The Power In Denying But Constantly Suggesting We Are About To Enter Recession & World War III & 2040/2050 Collapse

Everywhere you look, whether it's the Mainstream Media or Everyday Individuals, they are never stating or believing that we are already long in Recession and actually already long into World War III, but they keep suggesting over and over, that World War III is about to start, and that we "could be" entering a recession.

Thanks to thought implants and controlling NPC's through Neuro-linguistic programming, they all think in lockstep this way, and hence, most people do not understand we are in Economic collapse even while seeing everything deteriorate around them, inflation, starvation, poverty, homeless people increasing and the number of businesses folding up and more "For Rent" signs.

That is how mentally ill, defunct and worthless the Human Species has become.

But with perpetuating these narratives, it has worked like Black Magick in terms of being able to control the population, and to date we still see that Americans think their financial troubles are "just their own" and do not see that the system is being deliberately taken apart.

This further prevents any sense of urgency or rebellion in the population as well, because the people have mental insecurities. It's a great way to control people and lead them to utter destruction.

Americans also do not think we are in World War III, simply because Nuclear Weapons are not yet going off, but fail to see that the Warfare style has "shifted" and that actually much of the conflicts are being localized and executed through a Proxy method or groupings of Nations with a focal point of the battlegrounds, designed to exhaust Nations of Men and Resources.

These Wars will still expand, but it does not negate from the fact that we are in World War III.

What they are doing is trying to quietly bleed all of the Economies dry, but predominantly the Western Economies, and that anyway will also bleed much of the rest of the world as well.

When the Israeli-Palestinian conflict re-ignited in October last year, the US Economy began to feel the immediate impact of it right into November, and it along with the Ukraine and other on-going conflicts abroad, has been massively adding stress to the system, which is undeniably witnessed.

To show you how Schizophrenic Humanity has become, even Mainstream Media and Official Sources had announced back in 2020 through many different outlets, that we entered a recession during the COVID Pandemic, only to turn-around later and then say we narrowly avoided Recession.

Interestingly enough, prices did not rise all that much during that "so-called recession" that came and went, but somehow the prices rose "after" 2021. This is how stupid people are!

And even today after they reopened Economies, the mainstream narrative keeps repeating over and over like a broken record, that we are "teetering" near Recession but aren't actually in one.

There is NO WAY you can shut down any economy around 50% or so and not have some kind of Recession.

But we are in much more than a recession or a depression, since the entire World system is collapsing and we are upon a Human Extinction Event.

The recession actually started way back in 2007/2008, and it never ended! Just funny money has been injected into the system to hide it. The recession, in real terms, not the terms and metrics that modern economists use, has actually never ended.

We've been in the depressionary / collapse phase ever since, so we are long past the point of it just being some "recession". A recession is more of a "stall" in economic growth or activity, but not necessarily deterioration.

What's even crazier, is a lot of the articles I have read from various cities like New York, Boston, Los Angeles and others, if they were even stating that we are not in a recession, they had suggested that even after reopening the economies that a recession will be inevitible.

Yet once reopening the economies, they denied all of it, and people are still pretending we escaped it!

What's amazing is that, on a day-to-day basis, people's opinions or beliefs can be changed so rapidly to completely forget and reject what they believed yesterday.

Even layoffs in all Western countries, are being underreported. They are doing this so when they stage the next crisis, people won't understand what was happening all along, and won't realize why services will cease to function, and why they won't be able to get hospital care.

This will be the time they then bring in the Militaries and even Mercenary forces when the Federal Militaries become exhausted, to take over and have their way.

Western people are so dumb and far gone right now, that they play all day on TikTok, go to the gym, are increasing their daily grind, and are even going back to university to try to become the "best version of themselves" while Militaries have been in training for how to deal with civilian unrest and the problems which will soon come, and these Militaries even know that most people will not survive even 3 months when it all comes crashing down, and they are preparing for those events.


  1. Seriously they go on TikTok all day wth do they watch??? This society is such a joke how can they take life seriously! I sure can’t especially when I tell people I don’t know what the new slang is or they freak out of I say I never had TikTok I don’t know! Do you know what they watch? I think it’s like the musically app where they record themselves sing.

    There are ALOT of homeless here in Florida and the numbers are increasing!
    You know I keep seeing videos saying TikTok will be banned in the USA do you think it will? the damage already been done TikTok already damaged the young generation. They have ticks for what I’ve seen.

  2. On a personal note- do you think it's worth upgrading to a higher-paying job if it's more stressful? I am working as a CNA, but am pushing myself to become a RN or LPN one day, for the pay.
    But it will be more stressful.

    I share the same pessimistic views about this world, and I question the point in working so hard, and if the money is worth it.
    I notice that almost everyone has the same lifestyle in a certain salary range- no matter if they're making 40K or 6 figures.
    From lower middle class to upper middle class,
    They all work long hours till they're 60+, have stressful jobs, go on vacation for 2ish weeks a year, age badly, their life is consumed by work, get tied to mortgages, etc.

    Yes if you make more money, you can afford a bigger house, more extravagant vacation, have more in savings 'in case of emergency', etc. But most of those things are materialistic and seem like a cope for a bad lifestyle. Also in a real extreme emergency, what makes people think they can access their bank account. I understand unexpected medical costs, or damage to ur house, but is that really worth sacrificing your lifestyle for, and the added stress.

    I don't have anyone to work for besides myself- I'm single.
    I don't care about this society or upholding it.

    As long as there's enough for food, rent, extra, and some to save, what difference does it make than those in higher positions?

    I've lived 2 years in the UK & stayed in European countries, life isn't spectacular anywhere. I know someone in Italy who is a CNA and has a son and they live in a nice quaint house- nice backyard, small house, have enough for all expenses, life is fine and they get around, it's enough. Their house is pretty but small for American standards, but I could see myself living there for the rest of my life.

    1. Right, the standard of living is decreasing everywhere, not just in the US or the UK but all of the West, and even in the Emerging Economies. This includes places like China, Thailand, India, Brazil or anywhere else.

      The fact is that the world economy is coming down, and it doesn't matter where one lives, there aren't really such a thing anymore as "True Governments". All of them are pulled by the same Puppet Master that has them on strings.

      Even once the dust settles after World War III and they bring in CBDC and the new dystopian system, even Russians, Chinese or Mexicans (who are expected to survive the coming chaos) will have a very reduced standard of living and live in the new hellish landscape that they want to make.

      I'd actually say, that, right now in the EU countries, life is deteriorating "worse" in some ways compared to the US, but the only difference is that in the US if someone has money they can buy their way of life with the standard they want, but even that is also becoming imperiled rapidly. Some of the reports we are looking at right now with the EU, paint a very dismal picture. But the problem with the US, is that is has enormous social and cultural problems that are nowhere near as complex or extreme in Europe, and that is a wild card for when things will get really bad.

      There is just no escape from it. And there aren't really any options left in anything.


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