Society Is Absolutely Unbearable...

That's an understatement, because I'm really running out of words to even describe it any longer.

It is unbelievable how bad things really are out there, especially in the US.

Almost everyone is out to get you or searching for ways how too.

It is actively on their radar.

This is the world of NPC's.

Friendship is largely a thing of the past. The people you think are your friends, are not your friends.

Almost all interactions with others for any reason are based on a need basis, and it is impossible to have any normal relations with others outside of a particular "goal".

This world is full of nothing but unsavory people, and it's far worse now as they are all COVID vaccinated.

I'm involved in some unfortunate situations I have no choice to be as of recent until they soon are over, but the level of fakeness, mental gymnastics, and chameleon tactics that are used to navigate social relations by others in the United States is absolutely alarming. I'm not even cool having an alcoholic drink with people like this.

I don't feel comfortable around them.
There is no comfortable people you can hang out with anymore.

When I see how the public behaves and socializes, it reminds me so well of just how far away we are from revolution.

There is no way even the Human Species can survive on the basis of how people are now.

No way in hell.


  1. friends are a thing in the past and love is a thing in the past gen z and gen alpha can forget about producing chemicals. They don’t even know friendship is they think playing video games with someone is a friendship how pathetic! Is the mixed one autistic? Or is he just very awkward from all the anime? They all look like they watch anime in this video.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, What actually angers me even more, is that while I see NPC's who will try to "appeal" to me and I see it as an insult to my intelligence, I also watch as it happens to other people, and even saw some circumstances of it over the weekend. And it just makes me cringe with such utter hatred and disgust to see the lengths people will go to - even more so with Women - to try to appeal to other Women or to be liked or to act like they have closers relations than they really have, all to use them or get something out of them.

      In the video, the mixed one looks kind of autistic to me. Could be mild on the spectrum.

      All the people in this video however have either bad genetics and/or something "off" about them. Loser NPC's.

    2. Yeah I knew something was off with the mixed one he just seemed so off he’s also extremely awkward and it’s from the anime. This video is what most of gen z looks like or how they act although I have seen more awkward /cringe behavior and worse genes coming out of gen z. Gen z is overall pathetic anime watching gamers and it’s just disgusting especially when they bring their anime shit out in public. Notice how in the video they kept doing ✌🏻with their fingers It’s so cringy. Someone did that to me before to say hi. I was confused because he didn’t even say a word just did this ✌🏻with his fingers LOL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe I've said this here before.

    I don't even go anywhere anymore because every, single, time someone will try to get me kicked out, arrested or get a group of people to try and embarrass and intimidate me.

    My tolerance for that has always been quite low and is almost none existent now. To prevent myself from killing someone I just stay home. It's not enjoyable anyway because when you have to be 100% on guard and 100% accessing places and strategies it is impossible to enjoy yourself.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse.

      Yes, this is all part of the "Gangstalking" program.

      I hate the term "Gangstalking" but only use it since it's the only widely recognizable term for it, but there have been many people who use the term who are otherwise either just Schizophrenic or it's because they are being watched by their own family members in power.

      But Pure Humans, will receive this treatment, by NPC's and also people who are organized within the system to carry out such kind of harassment.

      For example, I automatically have my reputation slandered and lies told about me constantly, even by people who don't know me, and I have had many routine "setups" being made against me. People who shout things out at windows, and then of course, they love calling us "gay".

      People will always try targeting you in a situation, and even if you provide proof or demonstrate how you can't, you will notice how they have some kind of "magnetic" ability to either overlook it or unite with others against you, or at the very least, explain to you that you are not welcome somewhere, etc.

      NPC's around us, always means that we are in danger.

      The NPC's are hell-bent on oppressing, eliminating and otherwise destroying Pure Humans, and it's for this reason why the Human Species needs to largely be culled, since they are almost all NPC's now.

    2. you are intimidated by other people becouse you are physicaly weak. as a proud narcissist my self i have a lot of access to food by my family and doing some training in american psycho style at my home

    3. TristanLouisino949- 🤣🤣🤣 You must be 12 😂

  4. I have been is several 'pub' situation recently and notice a lot of them will stand very close by to me for no reason but not speak, as if they are monitoring me like 'Revenge Of The Bodysnatchers.' it's unnerving. They will actively stand very close for no reason. They just sit in silence together as well, eating their disgusting potato chips. It's a world of adult children.


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