No, Keira Lhotan, You Are "NOT" a "Kind" Person, and you have "ZERO" Potential...


Once again, these clever witches like Keira understand, that the way to get their message across, is to paint themselves off as a "victim".

None of her videos age well either, since her contradictions come so close to each other, for example she boasts about having potential here and in another recent video about how Routines stress her out and another about "Having It All",:

But specifically in the first video, she only tells her side of the story, from her perspective, and uses omission of the whole series of facts as to why she is treated and regarded in the way that she is.

She also compensates for her arguments by using over-dramatization.

For starters, an actual "KIND" person, would never refer to themselves at all ever as a "KIND" person.

In fact, I also wouldn't consider myself a kind person as it is! I leave that for other people to figure out about me, I don't have to convince them of what I am.

But, as a rule, I allow people to see me as the way they wish to see or perceive me.

That could be either a good or a bad thing [for them].

Keira is basically staging a vent session here in her heavy frustration that she has no female friends, and does not understand for the life of her why other Women avoid her like the plague, and won't even recognize her in public or smile back.

There are numerous reasons for it, but for starters, Women do not like each other in general, but secondly, Keira comes off as a major creepster, and the thing is Women do have faculties that detect energies from others, so the thing is, the Women know that this girl is MAJOR TROUBLE.

Women generally do like to find other "partners in crime" in their world of shenanigans, but even Women have a limit to who or what type of girl they will befriend, and Keira just absolutely reeks of deception and vile, evil nature in her.

You can hear it in her voice, and even in her ghetto accent. She talks and acts like a Black person.

That wouldn't be a problem if the person were black, but she is not.

Keira Lhotan is honestly one of the WORST Human beings I know, and that's why I keep reviewing numerous videos of her.

There are many toxic, narcissistic and dangerous Women out there, but few of them warrant additional reviews or focus.

But ones like Keira Lhotan, Schahrzad Morgan, Manifestelle and Thewizardliz, are absolutely some of the worst Women in this world, and they are basically Witches running cults of their own.

I also will include "Nastya [Anastasia] Swan", the Russian girl who claims to have been born from a wealthy family and worked for the Russian Media and who only Dates BILLIONAIRES.

Her whole life story is a lie and she has a career as a escort, and the Russian Government has even admitted that she is "PERSONA NON GRATA" in Russia because of her shenanigans there, and her whole life story that she gives, is a total fabrication. She is another Manifestelle / Keira Lhotan Wannabe. Nastya Swan has never dated a "Billionaire".

These are absoutely, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE WOMEN! They are Andrew Tate Level Narcissism.

What is weird about these Narcissistic Women, is that they actually admit, in short twisted ways, about who they actually are and what they are doing, but in a different context to not make it seem that way.

It's not weird in the sense that I do understand it, but it's weird because they cannot even perceive how foolish and fake they are and think they can just "roll with it!"

Keira Lhotan actually is ironically describing herself in the video, in some other words, of her own admission that she no potential herself, even though the video title says otherwise.

Women may be stupid and impulsive generally, but only to a degree, for example a Woman will not go out of her way to befriend someone like her who can be a potential threat.

Kindness is never a potential threat, the fact is these Women "SEE" and "FEEL" something threatening about her, and it's not even from envy either!

You can hear the threatening nature of Keira in her voice and attitude. It is a person who has Borderline Personality Disorder along with her Narcissism.

In addition to this, she probably is unaware about the explosion of videos online that have sprung up in the last few years about how to identify Narcissists, and many Women also watch these videos to "filter out" other Toxic Women from their own life, or at least Toxic Women who would potentially "victimize them" as opposed to other people.

Keira is such a sketch-bag, it's unbelievable. From the very first split-second that I hear her voice, I get a chill down my spine of how evil the vibrations are from her voice, and how much of a truly negative, person she is. She is a major agent from the dark side, and once again, they love to paint themselves in the light, and portraying themselves to be "dimmed light".

Keira harnesses the Light Energy from others, stealing it from them and weakening them.

Keira is a HUGE Narcissist. Not an Everyday Narcissist.

HUGE Narcissists, make things seem ridiculous, even claiming how her own ambitions are bigger than "HER" and "YOU / YOURS".

How does she know who you are and who her audience is!?

She reminds me EXACTLY of a guy I knew in his 50's who still never had life figured out and tried boasting to me and other people about how he is going to become a "Billionaire" while he barely literally had a pot to piss in. Living inside of a commercial building and relying on paint thinner buckets to piss in because of no restroom.

The guy had all the antics she did, and also acted "very ghetto" and unnaturally aggressive, even as a Man myself, I was completely offput by his aggression, and he was also a chronic weed smoker and big talker. He would always claim he had business plans that were "BIGGER THAN JESUS CHRIST".

And he even referenced some of the same Delusions of Grandeur like Keira, where they twist the whole thing about being ready for the world, as "The world has to be ready for me!!!"

They live and operate as if the forces in this world are suddenly already active or gearing up in their favor, and as if these forces are perpetually thinking about them and planning for their "rise to fame" or some big event.

The level of abuse these people are capable of is absolutely astounding, because I'm pretty tolerant about grim and extreme things, but the thing is, the same offputting and scary vibe I get from this girl Keira, I also found in that 50 something year old Man.

These Narcissists think we are "scared of them" as a person because there is somehow something special in them, but that is NOT what type of scariness is in them.

The scariness is because of how impulsive, delusional, relentless and blind they are, and how nobody can ever convince them of something they don't want to believe. How out of control they are, and it ends up taking up a pathology that consumes them and makes them become an extreme energy vampire, and they never can just "chill" out, ever.

The situation I had with the guy in his 50's because I refused to accept his business plan, hit a fever pitch when he started trying to develop a network of relay feedback / co-dependency on his ideas, because in other strange words, he demonstrated to me insecurity even about his own plans, plus his plans were already out of touch with reality, and even worse so for someone at his age.

He also often spoke about "negative energy", and the thing is he could never accept anything someone ever told him about something that he didn't like how it sounded, and would call it as "negative energy" and how he needed to isolate such people from his life.

This same Man would do some of the most foolish things too, like during a winter blizzard, he'd get some wacky ass idea to just go take a nice drive out for a beer even when there's a stay at home advisory and roads are coated, and while he gets the urge to do that many times, he did it this one time and his van veered off the highway and he needed to get it towed.

One thing I can tell you is that I absolutely do despise Men who impulsively seek danger, especially to show off, and he was one of those types, and Keira also fits the bill as the same exact type of person.

And it's the reason why Keira's Father abandoned her and even disowned her and doesn't consider her his daughter. If she were my daughter, I would have done the same thing too.

Keira is actually so out of touch with reality, she doesn't even seem to be cognizant of the fact that 99% of her viewership / subscribers, are from Men who are SIMPS, and yet tries to appeal to her Women followers, who are few and far between!

Listen careful at 2:15, where she tried to use a special "vocal intonation and cadence" to try to sound imposing to Women. Her tonality shift especially in how she says the word "Masculine Women" is absolutely intentional with malice.

Women can smell many miles away, how Fake Keira is, even from a quick smile or glance, and from the moment she says "Hello".

You see, when I compare Keira Lhotan to thewizardliz, I can tell based on their vocabulary, mannerisms and intonations with the voice, who has the experience in life and who doesn't.

Thewizardliz has had some experiencing "living the life", so-to-speak, but in very short bursts over and over with Men who don't stick around long because they cannot tolerate her.

Keira Lhotan is desperate to get a taste of that life, so is Manifestelle, because they never had it.

Another example to demonstrate Keira Lhotan having never tasted experiences, can be seen at 7:40...

Because, let's be honest... Even Women know amongst themselves, let's say a few Boss Babes were to get together for a "Girl's Night Out" with Keira Lhotan, and say that thewizardliz was one of the Boss Babes. I cringe at making that statement, but you get my point!

If they heard Keira at 7:40 in the video trying to say that to any of her "girlies", they would have such inner cringe and know this girl is full of shit and never got anywhere in life even with shenanigan attempts, and would immediately want to drop her like a hot potato.

Because not just even Men, but ESPECIALLY other Women, know that Women who are "in-the-know" or who are "living the life", would never act silly or speak something like that, if they were living the life and clapping the hands like that!

Not that thewizardliz doesn't do these things either, but you know thelizardwiz had a few tastes in the past, and is now getting more desperate and aggressive because she's not getting it anymore, and also is not getting her pussy ploughed.

Another reason I believe Keira Lhotan is so aggressive too is because she is running on high Testosterone and High Cortisol, and it seems to have inhibited her Breast growth, and this has made her even more insecure and angry.

Honestly, with girls like Keira Lhotan and thewizardliz, I don't think these girls even have the capacity to ever sit back and ever enjoy a moment, just like Andrew Tate. Their own levels of Narcissism pretty much have rendered them to have an impossible ability to even enjoy anything in life.

Imagine living life on edge with their levels aggression, all 3 of them actually, 24/7, between Andrew Tate, Keira Lhotan and thewizardliz!?

I have dated several Women in the past who are flat-chested, and I can say with certainty that all of them were unnaturally aggressive and had this even higher air of entitlement about themselves.

It basically is the "Female equivalent" to Short-Man Syndrome in a Man.


  1. I really think that the thing about the tits is very true, when I saw that part of her body, everything made sense to me in her behavior, it's like she was trying to compensate. It is incredible how sick men from the gym or addicted to red pills and that gambling garbage are united with this type of women, and as you say the worst thing is that it is increasing, these beings continue to multiply.

  2. She looks like she has high testosterone facially

  3. Although I agree with this:
    I am intrigued by the issue you mention about NPCS, is it really very important, or do you think that a woman with remarkable genetics can overcome this problem? And also that although the attraction thing is true, it is also true as you say that women are being programmed to sacrifice appearance and go for men with money and status, something that is why I say that the NPC theme is key to tackle. And there are really few visual women, and some who are are because of something narcissistic, they don't even care about the man and his life.

  4. what's even worse is their male counterparts. I literally hacked this guy's emails with a doxdbin app and this person did nothing but tell me that I'm a loser because I don't want to get a vagina with money and that on top of that I have to die a virgin if I don't make money like him. I silenced him by showing him where he lived by spamming them gifs of cute infants and various terminators but he was really heavy this guy is a total insect completely slave to pussy and money and he even sends me the same pornographic image 40 times and I send him 40 times on sunday morning the terminator gif


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