Why The West Will Be More Nightmarish between now and 2030

Even despite all the on-going events and depopulation event that is anticipated for 2025, the dynamics of how society is declining is going to all but ensure that conditions in your own neighborhoods and lives will deteriorate beyond your imagination.

There are entirely new waves of sometimes "better" people who are now leaving the West to relocate elsewhere, and even Europe is no longer the top destination.

The types of people who are leaving, tend to have some amount of capital with them, maybe an Independent Business owner, a Retiree or even someone in the Military, as these are the very common types who are leaving Western countries, and the gap that it is creating is being occupied by more and more low level scum taking up certain businesses or real estate.

I still expect countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France and Sweden to bear the worst brunt of these kind of conditions, but even countries like Italy or Austria have problems as well.

The question of where to live in Europe may vary, however I am privy to knowledge to the degree and detriment that many of these countries will be absolutely destroyed.

For someone as myself, I can only see a country like Switzerland to be a suitable country in Europe that will have far less problems than many of the other Nordic states, in months and years to come.

That being said, only Finland is expected to likely maintain its population.

The rest of Europe is to be decimated, and this will catch many Europeans by surprise, since they still have general belief in their governments one way or another or do not believe things will get very bad.

The gaps that have been created in the real estate and business sectors all throughout the West, had become extremely "prominent" from the start of the COVID Agenda, and unnatural government protectionism and manipulations in the system along with heavy inflation, had changed the dynamics of things. Because the very lives of people were disrupted so heavily, and we are nowhere near out of the woods from the cascading / echoing effects of these "disruptions".

We are also still living in the "COVID Era", even if you do not see much of it around you.

Many small business everywhere have been losing their businesses, and the thing is we live in such a world now where if a small business owner goes "bankrupt", maybe even gets divorced in the process or has continued bleeding from expenses or trying to liquidate, really does not have a social network to turn to in the West these days.

His really only options are to contemplate Suicide or Emigration.

Right now, this is a very very underrated topic and reality circumstance for a lot of Men in the West of all ages, and if one is contemplating suicide, I do not blame them whatsoever, but they must have a proper plan in place for it and not fail or get caught on it.

The thing is Suicide for many will be a better option than what soon will be the reality to endure, and even I am very fed up to the gills with this society right now, because there is no legroom to do anything "new", and no people who are trustworthy to make changes with, even if those things are to be only for a group of people.

Most people in this world right now, are absolutely subject to trying to destroy your life, and this is not paranoia, it is simply the truth.

The "better" people from these Western countries, and I prefer saying "better" and not necessarily implying they are the best or greatest people - are largely the ones offing themselves, or moving out of their countries. Some of them might have suspicious leanings or activities even as far as where their families may have gotten wealth historically, but they kept society a lot more stable and trouble-free, compared to the "new neighbors" that are waiting in line to take up where they depart.

You could say that maybe at best, they might have been maintaining these civilizations for better or worse, but their departures through one method or another will absolutely ensure the slide into third and fourth world conditions, and where you will witness more and more Foreign Capital arriving at a moment's notice to immediately have a hand in all the pickings of any opportunity.

This is already happening in places like New York City, and many other big Metro areas.

In the near future, I expect New York City to be almost entirely owned by Chinese wealth and immigrants.

In short, Aryan Civilization had been living off of smoldering fumes for some decades now, and those fumes are rapidly petering out.

Police will become less and less responsive to events, even far less so than they already are.

In my region, we have a growing problem of Illegal Immigrants, as well as Negroes and Albanians who are rapidly filling up the gaps. And the worst part is many of these groups work together in how they sell drugs or are involved in other illicit activities, since they figure it be best to function this way since they have to "tolerate each other".

Desperation for certain types of "Immigrant" workers is becoming so desperate, that many White-owned businesses are either employing or selling parts of their business off to even Iranians or Indians, and by which the relationship that the USA has with Iran, that most of the time, you would be hard pressed to see Iranian immigrants employed by many of these businesses!

A world's difference compared to the 90's, when these groups were all at odds with each other in most American cities, and whereby most Albanians did not get along with other races here, and there were even disputes with them and the Negroes and Hispanics.

The problem is that there are different implications for a neighborhood based on which group of these Immigrants takes over. Albanians are often known as "White on the outside" but "Black on the inside", and the thing is you can be certain that if Either Albanians or Negroes are replacing a neighborhood, that they will absolutely lead it to eventual ruin.

The problem, however, with the Albanian method is at first, they seem to make everything "look nice" because they will even settle into nicer neighborhoods or not bother with others, but the businesses and residences they buy up, come almost exclusively from Selling Drugs. The amount of Albanians who become successful and own or buy up restaurants and houses, from no skill or anything but simply from drug dealing, is absolutely alarming.

Albanians are a really shit people, just like Serbs and many other Slavs, and once you get to really know who the Albanians are, you will understand it, and how lying, duplicity and betrayal is a way of life for them. Albanians are very clever at painting themselves to be something like the Italians or Greeks of yesterday. Most are quick to ignore their qualities as a people based on their ability to work hard and for low pay.

Albanians are even deceitful about their truthful racial origins. They claim to be descendents from the Ancient Illyrians, but a closer analysis of history and genetic testing disproves their claim. They are an amalgamation of Slavic and Turkish peoples who have been carried across Anatolia from a long time ago. They love to deny their Slavic and Turkish roots but somehow lay claim to being the oldest Race in Europe. They may be one of the Oldest from their point of Origin, but other peoples have lived in Europe prior to their arrival in the Balkans.

Albanians are dumb as a rock, but cunning and clever as a fox in the way they do things.

They are probably one of the least honorable peoples in Europe, yet have a whole concocted tradition in the name of "Honor".

Albanians also love to pretend that we will conveniently forget their efforts to provide safe haven, food and shelter for Jews during World War II, and Albanians have some of the most sketchy ties out there with Jews and yet want to be friends with us Germans, especially Germans who are National Socialist.

An Albanian will pretend to be National Socialist on one hand, while a Communist on the other.

He will be a Christian with you, while a Loyal Muslim in the presence of an Arab.

Albanian establishments usually have the most competitive [cheapest] pricing on any goods or services you can find anywhere, and a lot of this is due to the fact that they are willing to work for much smaller wages than nearly other immigrant group, and can afford to do so while maintaining a high birth rate and family structure, and drug activities.

Some years may pass where things seem pleasant with them around, until eventually you realize how much their presence has taken over the neighborhoods and becomes hostile to anything that does not suit their interests or the Albanian race, and that as the prevalence of their activities and survival urges come into play, that eventually those neighborhoods will turn into ghettos, and that they establish more and more relations with subject races / peoples.

Today in 2024, Albanians are working more and more with other subhumans than ever, and turning more and more neighborhoods into ghetto slums, and where this also no work opportunity or even safe conditions for family or living, etc.

There are of course many different groups of undesired races within Europe all over, some who are also from Islamic Nations. In parts of Europe, you have Pakistanis all kinds of other groups, maybe even undesirable Syrians and even people who may claim to be from Syria or some country, but who actually obtained a fake identity and are of a completely different race.

For example, in America, a lot of the so-called "Mexicans" who come across the border in some cases, are not even necessarily mexican in all cases, but may be either El-Salvadorian, Guatemalan, Venezuelan or Colombian, and they had sought to come up to seek "refuge" under a fake identity, because of having to travel through Mexico to get to the US border, or from some other illicit activities.

Even the Mexican people dislike this ongoing problem, yet have very little control over it, since the US is the "Top Dog" in all the chaos and problems that come from these issues, including the instability imposed on these countries.

As more and more of these Western business owners and people on the verge of retiring and what not continue to leave, you will see much more available capital dry up, and basically anything left worth living for to experience will also dry up in the process.

A lot of Baby Boomers are also retiring between now and 2031 which is the end period for it, and because of that, it also means a lot of the living standards and commercial activity will also evaporate.

Because of how selfish the Baby Boomers were in squandering their wealth, they left little to no operating room or inheritence for younger generations to take over the Horse's saddle, so-to-speak, and yet at the same time expected their children to bring more children into this world while not having a stable basis for doing so.

You should expect to see a future of tons of worthless or even dilapitated buildings which may be boarded up and not put to any use, or if they are put to use, they will be bought and used by someone or some entity which is of absolutely no interest or use to Normal, Civilized Caucasian People.

Services and even the types of Employees you will find at any place you frequent, you will find that the quality of service becomes abysmal, along with the types of personalities and low intelligence of the workers at such places.

Much of these conditions are already under way in most European and American city centers.

A few years ago, when I had published the warnings and fate which is to come not only to America but also to England, I was laughed and mocked at even by some British Nationals, who were in total disbelief that Britain had any political connections or involvement with America and also were in disbelief that Britain would be affected by anything, and even bought into the whole "BREXIT" nonsense.

BREXIT was always just a smoke and mirrors event, it really means nothing, for anyone who looked int othe full terms of it.

These same British Nationals who would laugh at me and troll me on, are now suddenly "silent" and  never hearing a peep from them in many months over a couple of years at least now, as they see the conditions of England are worsening beyond belief, and that even long-standing businesses which have been operating for well over 100 something years in many cases, are now shutting their doors forever.

Public Trust everywhere will continue to deteriorate, and as more of these "better" Men also opt for the suicidal route, there will be less and less framework for Men to unite on any grounds even for just fraternal reasons of interest or to build a local community away from the Urban life and problems.

As it is, Men in the West are absolutely screwed and have their limbs "cut" from them without even realizing it, because their coward nature has allowed Feminism, Big Government and the other conditions that exist in the Western Society including improper treatment in the workforce, to "silence" them, and to a point where Men do not generally keep lines of communication or activities with other Men open.

On the other hand, Women are more communicating with other Women constantly, and it's now Women in these countries who have all the insider knowledge and communications or execution of command that Men once "used to have".

You will be very shocked at how fast these conditions worsen. Perhaps in your area they have already become really bad like this, but they are about to worsen even much more exponentionally.

The most insane part about this, and proof of how much the West's doom is completely inevitible, is that even a "Caucasian Foreign Male" can get more Social Acceptance / Tolerance or Inclusion in an Asian country, even while Asians still see non-Asians as a foreigner, compared to how the West treats these Caucasian Men.

That is also another reason why Men are moving to Asia, outside of just chances to meet foreign brides, however I still advocate against it for a whole host of reason and the risks entailed by being on Foreign Soil in which these peoples may opportunistically only desire to befriend someone, and that in an event of political turmoil and war, how one's very existence can be threatened.

The point is, however, is that Caucasian Men going to these countries, are living or experiencing what type of treatment Men "used" to be able to get back in the 1990's and earlier in the West.

In these Asian countries, or even in Latin America, Caucasian Men are being invited to parties and gatherings or for other events, whereas for the most part now in the West, White Men are completely excluded from society and not invited anywhere, and are shunned, except for the very high upper class, in America for example which was the Upper 19% in the year 2019-2020, and in this year has now become the Upper 3%.

This means that only 3% of the American population, has actual real "status" and these people are considered the movers and shakers or people who make things happen, and whereas the rest of the population are just worthless slaves.

Make no mistake, that are large handful of these Caucasian Men going to foreign countries are also being "used" or "invited" because of perception of his wealth or something he can offer, the fact is that this precedent exists in any form there in those countries, while it is absolutely non-existent in the Western countries, especially Anglo-Saxon countries.

In that statement, I am not counting the fact that most American people are in general useless and worthless, as most are NPC's, however the faction of the people in America who are not NPC's, are almost surely for the most part, not part of the Upper 3% Crust of Society.

The responsibility for this damage, the fact that these conditions exist, are absolutely owed to the combined existence and influence of Anglo-Saxons and Celts who have forged this reality and through their own greed, have permitted society to become this insane and degenerate, even selling their own people out or other Europeans to a degree that all other peoples on earth would never dare permit the same in their own nations.

This is the formation grounds for a Banana Republic, and what is absolutely remarkable about it is that the average American is so dumbed-down, brainwashed and out of touch with reality, that they do not see how they are becoming like these other countries where the Top 1% owns everything, rules everything, and the 99% of people become turned into useless peasants.

The 90's and earlier by no means were without issue, and the problems we have today, also existed then, but the difference was there was something else still left compared to that.

Now, all we have are these problems, and there is no juice left to squeeze out of the West for any valuable kind of life.

A Western Man who lives a peasant life in Asia who is not permitted to officially own property, can Earn more and Live more freely and even have a girlfriend or wife, and this is absolutely absurd.

As I've stated in the past, I have no interest at all to survive for any reason on this Earth past 2030.

It's far too gone already. It doesn't take rocket science to even imagine to what degree the West will be conquered and easily taken over. What bothers me most is that I have the energy and desire to do something, but that is not the case with the overall society, so nothing can be done, as such.

There is no point for someone to go out in society and try to make some worthless effort toward something or someone, when everyone is out to destroy it and use you.

Even Hitler in his writings from decades ago, had often times spoke of conditions which basically would render life utterly meaningless and pointless to live, and many of the conditions he warned about which would be of those type, exist today all around us.

In addition to these opportunistic hyenas which are replacing the Men who depart, you can also know that these subject peoples also have an even more outrageous drive in them to reproduce and propgate their own kind to take over than even average, ordinary citizens. You will also see the effects that the demands and pressures and influence of their own children having as they grow up and need to be part of society has, on your locale.

But I will like to also remind you just the same, that as conditions worsen, do not expect a revolution to take place or that people of the West will revolt in any meaningful way. It will not happen. You will hear lots of talk about not taking things anymore or uprising against it, but it's all just that... Talk.

The more talk about it you will hear, that means that the less and less it is actually happening.

You will learn this hard truth that NPC's cannot engender anything on their own.

Things will get so bad and you will hear how upset and in shock people are about it, but out of that, there will be no will that arises to challenge it whatsoever.


  1. The West is finished, and the majority of the NPCs are clueless....I found a map online that apparently shows the movement of millionaires around the planet; and many millionaires are leaving countries like the UK to go to countries like the UAE, Singapore, USA e.t.c.:


    The USA is also messed up, however it's a large country so you have the opportunity to move to another state if things get too bad where you are located, whereas since the UK is a small overcrowded island, there is nowhere for people here to go, other than moving abroad.

    So in the cucked UK, the millionaires and people with enough qualifications and money saved up, are fleeing this shithole country, while at the same time the country is being invaded by tens of thousands of negroes/Muslims every month...

    The retarded, obnoxious Western white women are in for a rude awakening, whereas the stupid weak white men put up with their bullshit for decades, the blacks and the Muslims will not tolerate this kind of behavior. The rapes, gang rapes and beatings of the stupid western white whores, will go through the roof in the next couple of decades.

    1. @Alex, Correct! All the Millionaires and people who run businesses of any level who even have anything remotely decent to offer, are moving out of these countries. They see the writing on the wall, plus, many of them know how easy it is to start up a business elsewhere.

      In the West, Western People are all to eager to pay all these Taxes, Regulation Codes and Fees, Licensing or Inspection Fees along with other ridiculous costs, and will try to guilt-trip anyone who barks about these things and wants to not pay them.

      Your average Western person will claim that you are just "Lazy, Irresponsible" or want to engage in running a business "recklessly".

      Meanwhile, in Asia, a business owner, even as a foreigner, has more rights, privileges, and without all the regulation hurdles that the west imposed, to run a business.

      Now, I do not "support" that this Globalization model exists like that, but it is quite telling just how much the West has been in spiritual decay for a long time and has become complacent and tolerant of everything they have.

      It's the same reason why buildings go up almost overnight in countries like China or the UAE. Look at how clean the streets are, how efficient and well-run everything is in the UAE, granted it's an artificial country and was built on some very sketchy "money". But the fact is, they are not governed by all these hurdles and high operating costs, including insurance. I think in the UAE, you can even get PAID to open a business there, with how desperate they were to grow it as a country! And even get almost everything free.

      Not sure if that's still the case, but it just goes to show how much of a joke economy and commerce is, and while Western Boomers want to brainwash their children into thinking they are "entitled" at every turn, even while if someone works, they get punished for working here.

      In China, Intellectualism and Work is actually taken pretty serious, unlike the West at this time. It's still part of the NWO, but it just goes to show you what a world's difference that Western people live in, and how far behind teh times they are.

      As the more wealthier people leave and choose to open businesses in Thailand, China, or maybe Brazil or something, you will see just how much more empty, boring and chaotic everything will become in the West.

      It angers me how much people in our countries have become so "frozen in time" and cannot for the life of them accept how things actually work in the world "out there".
      , while in Asian countries.

      I really enjoy your comments a lot, they are like a breathe of fresh air for me to read to see that we still have some iron thinkers out there, because mostly everyone these days is just indifferent or don't want to be bothered to talk about uncomfortable and grim subjects.

    2. @Alex, What's also really telling about Germany and America today, is that the people in these countries especially, all think that if you have a problem with or desire not to pay any kind of insurance, especially for running a business, that you are a "selfish entitled asshole" who is running a reckless operation and has no compassion for his workers or neighbors, when in fact, Insurance is one of the biggest forms of a racket out there!

      I don't see any end at the light of the tunnel for them giving up this mindset either, even as the Nations facts bankruptcy and starvation. It just totally makes me sick.

      All the philosophies, ideas and values that Western people believe in today are fraudulent, obsolete, useless and totally worthless and retarded. That's why it needs to collapse.

    3. Quite frankly, it would be a good idea to learn Arabic/Russian/Chinese because the BRICS nations seem to be doing much better than the West, and will be the countries where someone could escape the coming collapse of the West. In the East they actually value intelligence and there is more meritocracy in those societies than in the corrupt West.

      There is no meritocracy in the West anymore, now days it's all about hiring the most 'diverse candidate', instead of the best candidate. I've lost count of the number of jobs and opportunities I've lost in the cucked UK, because I didn't fit the manager's 'diversity criteria' i.e. I wasn't the right race, gender or religion.

      A perfect example of that are the beauty pageants, an unattractive west African woman won the title of 'Miss Universe Malta 2024'...It's an absolute joke....

    4. @alex those pageants are a joke overall it’s all below average women who wear fake eyelashes and look like some fucking tranny. As for white women they are done for most gen z white girls look manly in the face anyway and the bulky black women love to guide white women on how to be the biggest slut bags.

    5. @JunkieAmerican it's funny how they're called beauty pageants but the women aren't even attractive themselves.

    6. @rey it’s hilarious those women aren’t even average but below average seems all rigged to me.

    7. @JunkieAmerican I feel like the whole world is rigged.

    8. Everything is indeed, all rigged now. Take it from me. In the past, many things were rigged, but not ALL things. But now, every thing is rigged. People are not the same whatsoever.


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