you in droves, to compete with all the other Women to get to sleep with you, and there usually will also be 1 or 2 stragglers. Women who envy or despise you and give you the evil eye.

Some really specific environments where this stuff happens a lot too, is in any type of Club or Bar Scene.

Guys who are Bartenders, or if they are the host of a certain special event, the guys are always getting hit on endlessly by Women, and it ends up being so powerful, that just by being associated even lightly with them, you end up automatically riding the coat-tails of their precedent, and all of the sudden Women will come out of the woodworks. It actually is very aggravating.


  1. This is all so true but the women who do this are very nasty girls and are below average.This is what most stupid gen z don’t understand they think a girl will flaunt over brad Pitt but they don’t want him they would probably call him fag white boy! Girls are jealous and want their level of looks. They also would call brad broke boy if he was wearing busted shoes.Girls tend to pick on people who look better than them more..They just want stupid status these fucking fat bitches!

    Also white guys are the least liked now! No matter how you look girls don’t care for you the only girls who like white guys now are black women who want these so Called “white children” and “white family” I heard it for myself! Hispanics like Hispanics blacks like black or “gangsters” and no one likes white not even white girls themselves unless they are desperate and need someone to use. No matter how you look as a white no one cares about us! You could be an 9 white guy seriously a 9! The only girls who like us are fat blacks lol no gen z white guy is going to get a girlfriend or “love” and these stupid people online always say “white is the best white is desired everyone wants white” I just roll my eyes because they clearly don’t go outside. Do they not see Hispanics stick with each other and whites are the only ones who mix i see weak white mean woth bulky dominate blacks as their girlfriend 😒 I just hate to see it. I also see ugly fake eyelash white girls with black guys smh. If they don’t have a black boyfriend they swirl. Oh and get this white girls like to say they like black because of their big penis 😀 such a whore thing to say! Whites are done for white girls are such whores I don’t know what’s worse black girls or white but all races are really just whores black and whites tend to be the top. Crazy times we live In.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, EXACTLY! Brilliant comment, btw...

      The thing is, while this phenomenon is nothing "NEW" as such, the problem is that I have noticed in the last couple of decades, it has mostly become "THE ONLY" mode of how most interactions are between Men and Women, whereas exclusively in the past, there had been less indifference to a Man's connections or status, and more free play with courtship styles. All that is now gone.

      From what it seems, almost all interactions now are almost exclusively from someone being vetted financially and also by status in a given social circle or environment.

      You are so right that Women who do envy others that look better than them, whether Men or Women, will pick on them. This is done as en effort to undermine them, however it's much more prevalent in the US and Canada, than it is in America with that.

      White girls are definitely not liked now. In fact, the only majority of people who still largely simp for them are either Arabs or Indian Men who just are desperate and don't know any better, but because Indian and Arab Women are ridiculously feminist and deny their Men good sex as well, they see White Women as a "possibility" for them.

      Have you noticed how many Gen Z Female content creators, who might even be 9's or 10's in actuality are not getting any Men and don't understand why!? That is just how much both White and Black Men have abandoned White Women.

      The thing is while it was very trendy for some years for Black Men to pursue White girls, even they have been abandoning them in droves now.

      Indeed Crazy Times!!! And they are about to get thousands of times crazier!!!

    2. Like lean beef patty! The guys who simp for her are usually very desperate overall but Indian or Hispanic! People who watch her have a trans fetish too it’s so gross! No gen z white guy will get “love” he will just pretend an anime girl is his girlfriend and I’ve read this many times! As cringey as this sounds I’ve been looking into anime and the connection to the (ai world) and anime plays a big part!

      Young white men but people in general have nothing to live for gen z is working their whole life they will never retire people don’t want to have fun anymore but watch anime. you know what I read why people like anime so much? Because they look better than people especially the girls in anime look better than young girls outside that’s what I’ve read! Not only are gen z girls below average but have higher standards! This is going to stop real soon and these girls will have no one unless he’s Indian. But I already see girls working away and coming home to their doggy. The 19 year old girl I mentioned before who wants to be a lawyer and uses boys is so miserable now ! She will be more miserable very very soon! She now drinks I heard.

  2. https://youtu.be/b3Vgf_OJsOg?feature=shared It’s happening soon and I don’t want to be alive when the futuristic world comes women love this shit! And gen alpha is perfect for the (ai world) they will have their boyfriends online or a robot and girls are already talking about how they prefer anime boys over real ones 😂😒

  3. https://youtu.be/iY0xQ8YkPHU?feature=shared I don’t even eat fast food but found out about this yesterday because this woman I know was talking about it! My eyes opened wide because just yesterday I was talking about a robot cafe in Japan.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Yes, this replacement with computers / machinery is already being implemented a lot faster than most people think!

      Now, what I can tell you, is that while most of this machinery is all that much more efficient and cheaper to use than hiring humans, the problem is that it does NOT come without other costs and consequences.

      For example, the machinery will break down from time to time, and the likelihood for things like screws or machine parts, including metal shavings or other elements getting "stuck" into food prepared by them, will become a lot more commonplace.

      In fact, even the processing machines used for Taco Bell some many years ago, while still manned by Humans, the Humans usually would check or be around who operate the machinery and look for any inconstencies or issues, but even still with that, there were metal "shards" which had entered the Taco Bell food supplies.

      Also, if you've noticed too, ever since the "coof" and lax standards and product manufacturing plants, there have never been more cases now of contaminated food products from the machinery, and also other foreign objects or bone material that has not been properly cut or eliminated by the machines. I also assume there may either be less staff, or the Illegal Immigrants they hire mostly in these positions to oversee the machines.

      Once machines have nearly fully replaced our daily lives, this existence will be so much more hellish and worthless.

      Now, that being said, I am not against the use of machines and technologies, but because the world controllers are in charge of how they will be used or employed, and with how they have centralized production, this only means more problems and more control over everyone.

      The machines won't be deployed in a manner that gives people more control or freedom over their lives, even though that would be the most logical sense of using this equipment for the better.


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