Reviewing Another Video By "Zero Fucks Given"

I do have to say I am quite impressed with his level of understanding some very nuanced and articulate details about American mentality and behaviors. Things of which I have observed and also studied for many years.

His views about Genetics of the American people, are absolutely spot-on. And it also proves why the founding of America, was an absolute disaster, in its inception.

The problem with the American People, is that from the get-go, they are descendants by and large from Criminal and Opportunistic Families.

Most countries in Europe, are not necessarily "founded" by Criminals or a Criminal Class, and this distinguishes America from all the other Western Powers.

The Genetic Pool of Americans, by and large, while relatives of Europeans, they are of different Genetic variation Sequences compared to most Europeans, or at least whom we've known of Europeans.

This Man is absolutely correct in his statements, that Americans have a serious issue with Moralism, or their ideas of what they believe Morality as to "be", and this is exactly what will lead to their own self-ruin, even while they think they are doing the right thing.

Americans even think they are "Doing The Right Thing" by Protecting, Defending and Arming Israel.

A lot of people do not know this, but even the earliest of Explorers to America and the founding of the New World, were by and large, designated "Freemasons", since belonging to the Freemasonic Fraternity, guaranteed you special privileges and rights that no ordinary citizen could obtain, especially when it came down to Exploration, whether one is an Admiral, an Astronaut, or any kind of Explorer and someone who will conquer and dominate a land, particularly a land that does not belong to him.

Christopher Columbus, was a Freemason, and when this fact is brought up, people who defend him become very upset, because the foundations of the West as we know it today, from the "Americas", entirely are made vulnerable at the exposure of this fact.

To also show you my lack of bias in this effect, even the famous "Prussian General" Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, was also a Freemason.

Without this Man, America would have never had a "revolution" or any kind of Military Command

So he was an elemental figure along with earlier figures like Christopher Columbus, who was also a Freemason.

One can argue whether to make exceptions or not or the claim that they do not believe all Freemasons are bad, but the fact is that they belonged to this special "Brother's Club", and that the Club is run most distinctly by Jewry, and the most evident fact of this is that if you reference this truth, the first claim that any Freemasonic person will be exalted to inform you about is how the Fraternity is not of a specific "religion", even though we all know that the Jews are first and foremost, a "Race".

So, it goes as an understatement to lay the claim that the "New World" is 100% a Judeo-Freemasonic Experiment and Creation.

This is why it was doomed from the start, and that also includes the Nations of Latin America which the Sephardic Jews have conquered and spread much of their tainted blood with the Natives.

All of these Nations are "experimental" at best, and have been doomed because of these factors.

The Spanish Race, who are of the "Latin" descendants of the Romans, also took part in becoming a destroyed race along with the Italians or "Former Romans", because of Jewry, and also its admixtures into a sizable amount of their populations and descendants everywhere.

Most "Sephardic Jewish Surnames" can be identified by their family surnames that either are named after a City-State from these Lands, after Colors, or Precious Pearls / Stones / Trees, etc.

All of the development of the New World stems from the Inquisition, and anyone who knows the truth about the Inquisition, will know that it was merely the Hitler's 1930's of "their time", instead done by a Monarch who became a turncoat against their own tribe, since Queen Isabella had partial Jewish ancestry, and she also was the one who "funded" Christopher Columbus and the other explorers to come to the Islands, and this was even WELL before the English had set sail.

For example, the Americans, while on one hand are the first in line to obsess against "Communism", they are simultaneously also the #1 Supporters, Defenders and Enablers of Communism in practice.

Wall Street Banks, even were the ones which financed the Bolshevik Revolution.

Today, Americans are even most Communist than Russia and China combined.

If anything, Chinese are actually more Economically Capitalist, and they even have now have ironically or not, quote on quote "Communist Billionaires" in that country.

In addition, one thing that also makes the Americans particularly degenerate, since they love to bully and destroy all kinds of Good Men, is that the Democratic mode of their society makes it a fertile ground for this type of behavior. All Democratic States ruin and homogenize Men, and eventually castrate all of them.

Democracy can never be a good thing, not even if "exercised properly".

At the same time, Americans have always been "first in line" anywhere in the world to protect and enable criminal types, even in the Islamic countries, and then they also invite these cretins into our own backyards to come have a place to stay, and they have done the same for Europe.

Americans "court" the world over in their Imperialistic hegemony as well, because while they go around killing the Innocent Arabs and leaving the degenerate Arabs alive, they have Western People cheering on the "Innocents" who were killed and label them "Terrorists", and then give Welcome "Open Arms" to the most degenerate, filthy, disgusting trash from the Middle East.

Germany has followed in the same footsteps of America as this, and the problem is so deeply-rooted in Germany, that most Germans including the Bundeswehr itself, does not want to hear or cope with these harsh details and reality, especially with their campaigns in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

Germany had become a "Blind Man Walking" in being courted by America after World War II, and now much more than ever.

I have noticed that since "COVID", Germany and even Austria and many other European States are even more obsessively looking towards USA leadership, compared to Russia, when it makes more logical and geopolitical sense for Europe to be aligned with Russia.

COVID also gave the "green light" to push through all kinds of vast extra types of "screening" operations to be carried out to quell dissenting forces within the Military and Police, any views of Nationalistic or Right-Wing Oriented Ideas, as well as eliminating any factions in the Military and Police that could be deemed as "Suspicious" or possibly not toeing the line with Democratic and NATO values that are demanded in the Democratic Republic of Germany, with the Bundeswehr and Polizei completely combed through from top to bottom, and this also has been conducted in many other European Nations, along with on-going NATO drills and exercises, along with the Baltic drama where the Lithuanian leadership was trying to conveniently harp on our old issues with the Danzig Corridor because of Russia's Actions in Ukraine.

As much as a "hothead" I am at times, even I am not as senseless as a fool as to believe despite the fact that this territory in actuality belongs to Germany, that we can just violate an International Law that is already agreed upon in a reckless manner that Lithuania had attempted in the process. And I say this, also having some Lithuanian ancestry, myself.

Russia is not exactly an entirely "Trustworthy Nation" on all levels by any means, and all Nations are puppets controlled by another force by some manner. But, there is something to be said about establishing suitable relationships.

The thing is, however, Russia DID keep its promises, and did not show any hostility or design in breaking or severing the relations it had with Germany and Europe, and yet German / EU Leadership decided to threaten that, and it is unlikely that those relations are ever able to be normalized.

At least not with our say in the manner. We know how to deal properly with and how to speak with a Nation like Russia, and unlike the current West, we always keep our promises, and our Fraternal Organization serves as the ONLY gateway that the Non-European World can have with a Proper, Level-Headed European Element and Institution.

We are one of only a handful of organizations that still exist in the West, who agree to live in accordance with Reality and the direction in the face of the other World Powers.

Have we not explained our positions on even exposing and denouncing figures among our own who even imperil our own existence?

As Prussians, we are even willing to liquidate nearly the entire West as we would a mound hill of ants, and./or to hold the entire Western Populations ransom to the liking of the Russians and Chinese, in the effort of establishing proper relations and adhering to reason, as we are ruthlessly and meticulously reluctant to Fall down with the rest of the Scum of Masses who compose the majority of the Caucasian Race today.

We will cooperate with the Russians and Chinese endlessly and sell them Slaves.

We refuse to follow the flawed fate, and the Fallen Christian path that the West has carved out for centuries, which has decimated Germans and other Europeans from century to to century, and there are a handful of others who support our position on this very specific topic.

Western People need to learn how to manage relationships with other peoples / nations, even races in the world which they might not exactly "like" or have high fondness of, especially in a time where the Western World is imploding on itself and will have less and less negotiation power or say in any matters which regard their own people.

If they fail to adhere to this - and without a doubt they shall fail as they want to live in the past - we have no choice to but to be highest Arbiters in charge of the fate for Europe and Western People and Culture as a whole, and we have no scruples about even how much our own people would despite us for eternity or view us as the biggest Pariahs of world history in carrying this out.

We may even then begin to exceed the atrocities of the Freemasons!

It would be a badge of honor for us.

What ZFG states about the Americans, is very true that the American People are most certainly "Satanic", and don't even know it. Surely some do, but the majority would love to suggest otherwise.

Americans are the biggest Racketeer Artists in the world. Knowing how to make a dime out of selling you junk, even those without Jewish Ancestry. They are skilled in crafting fraudulent business models out of anything.

They lie to themselves constantly. Always talking about needing to unite, and "We The People", but all of this is just feel-good talk.

The only truly unique statesman America really ever had far above and beyond the rest, was Thomas Jefferson. But even the greatest of Men as leaders, cannot live up to their ambitions, with a population that is already degenerate and worthless to begin with.

To illustrate how different the "Americans" were then, of the likes of Jefferson himself, to the Americans today, is figures like Jefferson were more than ready to refresh the Tree of Liberty with Blood of Tyrants, while today Americans insist on Non-Violence and Peaceful Resistance / Revolution, and now are working hard to talk down against Political Violence, even though it's an inevitable fate.

A Leader can only become as Legendary as the characteristics inherent in his own people that he governs over. And that is no less true for any leader, regardless of the country.

Americans have never been a United People. How could they be!?

For Starters, there isn't even such as thing as "The American People" at least as a Race or Tribe outside of the Asiatic Inhabitants that existed before them. They do not have an Ethnic Body, and that is one of the fundamental prerequisites on having or being a "Nation" or any kind.

Americans do not unite on anything except for Making Money and Going To War.

Even the term "High Value Man" is something of an American Creation, albeit a Judeo-Negro one.

Everything that comes out of America, has some kind of cultural taint and flimsiness and wretchedness to it.


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