Another Thing Most People, Especially Youth Do Not Understand About The Internet

When it comes to talking to anyone on the internet, no matter the forum or method, and even as degenerate and in decline that Modern Society is, the Internet is not the "bigger picture" at all times about the Everyday Life outside that you see, with actual people.

Most of your Experiences and Encounters online with anyone, will revolve only around certain corners of the internet or society, based on a subject or common interest, where there may be common trends or behaviors in people, but this is not how society is in a randomized, everyday environment, such as just being ramonly placed in an Urban City Center.

Under such circumstances, anecdote online, matters not.

Most people whom you will randomly encounter in public, will have no knowledge, opinions, interest or any beliefs to discuss with you, where you find such people online who seem to do.

There is also a huge disparity in the lifestyles of people who spend most of their time online, versus offline.

Most of the people you meet or talk to online, especially Online Influencers, have very boring, uneventful lives and are anti-social and have no real friends in the real world. Which is "WHY THEY ARE ONLINE".

People who spend their lives all the time online, do not have much of a personal or social life, and you must take what they say with a grain of salt, especially Online Influencers on YouTube, who have time to fully edit and dazzle up their videos. That takes many hours of work.

Many hours of work which real-life people are dedicating their lives to a balance between their jobs, and socializing or other events of people whom they hang out with in real life.

Even here, I have hardly been online these days, why!? Because it's SUMMER. There is a lot of activities to do, a lot of events, and I am trying to enjoy myself as best as possible and the company of others.

With that, I have to say that I have a lot of events and places I will be going to between now and the end of October, so my response time or attention may be slower, along with variations of the content. I like to take advantage of the Summer Season, since it tends to be very short where I am. And I absolutely hate winters, so I spend more time indoors, and events begin whittling down.

In fact, I have a hard time even able to concentrate to get situated back into the online sphere when I have so many other things going on away from it, and I am computer illiterate from old days back in the 80's / 90's, so you should think that even if I am having issues with it, that it takes a special type of person to be able to have the patience and focus to be online with all the bells and whistles and apps these days.

There is no possibility that these Influencers are living a good life that is active doing anything useful or productive, and having an actual "life" outside of the internet!

The Internet is actually the worst social place right now, even though you have more tools, better quality and speed and all sorts of features and collaboration apps compared to how it used to be in the 90's and 2000's.

Many of you will never understand this, because you have no innocence to you, and you likely never did, and you did not grow up in a time when people were more civil or normal, not entirely, but far much more than the last decade and this new one, which are absolutely unbearable.

It is absolutely astonishing how many of you people take Online people seriously, particularly channels selling agendas and using all the same talking points. Tons of these new online channels appear out of nowhere, regurgitating the same New Age Nonsense, or how to become a Millionaire, or some fitness guru selling more snake-oil, and they always have at least 6 Figure or Millions of Followers.

Almost all the people online nowadays that you see, are not living the dream life they make it seem out to be, and it might just be a one-off event in their lives, or someone else is financing their lifestyles, and this far more true, the younger the person tends to be.

The point is that the Internet is really an environment that is heavily filtered, controlled, biased and curated, whereas the real world is not.


  1. The internet really is a bad place now. Very good point how people who don’t understand this have no innocence left to them! Amazing point because gen alpha and gen z seem to think online is real. All this shit online about being 6’2 or you need to do this or be that to have a boyfriend or girlfriend that’s a crock of shit. No one cares in the real world! I can just tell they don’t go out and have no innocents left. I don’t think I even came across a 12 year old girl who looks or has innocents.. crazy even as young as 9 they lose their innocence from social media.

    Right now in Florida it’s so humid out. I see people (gen z) with baggy clothes and big jackets! It’s crazy! The body issues are through the roof with them! These big jackets must be an internet thing.

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