The Illnesses of the Baby Boomers are starting to Wreak Havoc on Society!

It would not be anything out of the ordinary if regular generations of people just came and went, since that has always been the order of things.

But things seem [and are] very different this time, with the illnesses that are crippling the Baby Boomers and causing them death.

On one hand, we can say... GOOD RIDDANCE! However, the topic of this entry is not based on that, but rather just the circumstantial effects of their existence and illnesses!

The reason why the Boomer die-off is so significant, is because it has earth-shattering changes and economic implications, especially since the Boomer Phenomenon had largely stifled wealth and growth along with inclusion of people in younger generations, even those who are Gen X, although the Gen X had been spared the least of all the younger generations of course, but even still, it came with mighty problems for Gen X that also had been unfair.

That being said, Baby Boomers have LONG overstayed their Welcome here on this Earth, and the fact that so few of them ever were honorable or decent people to begin with, means we can even overlook the fact that they were the last working and skilled generation, and not have any tears that they disappear.

Baby Boomers have introduced some of the most horrific and degenerate policies, philosophies and ideas in Human History, and they have always been known to be "double-speakers", always saying one thing yet doing another, and never practicing what they preach, but believing they somehow deserve some sort of an exemption, even though they were basically given the world for free. The majority of them anyway.

Baby Boomers have been some of the most physically and mentally ill people I've ever encountered.

Baby Boomers on average, are also on at least 7-15 various medications, and right now there is also a medication shortage and staffing shortage issue, which actually had started during the COVID Agenda, and only relatively stabilized for a brief period of time, but has re-emerged, and this is also making their illnesses shine through further, along with the fact that even the system is fed up with supporting them.

I had warned many times that the Baby Boomers will stifle the quality of life and any "advancement" beyond them, even with their exiting of the workforce and this world, because they are holding the younger generations hostage to foot the bills for their expenses, not just for Retirement programs, but even up to their actual Death!

The thing is, this is now all happening at once, since the Baby Boomers are such a heavy generation, and also with how much of a precedent they left in this world with trying to secure their existence at the expense of everyone else, it is now causing grave emerging conditions to worsen for everyone else.

In addition to how much Baby Boomers strain the system of resources because of their lavish lifestyles, restaurants, cruises, vacations and especially health care, the younger generations are now being "forced" to help out their Baby Boomer parents or relatives who have fallen "ill", many from the influences of the COVID vaccine as well, but it now creating more stress, expenses and also complications for stability in people's life, including job security issues because of needing to tend to all this.

I am seeing it everywhere now. Many Baby Boomers are really crippled with even at the very least, severe walking conditions, bone issues and arthritis, diabetes, and heart problems, if not cancers and acid reflux and other kinds of conditions.

Make no mistake, these diseases are not normal! These people lived very unhealthy lifestyles.

It really angers me to see that our societies are being held hostage because of them, because we are feeding and protecting a generation of these, once retired, that serve no useful benefit or purpose and are totally sabotaging the ability for younger generations to craft anything for themselves, or at least to the extent that Boomers had done for themselves, even with extremely unjust advantages that Boomers had in their lives.

I know SO MANY Baby Boomers alive, who are living for free not just from retirement, the retirement almost just serves like a Universal Basic Income for them, but the thing is they are getting MANY THOUSANDS MORE from IRA and Annuities, along with other kinds of funds and securities and programs that give them thousands of dollars a month, while a working person cannot even often make as much money these days.

It's absolutely absurd! This should not be this way! The Boomers need to be CUT OUT!

The Boomer's significance, has left a gaping open wound in world.


  1. Here in Florida baby boomers are on all kinds of pills! It’s dangerous because of the driving! They really can’t think correctly.. when I go out and about I usually see baby boomers and gen x roaming around more than any other next comes millennials I hardly see gen alpha and if I do they look like shit! Actually shit! It’s not even a joke because their skin is total shit!

    I do see gen z but they are at at night more because of their jobs they are working to death! I think there are more millennials than gen z? Not sure but gen alpha stays inside a lot my guess is.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Our greatest problem we face with the degeneration of the species, is that people just think the previous generation always criticizes the next generation. But they fail to recognize the role of Both World Wars, and how things changed eternally after these wars, and also with the passing of the Greatest Generation.

      The Greatest Generation was the only truly last "responsible" generation where a Man was a Man, and a Woman was a Woman, however the degenerate faction which won WWII had become the less desirable of them, because they fought for evil. And from then, the seeding of a very negative path for Humanity had flowed.

      The Silent generation really found itself in the midst of a handful of degeneracy and complacency, but one which did have a few more remaining specimens which were decent, but many of them lived by their wits, rather than responsibility and an earnest approach to life like the Greatest Generation had been.

      That being said, the Boomers, were largely the offspring of the Degenerate Factions of the Greatest Generation, especially the Soldiers who came home and everybody got into a frenzy and optimistic about a "positive future".

      So you are talking about a huge swath of time, basically the 20th century had become the bloodiest century and one of tragedies and competing ideologies because of the generational breakdowns, and we are entering a world far worse now in the 21st century.

      Since 1914, The West has fallen into a permanent stupor. Decade by decade, it just decays more and becomes more absurd.

      There are more said to be more Gen Z than Millenials, but it may vary depending on the Nation, but in the US there are said to be more Gen Z.

      The problem too is that Gen Alpha cannot even be better, because the Apple never rots far from the tree. A bad tree will yield bad fruit, without exception.

      The thing is, most people will never endorse the existence of NPC's or Organic Portals, or what used to be called in Ancient Times as "Hylics", because it sounds like Psuedo-Science.

      And if the truth about this is utterly known, people will realize just how hopeless and gone the future for Mankind is. There is no reversing the damage.

      Even a population, say, full of a handful of Pure Humans even if there were NPC's mixed in, had genocides done to them, they would at least have a chance for recovery as they did in times past, or a possible future for the offspring of Pure Humans.

      But that reality is now FAR GONE. By the time the 1980's arrived, most of the Human population by then, were also NPC's. In America in the 1980's, about 75% of Humans were NPC's, but today, it's in the Upper 90's percentage-wise, and not far off everywhere else.

      So of course Gen Alpha, will also inevitably be almost nothing but NPC's.

    2. @psa maybe more gen z just stays inside and work all day but yes gen alpha is nothing but npcs and the gene pool is way too ruined. Terrible if gen alpha were to have gen beta gen beta will just be mini robots Perfect for the ai world :/ gen alpha is already perfect for the ai world I can only imagine gen beta


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