The Willingness to be Relentless and Ruthless Without Limit For Revolution

These days, you would be hard pressed to find "righteous" individuals, who would be willing to use fear and terror, and even the willingness to go after a guilty individual's family and to even eradicate the whole family from existence.

People have moral scruples about this, only because they only directly look at the parties involved, and do not take into consideration how families are enablers, and how families can also be looked at as ripe fruits to pluck to also pay the price for a blood relative's evil shenanigans.

The Bolsheviks understood this, and most criminals also understand this, which is why they are able to wield power so well.

When I suggest the type of intimidation and horrific acts that must be carried out, the unfortunate state is that most people will feel nervous or sick to their stomach.

But what this also tells me, is that the righteous person who responds or reacts in this way, has not tasted enough bitter experiences and betrayal in this world to be totally indifferent to inflicting the type of horror that needs to be meted out on our enemies.

Haunting and Threatening an enemy's family, is one of the most powerful and personal attacks you can also launch on someone, especially as it riles everyone up and makes daily existence a major fear.

Their family can also be targeted and blamed, because of their personal involvement on any level with the enemy, and likely shares their genetics to one degree or another.

The other problem, is that most Righteous people are plagued with "guilt-tripping" ideologies from Fables and Folklore of the past, designed to deprogram them from primal responses to injustice.

That includes nonsense like "When fighting a dragon, do not become a dragon" or being told that "two wrongs don't make a right" or being told to "be the better / bigger person".

These same people who suggest this advice, would never dare confront the enemy to tell them to be a "better person".

All of these thoughts or ideas are of course, meaningless, NPC banter.

In reality, being the better, bigger person, means overpowering the scumbag and entirely destroying them! Only then will you actually become the "bigger person".

In addition, religions like "Christianity" make people question "What Would Jesus Do!?" or to question their adherence to Christianity, should they begin to imitate behavior that seems to be of the same energy or evils of an enemy, but fail to see the moral or actual difference in something, because in the Autistic Christian's mind, "A Murderer is a Murderer, and a Murderer is EVIL!"

Such people think that they are some "dirty" when they stoop to the same level tactics there enemy uses, even though from the standpoint of Nature, even Natural Law, it is the ONLY possibility or tactic that one can use to possibly combat and launch an attack against your enemy, but that one must be even craftier and far more ruthless and cold to how much cruelty can be carried out!

NEVER be soft on your enemies.

And every time I hear someone who says they wouldn't even wish something upon their worst enemy, or how they have no ill will towards their enemies, it makes me absolutely cringe with disgust and hatred inside.


  1. The vast majority of white people today are so weak, it's pathetic. They have become too civilized for their own good. You have to fight fire with fire. The book 'Might is Right' by Ragnar Redbeard talks about this important topic and many others, and it stresses the importance of annihilating your enemies.


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