Manifestelle Is Bitter Over "Pretty Privilege" Proving yet again, how Full of Flaws Gen Z is.


I actually like this video from the standpoint that it serves as a great example and "extension" of discussion on a lot of things that Goatis has addressed in videos that illustrate the significance about how much "Looks Matter".

Manifestelle really gets her panties in a bunch all the time, when it comes to "Pretty Privilege".

Love it where she says "We don't get mad, We get paid..."

And no, this "Spoiled Girlie" does not get paid. She may have a large channel, but if Manifestelle were really making it big, she wouldn't be clipping coupons and looking obsessively to find cheap recipes.

She is a bitter, store loser.

This is how you can read right through these jokers.

Ever notice how these same Women over and over keep needing to remind their Female audiences that they are "So Perfect" and "So Special" and have so much "Value" and things to offer the world!?

If this were true, why do they need to keep reminding each other of it!? Clearly, because it's untrue, and Women are becoming more and more unwanted, unliked, and disregarded.

This is all about Women coping in their miserable lonely dwellings, in an Echo Chamber with all their other loser "Online Girlies".

That is the term they all use now to refer to one another... "Girlies".

Even if "Pretty Privilege" were a thing, well, you know what!? That's how it always would be!

People like attractive people, and this is not programmed into them, because even babies have been shown to absolutely prefer and admire good-looking faces / people.

There's nothing wrong with this! You can cope and seethe for the rest of your god-damned life over how unfair it is, but guess what!? It will never change!

I have to assume Manifestelle must really be constantly upset with a chip on her shoulder because she has some very weird features, even for an Asian girl, and has a large forehead, dead eyes, and has like an Alien shaped / looking face. There is a horrific "flatness" to her face structure, and it's more evident when you see her face at an angle or from the side, and this makes her look very unattractive.

She would never pass for more than a 3, and she knows that.

The problem with implying "Pretty Privilege", once again a stupid obsession by Gen Z, is that it implies a sense of jealousy and an agenda to somehow punish "pretty people".

Only an ugly, butthurt person and an untermensch, could even coin the term "Pretty Privilege".

And these Gen Z Monsters want to destroy everything that is pretty or beautiful, including Humans themselves.

Women are also, ALWAYS going to size up other Women, nothing will ever change that, it is Human Nature, and it's how standards get established! Sometimes it's out of curiosity.

It is completely NATURAL to objectify others! We are all objects!

It is very clear that Manifestelle has a problem with the natural diversity of different genetic types that alter the beauty factor from Woman to Woman, and if she had it her way, everyone would have to be made equal, providing her "Socialist" Tendencies.

If she were to put her results into play, most people would look average, plain or boring / mediocre.

If Pretty Women have to deal with snarly, mean, gossipy Women who spread rumors about them, then the problem has more to do with a bad genetic pool that exists within the Population. The solution is not to take these butthurt Women seriously, but to ensure that they don't breed and get weeded out of the population.

The more attractive a population is, the better off they are, and the less of a concern and liability there is for less attractive people to become "coupled" and what not.

What Gen Z Losers like Manifestelle don't understand, is that the so-called feeling that there is someone trying to "conquer them" and "keep them divided" is a delusional idea, because the thing is there was never the Utopian sense of "unity" between Women even from the beginning. It does not exist. This is just merely the imagination of these losers.

Someone else made an astute comment from observation of this video, into how it was nothing more than just a "crying party".

And such the nerd that Manifestelle is, she comes up with the "Privilege Snowball Effect".

Major Cringe!

Manifestelle better learn her place on the Greater Pecking Order. Because even as far as Asians go, Filipinas along with Cambodians have always been the "bottom of the barrel" in terms of Physical Beauty and Attraction or Desirability / Genetics, whereas Vietnamese Women, Japanese and some Chinese Women are on top of the Beauty / Genetic Pecking Order with the East Asians.


  1. Yeah only ugly people say this shit! Wtf those girls in the thumbnail are not pretty and are filters! These gen z are pathetic and need to fuck off.!they don’t even have big lips!looks so plainThey are so delusional it’s hilarious these plain Janes are in for a big surprise anyways they better get a dog!

    No this is what pretty is you ugly bitches! LOL compare them to the girls in the thumbnail it’s hilarious! The difference is huge

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Precisely! What disturbs me, is Gen Z seems to be the most aggressive at wanting to crush and stamp out all forms of beauty and to punish anyone who has it!

      Of course, she is envious of the ideal Nordic type Women or White Women in general!

      Oh, BTW, I had just came across a former comment from the other day of yours that got flagged as "Spam". But yes, to answer, you can tell if someone has a soul or not or what kind of soul through the eyes, the eyes are the biggest giveaway besides their energy signature. The thing is though you need training on this, and it usually can only be exercized in someone who already has the visible frequency range that can perceive and pick up on the energies.

    2. This is correct they hate and want to punish beauty! It’s horrible what gen z is doing! They are disgusting and have no idea what the fuck beauty even looks like anymore because gen z is ugly and pathetic!they are delusional.

      Speaking of soul someone asked me about this girl named Ice spice I looked her up recently and she looks demonic it’s scary her eyes look very evil and soulless?! Do you feel this feel too when you see her! is this just me!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @JunkieAmerican Ice Spice is disgusting! Why is she even famous? I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone like her.

    5. @rey she’s really one of the most ugliest girls I have ever seen In my life. And I have seen alot of ugly genz girls close to her but her eyes are disgusting.

    6. @JunkieAmerican she looks so deformed! Her eyes are demonic, but something seems off about the rest of her face. You should see what she looks like without makeup.

    7. Without the filter she looks so sick man I found a picture. Makeup can’t really do anything but hide skin texture it really doesn’t transform a girl unless she puts a filter on then makeup looks better. but in real life makeup looks like shit in the daytime it’s all cakey and looks odd. I would rate her a 2 seriously! Black males simp for her they simp for anyone even a girl in a wheelchair

    8. @JunkieAmerican it's really disgusting that they simp for her. Their testosterone is definitely in the dumps.

  2. Yeah Filipinas always been the bottom yuck so manly looking bad facial features stupid ugly Bitch is delusional. Japanese women are the most wanted. Small frame submissive face submissive frame and glowing skin with tiny waist these are the things I’ve read. But what I have to say is yeah Japanese girls are the top my reasons are submissive face and frame. The white girls in the thumbnail look manly to me yeah I give them a 5/10 but a submissive East Asian face is something like this fag gen z guys would want something masculine like cardi b someone needs to 😵 off gen z

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Yep, and even the personalities of Filipinas are much more aggressive and manly. The most feminine and submissive ones tend to also be either Vietnamese or Japanese, far more than the others. They a lot more refined / polished in terms of their character also. Only thing though with Japanese, is there is a reason why even their own Men don't want them is because Japan is infested with all the Western / Modern developed problems of a developed country with feminism. South Koreans also would be included in that group with the feminist problem. But I think it's worse there, than even in China as such, as a very large nation of people, as far as Orientals go.

  3. Her eyes only transmit envy and resentment to me, I don't know to what extent this has to do with lineage or nutrition. But it's something I'm definitely paying a lot of attention to now regarding her eyes.

  4. Gen z are pretty much irredeemable. The men are either fat unhealthy losers or steroid abusing unhealthy losers and they all behave like women. Two faced, gossiping looking for a strong leader. The women are either fat unhealthy losers or steroid abusing unhealthy losers and they all behave how they think men behave.

    This obsession with injecting all their body parts is making them look even more alien than they already do.

    1. It's crazy how they are like this. Injecting steroids and what not.

    2. @rey yeah it’s crazy going to the gym lowers men testosterone if they even had any and it lowers a girl’s estrogen. They don’t care though because they want to appear better than everyone. Also I have noticed these gym guys are gay or something because they say they want a “muscle mommy “or a “mommy dom “they Say.., weird.. they want a bigger older woman who dominates… very sick and disgusting. These people are getting sicker and sicker as months and years pass.Sam suleck is a big influence on gen alpha now.


    3. Haha! Big muscles only attract other men and maybe ugly women that hate themselves.

      Sam Sulek is a terrible influence on the youth of today. I don't know why he has a following on social media.

  5. Looks like we have another girl who doesn't want to go to work a day in her life, not even pretend hahah


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