The Real Reason Why Most Women Choose Bad Men

The real reason why Most Women choose Bad Men, the worst of the worst, stems from the Biological impulse drive of NPC's.

This impulse drive, thrives on fulfilling the end goal of its sole purpose. To procreate.

This drive in them, is the next drive that comes after Breathing, Seeking Food and Shelter.

It is literally what they live for.

But what is more important in this programming of the NPC's, is the genetic programming within them that is geared towards the Human Replacement Program, and so, the NPC's are obsessed with ensuring that their lineage is "carried on" and presents a rival for the Pure Humans, who are scrupulous.

Just as weeds taken prominence in Gardens over the more valuable Plants, and the worst part about Weeds is they grow so much faster and are relentless, whereas actually plants that might give something valuable, even a Strawberry Plant or something else, can easily die from the slightest injuries or modifications of its environment.

I, in fact have a severe weed problem in my own yard, and it seems the more that you try to get rid of them, the stronger they grow back.

The fact of this entire existence is managed in this way, whereby parasitic elements are constantly outbreeding or destroying anything or anyone of value, and this in itself ought to make you question this existence, or what this "God" is that people believe in that created this pathetic universe.

I have no respect for it.

NPC's are absolutely relentless, like these Weeds. They are obsessed with breeding, and obsessed with taking out everything else of value.

So, the NPC Women are obsessed with having the opportunity to breed with NPC Men, or in other cases, to corrupt and pollute the bloodlines of Pure Human Men and to bring dysfunction to their family legacies, especially for the future generations.

On the other side of this spectrum, are the NPC Men, and the NPC Men can always be identified by his relentless obsession with spreading his seed, he wants to impregnate as many Women as possible.

And it's all he lives for.

Male and Female NPC's, only live for the sake of procreation and ensuring the survival at all costs, and they do not care about anything else. It doesn't matter whether or not they like the person they breed with, or whether they are attractive.

This is why they do what they do.

We live in a sea of NPC's because of this.


  1. Girls like to talk about how they like “gangsters” and “bad boys” and make fun of virgin males smh girls who are innocent want a male who is a virgin! And majority of girls are not innocent! the girls who are the nastiest of the nastiest say these things or make fun of virgin males.The girls who make fun of virgin males or even girls..need to never exist.I can’t believe we live in times were people make fun of innocence and choose a gangster.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Yes and once again, it's yet another scenario where the girl still is not really into the guy for who he is exactly. She seems him as a utility, and her desires with him / for him, are not because she wants to really give to him as such, but they range instead between her desire to produce more degenerate offspring, and to show off the guy as a "trophy" among her peers, to make her family and/or friends jealous or to see her as an icon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can you please explain the defining characteristics of pure humans and autists and how they differ from npcs and from each other? Thanks in advance.

    1. @Platopill, Autistic People have a heightened awareness and are usually highly intelligent, however it comes with a form of cunning nature ot them, but they have access to other frequencies that NPC's do not. This is why many of them tend to be psychic or have what are perceived as "unique abilities", however in terms of picking up on things like social cues, boundaries, empathy and so on, they demonstrate difficulty in this.

      Autistic people are basically equivalent to Pure Humans, except that they lack souls, and they are being used by Governments to usher in a "new breed" of Humans to pave the way of the dystopic future. That's what the purpose of them are. They are a type of Human-Hybrid.

      NPC's are more like Robots and only can follow "scripted programming" within them, whereas Autistic people can see or develop other types of concepts, even ones that have not yet been made, but Pure Humans also do that as well.

      A Pure Human has all of the Intelligent aspects that someone Autistic does, along with the spirit consciousness being anchored in the Pineal Gland.

      What is interesting is that Autistic people are able to recognize NPC's usually, or at least have the idea of them even if they don't call them that or know what an NPC is, however they do not distinguish Pure Humans as being different from them, however they do perceive something of "light" in Pure Humans, although they do not understand it.

    2. my piece of shit mom got me diagnosed with autism because she's scum. I have a "soul" as in I'm not a piece of shit npc haha kill ni ers

    3. my piece of shit mom got me diagnosed with autism because she's scum. I have a "soul" as in I'm not a piece of shit npc haha kill ni ers

  4. I always noticed that a lot of people, even if they do reach success they tend to not do anything productive with it.

    Everyone seems so obsessed with money, but for what? Thats when the goal of these npcs become realized. Even in creative arts, have the npcs corrupted it. Especially music and fashion, where it has become more of a thing to do in order to reach fame and money. All so they can be more efficient in spreading their seed.

    The analogy of plants is perfect. Weeds eat resources just like other plants, but the difference between a weed and a fig tree is that one produces fruit and is less invasive. The fig tree is its own singular ecosystemic tree that gives back to the higher chain of order in more ways does it take, while the other is a collective of overconsuming resource hungry roots.

    I think natures design holds a lot of truth about the reality we live in. For this reason, i do believe there is some sort of mass intelligence behind our origins, and that such a thing could be called a god. But having faith in that thing, believing in it to be a thing in our best interest, or believing in other NPCs interpretations about such a thing is a different matter all together.

    1. The problem with Modern conception of "Success", it's it's not really Success in the long run. MOST successful people we see, actually sell their soul in the process of getting where they do, and also ruin their health and become a shell of their former self in the process.

      It's not to say this always this case, but more and more so, it is the case.

      I would say we are entering a period of time where everything in the universe, not just among Humans, but other species of animals along with the vegetation are all being overtaken by parasitic elements, and it also is just really telling about the characteristics about this universe.

      The thing is, you can only tell people so much to keep trying again and again and to try harder and harder.

      People are lied too today, that every failure is just a success that has not been recognize, and this is not true at all!

      Every failure and re-attempt at something, burns one's energy more, and this means one way or another a shorter lifespan and vitality in the process for each "miss" at something.

      There are Mass Intelligences behind this design, but they are not God, however they had been worshipped as "The Gods" for Aeons.

      The power of them holding Humans hostage to this existence and the reincarnation traps (however those have come to near a standstill) is getting people to have belief in this existence and to see a purpose in it, and to indoctrinate them with religions.

      The intelligences that run this realm absolutely fear people discovering the truth or to understand that they live in an artificial prison, that there is no evolution here, and that the existence here is pointless.

      For example, most of what Humans think they value, even in terms of work or discipline, or seeing something "positive" in the "negative", or finding value in pain and suffering, is programmed in them as a species so they will tolerate this existence and ignore the fact that they are being used for loosh energy.

      Because only a glutton for punishment finds value in those things.

  5. women dont choose bad men lmao they choose niggers and nerds. I'm not a nice man yet where my pussy at? My mom made me ugly thats why.


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